

Artisanal Tweet Curator
.................really trying hard to not link to the website of his little group he's joined, where he cites the blatantly flawed VERS system as "data", bags on faucci, and gives a weepy melodramatic recount of a voluntary vaccine in the context of the fucking pledge of allegence.........................

This country sucks. The vultures waiting in the wings to monetize legit bad situations are definitely not helping
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Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2010
I just looked it up and can't find any discussion on any webpage that isn't also pushing flat earth and chem trails.

The original video is even from a doctor of youtube citing pay to play publication journals on ivermectin (which he coincidentally sells)

At least the video is kyle talking himself. The 'analysis' pages can probably be ignored.

edit: whelp, I'm out. Looks like ole kyle is now part of a 'movement' that looks a whole lot like some other things going on right now........

dude has spent his entire adult life marketing himself on the innernets, looks like a crossover

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I guess I didn't realize just where this had gone for him. Both his health condition and his stance on vaccinations are tragic.

Edit: was boosted last Friday, spent the weekend in the post-vax hangover.

Edit 2: Oh man, he's connected with RFK Jr. due to this? Nope, just nope. Yikes and a f**k that from me, dawg.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Jack Nyce was a 17-year employee of the department.

“He loved being a cop,” his widow said.
Except for the whole "serve and protect" part, obviously.

And one would think, that a cop from, of all places, San Francisco would understand the dangers of an unchecked virus.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
@Avy - you need to think about it downstream, not upstream (my situation). The decision is for your son to make regarding your wife/his mom. You need to tell him that this is the situation. That is she gets it, that likelihood of her dying is multiples higher than he or his girlfriend. If his mother's health is not of concern to him, then he needs to reflect on his priorities. It sounds like you really take a planted stand in this situation for her. A visit or her health? Ask him outright.

The risk for my girls outweighs, imho, the benefits of them seeing their gpa. That's where my priorities stand and where I have planted my flag. My FIL came to visit last month and the youngest daughter had a cough. We got her nose swabbed to be safe. Our 3 y/o toughed it out (some crying, but got ice cream) to get tested to see her gpa. I will be talking to my parents today, because by chance it's my bday. I will be bringing up that as long as he gets a 24hr test before he comes and another after he gets here (because of the flight), I'll be fine with it, but mask on inside until then - tough shit otherwise.

If you son and his GF are hesitant to get tests, ask what the concern is? Are they concerned that they might be sick and it will cancel the trip? If that's the case, why would they want to bring that to his Mom anyways? It's literally a swab to the nose. Acknowledge that if they don't want to get the vaccinations, that's their choice, you don't agree because you love them and want them to stay healthy. But again, it's their choice, you are just concerned about them because you care so much about them (positive-negative-positive; sales 101), but not getting tested is just adding a risk to Mom and that should be everybody's primary concern when it comes to getting family together.
stoney,I have been at this matter since the first shot was produced with him. It took a year for this to even become a matter. When the shot came out I never thought that he would not take it? We are very tight,I taught him to be Honest,Always have a Good Attitude,even when it Hurts. To Always look a Man in the Eye when you Speak,and Shake with a Firm Grip. To Never strike a Women and Always open the Door and be an Old School Gentlemen. Yes Mam,No Mam,that is me Stoney,and he has Made Me So Proud I could Spit. We used to have dinner 1,2 weekends a mounth. He is a Butcher. He brings the Meat. We BBq as I have taught him well on the grill.We Smoke High Grade Weed and he drinks good beer as I sip the cheap beer,not cause I’m cheap,cause I like cheap piss water beer I reckon? Coors regular that is Stoney,00 or Double O as I call it.Two 0’s in Coors. After a Wonderful meal we would watch a movie and he always falls asleep because of his hours at work. 4am start. He never could make a movie.He was at the time working 7 Days a week,the 2 days he had off was with a Private Butcher. Cash on hand. I got him that job.He shined like a star,he no longer works there,no fault of his. When he went back to work ASAP after COVID,the shit hit the fan. Nobody came back to work,and they wanted the same production. My Boy took it upon himself to produce what cannot be produced. He made it just about a year and no more. He is now on mental leave. Just going back coming up. End of Nov. I think the State of the World has shook him up,God only knows what he is reading. He is Angry at the Way of the USA. He sais he can no longer stand work,17 years I think and he is second in command. He is working for Whole Foods but I don’t know what he is going to do? He applied for a Plumber and got rejected. To answers your question,neither of them could not answer my question,Why? Just get a swab,but they kept trying to avoid the question,it did not work with Pa. So,I told them they are both Selfish and have not spoken since.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
And one would think, that a cop from, of all places, San Francisco would understand the dangers of an unchecked virus.
no, no one would think that

that force is no different than any other, replete with its own spotty history.

and like everywhere else, SF cops are rarely from, much less even live in the places they maraud and terrorize serve and protect
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Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Ugh another direct exposure for me on Monday....2 periods with the student (flute player). But I am fully vaxed and had my booster more than 2 weeks ago, wear my mask and try to stay more than 6 feet away so fortunately no quarantine for me.

On a more positive note, youngest got her first shot on Monday night (phew) and she couldn't be happier!


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
On a more positive note, youngest got her first shot on Monday night (phew) and she couldn't be happier!
Haley's is tomorrow. Said that only a few kids in her class are planning to (parents) or scheduled to get them.

This shit needs to start killing kids in large scale, especially white ones, before anyone (read (R)) will apparently care.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Haley's is tomorrow. Said that only a few kids in her class are planning to (parents) or scheduled to get them.

This shit needs to start killing kids in large scale, especially white ones, before anyone (read (R)) will apparently care.
DPS, specifically at the elder kids' highly gifted and talented-only school, is a different story. Lots and lots of people in my feed getting their 5-11 year old kids' first shot.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Ugh another direct exposure for me on Monday....2 periods with the student (flute player). But I am fully vaxed and had my booster more than 2 weeks ago, wear my mask and try to stay more than 6 feet away so fortunately no quarantine for me.

On a more positive note, youngest got her first shot on Monday night (phew) and she couldn't be happier!
Do you use those flute mouthpiece bag masks? Saw one of those last year and thought it was ludicrous.