
Anyone ever try Schwalbe Racing Ralph tires?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I can get a set for a good price and am told they work well. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks......jdcamb


Apr 4, 2002
Never tried them but I'd sure like the opportunity. I've heard nothing but good about them.


2 things I know about schwalbe tires. I have some fast freds and your bike will fall over just sitting they have so little traction. I had some blizzards on the road bike and they ride nice, but lasted less than 1,000 miles on the back. Way less I think since I rarely ride the road bike. Not first hand, but I hear the knobs tears easy. They are lite and soft.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
I have been running Racing Ralph's (with Stan's) now for almost 8 months, also I did the Ouachita Challenge on them. They are great tires, excellent cornering traction, B-B+ traction for climbing in loose small (marbel sized) stuff. I have not noticed any knobs tearing off (Arkansas has some very rocky trails) or excessive wear.

They are great tires I would recommend them.

jdcamb, what kind of deal are you getting on them, just curious?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Andyman_1970 said:
I have been running Racing Ralph's (with Stan's) now for almost 8 months, also I did the Ouachita Challenge on them. They are great tires, excellent cornering traction, B-B+ traction for climbing in loose small (marbel sized) stuff. I have not noticed any knobs tearing off (Arkansas has some very rocky trails) or excessive wear.

They are great tires I would recommend them.

jdcamb, what kind of deal are you getting on them, just curious?
How would you compare them to say a Conti Vertical Pro? I am getting them for shipping from Ontario and a lawn seat to the Dead because my Buddy bought them and hates them. He is going back to Kenda Nevegals?? I am getting the hookup I know.....jdcamb


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
It just so happens that I ran Conti Vertical Pro's for 3 months before I got the Racing Ralph's.

The RR's corner about he same or better than the Vertical's, the RR's have less climbing traction in loose to semi-loose conditions as compared to the Vertical, but the RR's have less rolling resistance and are lighter.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Andyman_1970 said:
It just so happens that I ran Conti Vertical Pro's for 3 months before I got the Racing Ralph's.

The RR's corner about he same or better than the Vertical's, the RR's have less climbing traction in loose to semi-loose conditions as compared to the Vertical, but the RR's have less rolling resistance and are lighter.

Have you ever run a Hutchinson Scorpian? If you have how would they compare to that? Thanks for the feedback by the way.....jdcamb


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
No prob dude, glad I can help.

I have never run Scropions, but I have run pythons (if that is any help). The RR corner way better than the Pythons, have about the same volume and seem to accelerate faster (I will say that when I was running my Pythons I was running them with tubes). Anyway, I hope that is some help.

What are the trail conditions you will be running them in?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Andyman_1970 said:
No prob dude, glad I can help.

I have never run Scropions, but I have run pythons (if that is any help). The RR corner way better than the Pythons, have about the same volume and seem to accelerate faster (I will say that when I was running my Pythons I was running them with tubes). Anyway, I hope that is some help.

What are the trail conditions you will be running them in?
In any and all. I don't change tires for conditions anymore ($$). Mostly hardpack this time of year. I want a fast tire that is OK when it gets wet as it does around here a lot. Some roots and rocks mixed in. Typical east coast condition basically. Thanks again...jdcamb


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
The RR's do great on hardpack, but are not great in the wet (think ice skates), they do better on damp rocks than damp roots.

With the sandy soil we have here in AR, the water drains real fast (typically) and most trails tend to be hardpack with rocks, some roots, and loose sandy sections. On hardpack these tires rock, it's almost scary how far you can lean them over.

Anyway, I hope this is helpful.