
Benny Hinn & Healing

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
What a F'n crock IMO:angry: So I'm board and flipping the channels on the TV and come across this guy who has people on his stage, and getting them to fall over into his assistants arms where these people think they are being cured. What really gets to me is people really believe he could cure people that have these terrible diseses. What also gets to me is people are stupid enough to send him their hard earned money so HE can get richer. This sh*t pisses me off!!!!!! What religion is this guy anyway?:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Lets descuss
He is 'Christian.' I say 'Christian' because while he may believe in the same God and Lord that I do as a Christian, and while he does do plenty of good works, I believe he is very misguided as far as the whole 'healing' thing goes. I've actually met him before, and he's got loads of charisma....but I also just sort of felt, I dunno, a little 'odd' about him, to put it best. Even the Bible says if you want to do good works, or if you want to suffer (this is paraphrasing it), don't beat your chest or any of that....do it in secret, and it will please God that you did it for him only. Sure, Benny Hinn claims to do it all for God and gives Jesus the glory, but I don't think any Christian should jump around like House of Pain and scream and carry on like that. There's plenty of accounts of the 'invalids' walking in before the service and going into rooms and getting 'prepared' and such. I was at one of his rallies a while back (about 8 years ago) and one of the people who was 'healed' left just as unhealed as he was beforehand.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by fourgivn1
To put it more concisely, Brian HCM, you and I are more or less of the same mind about him. I don't think any Christian who is REALLY a Christian should live the lifestyle that he does.
And still this guy has a huge following:confused: It baffles me to no end trying to figure out why. Who was that other numnut? Jimmy Swaggart? The one who got busted with a prostitute? Or Jim and Tammy Faye Baker there is also a couple of real winners:rolleyes:

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Stev Martin did a film about a guy like him

"as evangelist Jonas Nightengale in Leap of Faith.
In a tour-de-force performance, Steve Martin plays Reverend Jonas Nightengale, a slick-as-oil flimflam man who'll trade salvation for a donation to his touring ministry. Jonas knows how to work a crowd and a con, but his works of wonder are done with mirrors and smoke. "

taken from a film review
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
And still this guy has a huge following:confused: It baffles me to no end trying to figure out why. Who was that other numnut? Jimmy Swaggart? The one who got busted with a prostitute? Or Jim and Tammy Faye Baker there is also a couple of real winners:rolleyes:
It's merely a sign of people's individual psychology, and possibly even pathology. People need to believe in something, and if they think that he is curing them, well, let them spend their money. They are adults, they can make decisions on their own, they can drain their bank accounts because no one is putting a gun to their heads.

If anything, I feel sorry for the people who follow "healing" evangelists like that.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Originally posted by LeatherFace

It's merely a sign of people's individual psychology, and possibly even pathology. People need to believe in something, and if they think that he is curing them, well, let them spend their money. They are adults, they can make decisions on their own, they can drain their bank accounts because no one is putting a gun to their heads.

If anything, I feel sorry for the people who follow "healing" evangelists like that.
best example of that was in Repo Man "Son you know all that money we have been saving for your college education? we gave it all to the reverend"

some people just have no common sense


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
I've got a good freind and he is a christian soldier. That's called getting slain in the spirit, when u get hands laid and u start floppin around. Something to do with the holy spirit and christ in your body manifested through this spiritual experience and talking in tongues where you speaking God's language which sounds like garbled nonsense. We both used to get really high together. Now he goes to church, and i ride mountain bikes. He tells me about the bible and his beliefs but i tell him he should get a mountain bike and live life. But he chooses to be wigged out and I respect that, and I have come to accept his kookiness, and slowly he's starting to recognize that i'm not going to follow his path as well. I believe in freedom of beliefs but i will never follow religions. This real nice lady who was a freinds mom told me a story of how she went to a drive thru church a few times. She was a christian but very down to Earth, and we discussed how the original churches were on hilltops are what have you. People sharing their vision. Organized churches and what have you arent necessary to share you spiritual believes/hope/experiences. My buddy one time told me that our discussion on spirituality occured while he was backslidden(not going to church and going against god)and i needed to go to church. I told him i thought that was funny since we had many discussions before and even though we may not have discussed or lived life acceptable to his beliefs now our church was there(so to me we went to church alot of times before). Shared perceptions of what our lives mean and how we see that which noone truly understands(the creator) affecting our life before, now, and in the future. He just shakes his head like I just dont get it, and that's ok because really, truthfully, who really does? I know I have lived a full life(and will continue hopefully!) and remember good people who I have met like my friends mom, she died of cancer not long after that discussion. I think where i'm going ultimately is my view of Bennie Hinn is shared by the majority, he's a fraud and not really worth my time, but fourgiven1 had an encounter with him and even though it wasnt a positive experience wholly there are always gifts/lessons to be pulled from any encounter. My church is ongoing in this thread, please leave donations in your pocket.

Joe Pozer

Mullet Head
Aug 22, 2001
Redwood City
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
And still this guy has a huge following:confused: It baffles me to no end trying to figure out why. Who was that other numnut?

I used to live pretty close to Benny Hinn's church in Orlando and let me tell you, it's like a cult following. The people who attend his church are very secretive when it comes to what occurs inside his church. One time, they did a news piece on him and when they tried to interview church members they literally ran in the opposite direction.

My dad actually knew him because he worked at the bank where Hinn deposited his money and let me tell you, he lives LARGE. Million dollar homes and very fancy cars.
Originally posted by Joe Pozer

My dad actually knew him because he worked at the bank where Hinn deposited his money and let me tell you, he lives LARGE. Million dollar homes and very fancy cars.
But he's doing God's will, so it's all OK.

*ROTFLOL* Obviously I'm kidding. I do hope y'all DON'T associate me w/him by virtue of the fact that he's a 'Christian' and so am I.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Joe Pozer

My dad actually knew him because he worked at the bank where Hinn deposited his money and let me tell you, he lives LARGE. Million dollar homes and very fancy cars.
I figured he lives quite comfortably.

Joe Pozer

Mullet Head
Aug 22, 2001
Redwood City
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
I figured he lives quite comfortably.
That's definitely an understatement. A million dollar home in Central Florida is like having a 10 million dollar home in the Bay Area.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
All those yahoos ,on TV ,I don`t think they should get a tax free deal :angry: :angry: :angry: ,it is so bogus ,and how about L ron hubbard ,the church of scientology ,what a load of crap ,IMO they are all cult every single one ,now don`t think of me as a hater ,I do belive in a higher power ,and positive thinking is good and helping your fellow human is good :cool: :cool: :cool:,but don`t be a hypocrit and say one thing and then do another :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ,and as for the catholics who live the life of fear ,for all the bad things they might do :eek: :eek: :eek: abandon the catholic church and live :devil: :devil:
Send you money to me and I will heal the hot young girls with low self estim


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
My parents took me and my brothers to see Jimmy Swaggart when we were little. It was pretty funny to see him on stage schuckin and jiving, being filled with the spirit, dancing around. Passing around the KFC buckets to pick up the tab for the porn and prostitutes.

Unfortunately, it is something I will never forget no matter how hard I try.



Sep 14, 2001
The reason he has such a royal follwing is that he did yes he did heal alot of people (no joke) but later he started to fake some of em paying people to fake it and it just continued...

Now this guy is totally fake he has fallen for the temptation...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Babar
The reason he has such a royal follwing is that he did yes he did heal alot of people (no joke) but later he started to fake some of em paying people to fake it and it just continued...

Now this guy is totally fake he has fallen for the temptation...
And how did he heal someone? I think its a total crock, and if some disease was cured I think it was more coincedence.