
Believe it or Not? Meeting, Riding, and Drinking with 4 mountain bike chicks!


Jul 23, 2001
Broomfield, CO
Ok, so I just had to post this, plus I told them nobody would believe it, so here goes....sorry it's so long...

It's 5:30 and I look out my office window in Golden and it's just dark outside. :( I decide to bag the ride and I get halfway to my car when I think, "I haven't ridden in almost 4 weeks, don't be a wuss!". So, I head back in and change. Since it's been a while, the weather looks crappy, and I just want to ride, I head to Mathew Winters since it's 5 minutes from my office.

As I pull into the parking lot I see four ladies (ie, mountain bike chicks) waiting to cross the road to head up Dakota Ridge. Now, I must admit that this took me by suprise a little, but hey, it's nice to see girls on bikes! :devil: Anyway, I get ready and head up Dakota Ridge. Just before I get to the road, where you drop down the steep rock wall, I caught up to them. The last one is just getting off her bike and is walking down. I wait until she's clear and ride down the section, say a quick hello and continue on my way.

At the road, I stop to relax for a bit and the ladies catch up. We talk for a minute and then they continue on. A minute or so later I continue as well. The next section is a little technical and I catch up to them and actually make it through without putting a foot down. One of them says something and the next thing I know all four of them are cheering me up this section. :thumb: Ok, I've been mountain biking for 12 years and this has NEVER happened to me before. I stop at the top and we all start talking. Turns out they have a group that rides once a week and the group ranges from 2-12 with 20 on the email list, all female! Ok, I'm sorry but if I ran into a group of 20 mountain bike chicks/ladies/girls on a trail I'd either pass out our ask one to marry me on the spot! :heart:

Anyway, they let me go down Dakota Ridge first and I head into Red Rocks and up toward the Morrison Slide. I get just past the second road and stop for a minute and before I even catch my breath they have caught up again. 3 pass me and then I start up the climb. About halfway up I pass them and countinue up to the junction and I go right, up the little climb. I get to the top and they are right behind me. We talk some more and they decide to continue on the low road and I head back down and then up the Morrison Slide. It's been and intersting ride so far, but with the pace they are setting I don't expect to see them again. :(

I finish my ride and reach the parking lot, feeling so good that I decided to ride. It was actually perfect out....overcast with just a little breeze and not too hot. I'm putting my bike away and one of the ladies pulls up and says they are going to the Morrison Inn for drinks and I'm welcome to join them. Well, I don't know about you, but I didn't have to think too hard about that one. Plus my sister in law would have taken my head off if I told her I didn't go! Self preservation is a wonderful thing! :D

I meet them at the Morrison Inn, we order some margs and get to know each other over the next hour and a half. Heres a quick recap of what I learned... One insists she is NOT a lesbian, athough various conversations make me skeptical. :nope: One has a sweet scar from a fall on Bergen, my favorite trail. :love: One tells me about a trip to Moab recently, well actually they all went! :thumb: And, the last tells me she used to autocross her car in addition to being a biker chick. :drool: SWEET!!! After drinks we say goodbye and go our seperate ways.....

For a guy that almost skipped the after work ride today, it turned out to be a pretty damn sweet evening! I not only had a great ride, but I met not one, but FOUR (4) very nice mountain bike chicks, and went and had drinks with them after the ride!!!!!

Believe it or not....that's for you to decide! :D



Oct 17, 2002
If your name was Old_Dude, I'd say BS, but I'll give you the benefit and slap you upside the head for not getting phone numbers :D

Typically, when I honestly don't want to go and force myself... that's when cool things happen. Strange bit of karma/fate/grapefruit


Jul 23, 2001
Broomfield, CO
Squeak said:
I call BS! I call BS!

I was not there so you just made it up. :)
I did NOT make this up! And, if your car hadn't been in the shop we probably wouldn't have gone to Mathew Winters, so does that mean I should thank you? Anyway, that's what you get for not coming along. Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrows ride! :thumb:



Jul 23, 2001
Broomfield, CO
LordOpie said:
If your name was Old_Dude, I'd say BS, but I'll give you the benefit and slap you upside the head for not getting phone numbers :D

Typically, when I honestly don't want to go and force myself... that's when cool things happen. Strange bit of karma/fate/grapefruit
I completely agree! Unfortunately, there isn't a way to test the theory without planning it first! DOH! And, I never said that I didn't get phone numbers, just didn't say I did. :evil:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Dear Penthouse Forum,

Snickryder said:
Ok, so I just had to post this, plus I told them nobody would believe it, so here goes....sorry it's so long...
Believe it or not....that's for you to decide! :D

:devil: :devil: :devil:


Jul 23, 2001
Broomfield, CO
Motionboy2 said:
Yeah...that happens to me all the time... (so what time did you say they ride at Mathew winters...and what days? :D )
The location changes every week, but it sounded like it was always Tuesday night. So, unless we can hack the internet and track them, I think we are SOL! Or, we could have one person at each trail with cell phones and then all bust ass to wherever they show up! :sneaky:

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
It's all becoming clear to me now... the riding, the day of the week, the margaritas afterwards... it's the Tuesday Night Ladies Club! Nice work, friend, we've been tracking them for years...



Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Snickryder said:
The location changes every week, but it sounded like it was always Tuesday night. So, unless we can hack the internet and track them, I think we are SOL! Or, we could have one person at each trail with cell phones and then all bust ass to wherever they show up! :sneaky:

Or, you could call them... :p


Aug 10, 2001
My girlfriend rides with a large group of girls every Thursday on trails near Boulder. I wonder if it's the same group you ran into. The usually do easier rides though since the group is so large the ability range is vast.