

Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'm dealing with the reverse pretty badly. Up until last year, I talked to my Mom near daily, even if only for 10min and my Dad every weekend. My Dad has been beating the drum that it's fake, that the risk is super low, etc. In July we went to ID to see my grandparents for my Grandpa's 90th bday. (For context, neither of my girls are vaccinated as until last week, they were too young. We've been diligent about wearing masks and only really go without when we're around people who we know are vaccinated. We still wear them even though our county doesn't require it.) Just after we got off the plane my Dad called me to tell me that he wasn't vaccinated. In 40 years, while my Dad and I have had disagreements, we've never really gone "all-in" on a fight. I was yelling at him while we were standing in line at Avis. I don't know if I've ever been that mad at him before or since. We didn't speak a lot during the trip, though I did let me Mom know I was pretty upset with her for not making sure we knew in advance.

That whole shit show was in July. My Mom emailed me about 2 weeks ago asking our plans for Christmas. It was maybe the second time I've heard from them in any form.simce July. I made it damn clear that until he gets or the girls get vaccinated, he's not coming, especially because he refuses to wear a mask in general. She's totally welcome, as she is vaccinated. It took another 8 days to respond to me saying that not getting the vaccination "isn't political; it's about concern regarding efficiency and risk." I still haven't heard back after 5-days when I pointed out that if it was a risk issue, he'd be wearing masks otherwise. Again, I used to talk with her almost daily.

It also makes me furious that his refusal to acknowledge being incorrect is a molehill he's willing to die on. Even if in his head he's figured out that he's wrong, he'll never validate it and get a shot accordingly.

@Avy I go through this whole story because I crossed the threshold of where you are sitting now a few months ago. I finally got to the "tough shit", our priority is under this roof and if you can't accept that then you aren't coming to visit. Tell them it's black or white - test or not coming. It was to be absolutely clear - that if she gets it, she will likely die (sorry to phrase it so harshly). He has to get it through his skull.

I don't know how close you guys are in general, but you might be able to lever that if you are. There are no in betweens with us at this point; I am no longer compromising around the safety of my girls. He has been told as much and my Mom is starting to give him pressure. Tell him it's get it (vaccination or test) or don't come and that is your permanent position. Where does his loyalty lie? To his mom or to political media and what he hears around work? Her life is more important that time spent - end of conversation.
you know i'm of questionable and bad ideas, but have you considered dosing your dad with say, LSD, and then getting him vaccinated? or perhaps just dropkicking him?


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
you know i'm of questionable and bad ideas, but have you considered dosing your dad with say, LSD, and then getting him vaccinated? or perhaps just dropkicking him?
Well, apparently my Mom is laying into him about it, so it's kind of the same thing.

I might let them come out if he gets a test. Wifey is pushing for it, just so the girls can see my Mom.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
So I got Jansen and still got sick, not that I am really feeling sick, mostly pissed off, I try to minimize my chances but nobody at my work did.

Got a bad pain in my left side and would see a doctor about it but not until I am not sick I guess.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
we are back in office 60% of the time as of october 4. vaccines mandatory (with exemptions for actual medical conditions). our company has been offering free on-site vaccinations to any employer, contractor or direct family member free of charge for months. i'm directly aware of 2 people that have been terminated because they refused to get vaccinated. one was a PHD in biomechanical engineering whose entire career was based around a single product he developed while here.

note: i work for a medical device company, and not a small one.

note 2: there was a 4 week grace period after the Oct 4 deadline in which you could get/begin your vaccination. the terminations were effective at the end of october
We have been in office Monday and Friday, but not everyone does and some folks seem to be there all the time. We have had 3 known cases. We have a thermo scanner as you come in and a health survey that has to be done daily.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I'm not sure you do.

Personally I'd start at "is covid real and do you know what it does to the vascular system?"

If you don't get traction there then see y'all on zoom. It's what I've done the last several holidays with my parents tbh.
I'm not sure you do.

Personally I'd start at "is covid real and do you know what it does to the vascular system?"

If you don't get traction there then see y'all on zoom. It's what I've done the last several holidays with my parents tbh.
kidwoo,I have been there on your thought of vascular system. He seems to feel it does not apply to Them as they are Healthy,is what he has said to me many times. It Chap’s my Hide to no end. Thank You for your thoughts,especially asking for Stoney,as I have much to say now from his response.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
A couple of potential talking points that may be of use.

As of today, 7.6 billion doses of the vaccines have been given around the world. There is no mass-die off, no epidemic of side effects. The evidence is getting the vaccine is considerably safer than taking a drive on the freeway.

Another, I think, overlooked fact; The MRNA vaccines lose effectiveness against infection from around 90% down to 60% in around 5 months, (Adenovirus based ones drop slower it start from a lower effectiveness so end up about the same, slightly less) hence the desire for third dose boosters.
However, the data worldwide shows that the efficacy against hospitalisation and serious side effects hardly reduces at all, starting in the high 90s two weeks after your second dose and to the latest data available, it stays up in the 90s so long as we have data so far. This is great news that I feel is often missed.

Finally, we’re having the same issues in NZ, albeit thankfully with a smaller sections of the population. Here there has been a strong focus on taking time to listen to and acknowledge people’s concerns and then focussing on giving people access to (other) people they respect to calmly give evidence that will assuage the hesitant’s concerns. This has been working apparently quite well, although it seems to take a lot of energy, and relies on the existance of such an ‘authority’ figure.

So; listen, acknowledge, offer calm rebuttals once you have the opportunity to research them. Try not to get emotional except when you emphasise their selfishness and the impact it is having on you.

Best of luck. Sorry Rupert Murdoch and the right have fucked up your society so bad.
Allow me a little time to respond,Stoney has shook me up.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
put simply: people who can't see that it's for other people as much as it is about them . . . well, fuck 'em? says a lot about their world view. that's really all it boils down to once you get past all of the bullshit fake side effect excuses, which are always either made up or, if they are about an actual validated effect, are less of a risk than actual fucking covid. we dealt with that this fall at our annual family get together (see earlier in this thread). in the end, one of my wife's cousin's family was basically told not to come because they kept spewing bullshit excuses. fine with me. but then we had to listen to my uncle-in-law apologizing for them in a little speech at the end of the weekend, telling us how hard it was for them not to come, repeating their fake claims and worries. screw that. even if you have worries about your teenage daughters' fertility (their latest fake excuse at the time), the adults could damn well get the jab. but no, they were out living their best life over the past two years.

also for example: our 11yo is super healthy. if he got covid, chances are he'd be fine. we're not really getting him vaccinated to protect him, but for the greater communal good. it's not that hard.
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Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I'm dealing with the reverse pretty badly. Up until last year, I talked to my Mom near daily, even if only for 10min and my Dad every weekend. My Dad has been beating the drum that it's fake, that the risk is super low, etc. In July we went to ID to see my grandparents for my Grandpa's 90th bday. (For context, neither of my girls are vaccinated as until last week, they were too young. We've been diligent about wearing masks and only really go without when we're around people who we know are vaccinated. We still wear them even though our county doesn't require it.) Just after we got off the plane my Dad called me to tell me that he wasn't vaccinated. In 40 years, while my Dad and I have had disagreements, we've never really gone "all-in" on a fight. I was yelling at him while we were standing in line at Avis. I don't know if I've ever been that mad at him before or since. We didn't speak a lot during the trip, though I did let me Mom know I was pretty upset with her for not making sure we knew in advance.

That whole shit show was in July. My Mom emailed me about 2 weeks ago asking our plans for Christmas. It was maybe the second time I've heard from them in any form.simce July. I made it damn clear that until he gets or the girls get vaccinated, he's not coming, especially because he refuses to wear a mask in general. She's totally welcome, as she is vaccinated. It took another 8 days to respond to me saying that not getting the vaccination "isn't political; it's about concern regarding efficiency and risk." I still haven't heard back after 5-days when I pointed out that if it was a risk issue, he'd be wearing masks otherwise. Again, I used to talk with her almost daily.

It also makes me furious that his refusal to acknowledge being incorrect is a molehill he's willing to die on. Even if in his head he's figured out that he's wrong, he'll never validate it and get a shot accordingly.

@Avy I go through this whole story because I crossed the threshold of where you are sitting now a few months ago. I finally got to the "tough shit", our priority is under this roof and if you can't accept that then you aren't coming to visit. Tell them it's black or white - test or not coming. It was to be absolutely clear - that if she gets it, she will likely die (sorry to phrase it so harshly). He has to get it through his skull.

I don't know how close you guys are in general, but you might be able to lever that if you are. There are no in betweens with us at this point; I am no longer compromising around the safety of my girls. He has been told as much and my Mom is starting to give him pressure. Tell him it's get it (vaccination or test) or don't come and that is your permanent position. Where does his loyalty lie? To his mom or to political media and what he hears around work? Her life is more important that time spent - end of conversationzam

I am the Baby of 4,I’m 53. My Father Left Us One Year after coming to CaliforniaI from Sadia Arabia. I was in 3rd grade,I then was molested by my Teacher for 2 years.Back then the teacher would teach multipal Grades. I finally told my youngest sissie I had a secret but she could tell no one. Well,she flipped the fuck out and told my parents. At this point Dad was just about to get on a flight and fly back to Sadia Arabia. However,he had to go with me and Mom to the School District
Board before boarding that plane. It was terrifying for me.There were like 16 of them in a Half Circle,Looking down at me as they asked there questions. Like Pink Floyd with that Mad Judge looking down at you. Mr.Milner was his name,with Buldging Protruding EyeBalls. Dad left as I said and married a 24yr old stuartest from Morroco. My Father worked for Sadia Airlines,which makes me Stoney,a “Airline Brat”. Travel around the World for Free.He never came back or did he take of the Family for years. I say these things because you spoke of your Dad with love and I felt that you were close until this COVID matter. I wish I had what you have.

My Dad Died last year on Dec 16th of covid.He did not get the shot.Still with the Wife from Morroco.I spoke with him and he said he had a masuse come twice a week and work his knees.I pleaded with him to get the shot. He said there is not much infection rate here in Kanas City.So much more to say,but that’s all I got.Stoney,I have to rest.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
we are back in office 60% of the time as of october 4. vaccines mandatory (with exemptions for actual medical conditions). our company has been offering free on-site vaccinations to any employer, contractor or direct family member free of charge for months. i'm directly aware of 2 people that have been terminated because they refused to get vaccinated. one was a PHD in biomechanical engineering whose entire career was based around a single product he developed while here.

note: i work for a medical device company, and not a small one.

note 2: there was a 4 week grace period after the Oct 4 deadline in which you could get/begin your vaccination. the terminations were effective at the end of october
Also med device, and in our all hands meeting last week the CEO stated that it is his personal and the company's belief that every employee should be vaccinated.

There are still accommodations for those who have legitimate reasons, but we had to provide evidence of fully vaccinated status by 10/8 or face termination. Those who can't be vaccinated must be tested weekly or as exposed.

So far I'm don't know of anyone that's taken a stand against such tyranny and exercised their constitutional right to be a self centered asshole. Still doesn't mean I'm going into the office unless I have to, and I appreciate that they aren't forcing the issue. Not going to chance exposing our 2 month old just because someone wanted to see my butt in a chair so they can "manage".


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
@Avy - you need to think about it downstream, not upstream (my situation). The decision is for your son to make regarding your wife/his mom. You need to tell him that this is the situation. That is she gets it, that likelihood of her dying is multiples higher than he or his girlfriend. If his mother's health is not of concern to him, then he needs to reflect on his priorities. It sounds like you really take a planted stand in this situation for her. A visit or her health? Ask him outright.

The risk for my girls outweighs, imho, the benefits of them seeing their gpa. That's where my priorities stand and where I have planted my flag. My FIL came to visit last month and the youngest daughter had a cough. We got her nose swabbed to be safe. Our 3 y/o toughed it out (some crying, but got ice cream) to get tested to see her gpa. I will be talking to my parents today, because by chance it's my bday. I will be bringing up that as long as he gets a 24hr test before he comes and another after he gets here (because of the flight), I'll be fine with it, but mask on inside until then - tough shit otherwise.

If you son and his GF are hesitant to get tests, ask what the concern is? Are they concerned that they might be sick and it will cancel the trip? If that's the case, why would they want to bring that to his Mom anyways? It's literally a swab to the nose. Acknowledge that if they don't want to get the vaccinations, that's their choice, you don't agree because you love them and want them to stay healthy. But again, it's their choice, you are just concerned about them because you care so much about them (positive-negative-positive; sales 101), but not getting tested is just adding a risk to Mom and that should be everybody's primary concern when it comes to getting family together.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I'm going to ask my Rx if I can get a booster, apparently it's a vax free-for-all out here in the wild CO.

ps: also, I'll see about 33% of my family over the holidays because of some not being vaccinated, and the elders in the fam all having multiple health issues and telling them "we'd love to see you, but you have to be vaccinated" and them saying 'sorry we can't make it'.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
I'm going to ask my Rx if I can get a booster, apparently it's a vax free-for-all out here in the wild CO.

ps: also, I'll see about 33% of my family over the holidays because of some not being vaccinated, and the elders in the fam all having multiple health issues and telling them "we'd love to see you, but you have to be vaccinated" and them saying 'sorry we can't make it'.
IMO, family visiting? If they are not vaccinated, it's a hard pass. See you next life.

Even now, two years in. This shit is not to be trifled with.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I'm going to ask my Rx if I can get a booster, apparently it's a vax free-for-all out here in the wild CO.
You don't even need to ask. Just sign up for appointment. According to the official CO booster eligibility page:

You should get a booster dose if you:
  • Are 65 years old or older.
  • Live in a long-term care facility.
  • Are 18 to 64 years old and at high risk of severe COVID-19.
  • Are 18 to 64 years old and at high risk because of where you live or work.
Colorado’s prevalence of COVID-19 makes the state a high-risk place to live and work.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
I met a couple in the campground yesterday he is retired air force. His wife was an ICU nurse. She caught Covid early in the epidemic before vaccines. She survived but the virus damaged her brain function leaving her with the mental capacity of a child. So fucking sad. Fuck Trump


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
Pfizer booster and flu shot yesterday @1100. Last night the alternating sweaty/hot/chills started around 10P.M. Bad headache and weird sinus congestion. Ugh. Not a pleasant sleep. Up and moving around, but not planning on doing much today.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Well, apparently my Mom is laying into him about it, so it's kind of the same thing.

I might let them come out if he gets a test. Wifey is pushing for it, just so the girls can see my Mom.
Show your dad the Herman Cain Award reddit.
Its full of antivaxxers who died of covid. Hundreds, maybe thousands of detailed covid journeys on facebook.
From antivax shitposting and covid isnt real memes, to "caught the rona, am in UCI now... prayer warriors please unite" to "xxx was a great person, now he dead" and then "please help, xxx got no insurance. GoFundMe here".

Can be pretty gruesome too. They truly post everything on facebook.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Has anyone been following Kyle Warner's story?

It got some traction in the Pinkbike comments on a completely unrelated item here:

I just looked it up and can't find any discussion on any webpage that isn't also pushing flat earth and chem trails.

The original video is even from a doctor of youtube citing pay to play publication journals on ivermectin (which he coincidentally sells)

At least the video is kyle talking himself. The 'analysis' pages can probably be ignored.

edit: whelp, I'm out. Looks like ole kyle is now part of a 'movement' that looks a whole lot like some other things going on right now........

dude has spent his entire adult life marketing himself on the innernets, looks like a crossover

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Oct 2, 2007
Kyle's story sounds horrendous, but it's of course impossible to know whether this reaction was directly caused by the vaccine, underlying conditions, a combination, and whether or not he would have experienced the same or worse with an actual COVID infection. And I have no issue with him telling everyone what he's gone through, but venturing into "my personal experience is X and therefore public policy should be Y" advocacy...yeah, not great. At the same time, he comes across as a pretty decent guy who is dealing with awful stuff so I do have some empathy.