

Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Mask mandates pretty much all lapsing in CO in the next couple of weeks.

Wife and I have used N95's since the outset, considering going the @eric strt6 with P100's.
Yep - school district is dropping the mandate Feb. 18th. Will probably continue wearing mask in public indoor spaces for awhile... until the drop in cases/infection rate gets back to a "reasonable" level...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
My question is how are we going to define reasonable?
"We" aren't gonna - you're gonna have to do that yourself. I'd say once cases/100k locally get 'round 15, I might consider dropping the mask. Then again, I may wait until it's around 5. Time will tell.

Timing on the current drop in cases is going to work fairly well timing-wise for my ski trip to Utah. :D

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
I'm taking care of my ailing mom with a slew of comorbidities and have my own health concerns so I recognize that I am probably the 1% of corn-teen / mask wearing / carry out only for 2+ years and worst of all no "proper pints" at a local brewpub BUT the notion that because people are "tired" of Covid mitigation efforts means Covid is done is a bit troubling.

With 2000+ deaths/day and hospitals still unable to handle non-Covid cases it seems like a strange time to remove mask mandates.

Bozeman is probably 50/50 masking in grocery stores etc. Island Park ID is probably 10/90 -- and I'm the 10 ;)

Meanwhile in the People's Republic of Alexandria VA, the dumb-ass Gov hears from the constituents that didn't vote for him...

Read the room, buddy

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Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I asked the woman behind me at the Market to back away. She was close enough to be able to smell her ashtray breath. She ignored me. I told her in louder voice to back the fuck away from me. At this point she got all Rosey Perez on me. The asset protection guy intervened. Told her to put on a mask or leave. She threw her groceries down and left. They gave me a $10 gift card.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Since nobody but me wears a damn mask in this town anyway...



<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Anybody actually get their tests the Feds were supposed to send out via USPS?

Just ordered more from Jeff Bezzos and remembered I was supposed to get the other ones approximately a long time ago. I hate to think that perhaps our government may be full of inept morons…


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
The parliament lawns have been turned into a swamp, then Barry Manilow blasted at them 24hours a day (interspersed with government "get vaccinated" adverts, and now this.
Someone call the SPCA and make a Cruelty to dumb animals complaint!
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