
Disagreement between RiDurbin and Boogieman



Can't recommend this goof ball. He had a 888 for sale in the classifieds. I told him I would take and I would pay right away if he took Paypal. He wouldn't take paypal, which is fine. Insisted on a Postal Money Order, which is also fine.

I did not haggle, told him I would take the fork. He agreed to sell it to me. It was to late to go to the post office. Told him I would go first thing in the morning and send him a confirmation # along with a copy of the MO.

All was settled. 2 hours later, he tells me he sold it to a local. Luckly I hadn't got the MO yet, or I would have been screwed.

When I asked him what's up, he agreed to sell to me? He came back with a smarta$$ "sorry dude, first come, first serve". An odd statement, since I was first.

Anyway, if you deal with him and aren't local, watch out or you may be waiting 6 weeks for a refund on your Postal MO.


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
I don't think this warrants a bad sellers thread. As a seller I've been in situations where I have done the same. Just because you came first, and claimed you would send the money doesn't mean you would. (I'm not talking about you particularly, just in general.)

I've had people say the same things and then back out.


I don't think this warrants a bad sellers thread. As a seller I've been in situations where I have done the same. Just because you came first, and claimed you would send the money doesn't mean you would. (I'm not talking about you particularly, just in general.)

I've had people say the same things and then back out.
Matt, that is true. Except, I tried to give him paypal, which is the only way, you can get money instantly other the Western Union which is to expensive.

I only needed a little over 12 hours to get the postal money order, and that was only because the post office was closed. If he would have taken another kinda of money order I could have gotten one at a 7/11 or something. He set the requirements, not me. I had actually gone online to see if I could do an online order at USPS.com.

Fortunately for me they do sell money orders online or I'd have been screwed. You ever try to get a refund from the postal service? Just a postage refund take about 2 weeks.

Anyway, I know what you're saying. I've had the same thing happen to me with buyers. But, as I said in the original post, I told him I would send him a confirmation # and a copy of the MO in the morning.
The proper thing to do would have been to tell the other guy, that it was already promised and if I flaked in the morning, he could have first dibs. It's not like he would have lost the sale overnight. I take paypal, but I have taken money orders from people who can't use paypal for whatever reason. But I always set a requirement on time for them to provide me with proof that they sent the money order. This is how you should do it, because yes, there are flaky buyers, who will sit for 2 weeks and never send the money and then say sorry dude, I changed my mind. That's why most sellers bite the bullit and take paypal.

If you as a seller are going to set the rules. You should at least provide the minimum amount of time for someone to complete them. As HE set them, it was basically impossible for me to meet. I wasn't asking for any special treatment, only to give me the minimum amount of time to complete the transaction, subject to HIS terms.

I'm gonna go ahead and stand by my post for now, unless someone can convince me otherwise. Dealing over the internet is tough enough without seller who won't follow their own requirements for purchase.

You shouldn't be told by a seller that you have to buy a money order and then have to worry if he is going to sell the item while you're out buying the money order.

If you think there's a better way, I'm open to suggestions.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't think this warrants a bad sellers thread. As a seller I've been in situations where I have done the same. Just because you came first, and claimed you would send the money doesn't mean you would. (I'm not talking about you particularly, just in general.)
I'd be pissed if someone pulled that on me. If I was told it was sold to me, I expect it to be sold to me.

I think that's a terrible policy. If another person is interested, I say "I'm sorry, but I have someone who has already claimed it, if he falls through I'll let you know."


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
Matt, that is true. Except, I tried to give him paypal, which is the only way, you can get money instantly other the Western Union which is to expensive.

I only needed a little over 12 hours to get the postal money order, and that was only because the post office was closed. If he would have taken another kinda of money order I could have gotten one at a 7/11 or something. He set the requirements, not me. I had actually gone online to see if I could do an online order at USPS.com.

Fortunately for me they do sell money orders online or I'd have been screwed. You ever try to get a refund from the postal service? Just a postage refund take about 2 weeks.

Anyway, I know what you're saying. I've had the same thing happen to me with buyers. But, as I said in the original post, I told him I would send him a confirmation # and a copy of the MO in the morning.
The proper thing to do would have been to tell the other guy, that it was already promised and if I flaked in the morning, he could have first dibs. It's not like he would have lost the sale overnight. I take paypal, but I have taken money orders from people who can't use paypal for whatever reason. But I always set a requirement on time for them to provide me with proof that they sent the money order. This is how you should do it, because yes, there are flaky buyers, who will sit for 2 weeks and never send the money and then say sorry dude, I changed my mind. That's why most sellers bite the bullit and take paypal.

If you as a seller are going to set the rules. You should at least provide the minimum amount of time for someone to complete them. As HE set them, it was basically impossible for me to meet. I wasn't asking for any special treatment, only to give me the minimum amount of time to complete the transaction, subject to HIS terms.

I'm gonna go ahead and stand by my post for now, unless someone can convince me otherwise. Dealing over the internet is tough enough without seller who won't follow their own requirements for purchase.

You shouldn't be told by a seller that you have to buy a money order and then have to worry if he is going to sell the item while you're out buying the money order.

If you think there's a better way, I'm open to suggestions.
I agree that he didn't choose the best way to handle it. PayPal would have been ideal in that situation.

Second best would have been to wait you out (12 hours isn't long) and see what happened in the morning, then go to the other buyer.

But- I can see it from his point too. I'm guessing, that someone showed up spur of the moment or something, and offered to buy his fork. That might not be the way it happened... But, even with your promise to show proof within 12 hours, etc, I would still be thinking, "Hmm... Guaranteed money right now. No chance for it to fall through." You say that it might have still been a solid sale 12 hours later, but sometimes it varies. People need a part for a race/ride/trip, etc, and they need it right then.

I'm just saying that although it would have been best to wait you out, if someone showed up and had cash in hand ready to buy my fork, I would be very tempted to take it.

I also don't think that this thread is warranted. The guy didn't use his best judgement, maybe, but I don't think that makes him a bad seller. He got back to you and let you know that the fork had been sold locally. Sounds reasonably fair.

I dunno, just my 0.02.


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
I'd be pissed if someone pulled that on me. If I was told it was sold to me, I expect it to be sold to me.

I think that's a terrible policy. If another person is interested, I say "I'm sorry, but I have someone who has already claimed it, if he falls through I'll let you know."
That is what I try and do as well.

But, sometimes things can't wait that long. The guy who bought the fork may have needed it to go riding, or maybe he would have changed his mind after he thought about it... Not likely, but I've had people ready to PayPal me money, told them to hold off until I got ahold of the first guy who would supposedly PayPal me by ___, and then a day later when I get back to the second party, they are no longer interested. Then I'm stuck with something that I would have been able to sell.

Its a tough situation.


Matt, one other thing in regards to this not really being a proper post for the bad seller forum.

I'm not trying to flame this guy. But for example, he mentioned to me that he also has a Manitou Travis for sale. Having dealt with him, I wouldn't buy it from him now, even if I wanted a Travis. The purpose of this forum is to inform members of how other members and businesses conduct sales.

If you were considering buying his Travis. Wouldn't you want to know, how he's going to handle the sale? Wouldn't you want to know that he's going to sell it out from under you is he gets the opportunity and that you should be cautious and make sure that you get assurances that you not gonna get back from the bank and find out you got a useless MO in some guy's name that you now wouldn't trust to babysit your cat?

That's the purpose of this post. To let anyone else dealing with him to know what to expect.

By the way, I still have all the emails of our interaction. Everything was crystal clear. Other then he never mentioned it was up for grabs the whole time.


That is what I try and do as well.

But, sometimes things can't wait that long. The guy who bought the fork may have needed it to go riding, or maybe he would have changed his mind after he thought about it... Not likely, but I've had people ready to PayPal me money, told them to hold off until I got ahold of the first guy who would supposedly PayPal me by ___, and then a day later when I get back to the second party, they are no longer interested. Then I'm stuck with something that I would have been able to sell.

Its a tough situation.
Matt, I know what you're trying to say. I'll I can tell you, is if someone doesn't want to deal in a basically decent manner and follow at least the most reasonable of terms, especially when they set them. Then they shouldn't be dealing to the internet.

I mean if its a free for all, how can you possibly deal in a ordered manner. The one that really cracks me up is the guy who says "the first person to paypal payment into my account gets it" Whats that supposed to mean, if 10 guys send him payment before he cancels sale, he's left with 10 payments and one item. Honestly, some people are idiots.

I realize, the temptation to get the cash now. But you have a certain amount of responsibility to the buyer. It's just basic decency and integrity. To few people have it now a days.


Aug 17, 2004
Napa, CA
Matt, I know what you're trying to say. I'll I can tell you, is if someone doesn't want to deal in a basically decent manner and follow at least the most reasonable of terms, especially when they set them. Then they shouldn't be dealing to the internet.

I mean if its a free for all, how can you possibly deal in a ordered manner. The one that really cracks me up is the guy who says "the first person to paypal payment into my account gets it" Whats that supposed to mean, if 10 guys send him payment before he cancels sale, he's left with 10 payments and one item. Honestly, some people are idiots.

I realize, the temptation to get the cash now. But you have a certain amount of responsibility to the buyer. It's just basic decency and integrity. To few people have it now a days.
Fair enough.

I can see it from both perspectives, and I like to think I would do what you had hoped he would, in waiting it out, but I can easily see how someone would jump at cash when it was in the buyer's hand.

I guess, though, taking into account that you were willing to PayPal immediately, you were a serious buyer... Meaning that you probably would have come through the next day at the post office. It would have been good of him to wait it out on you and probably the right and better thing to do.

However, I'm unclear on what is worthy of being in the 'Bad Sellers' forum and what isn't.


Fair enough.

I can see it from both perspectives, and I like to think I would do what you had hoped he would, in waiting it out, but I can easily see how someone would jump at cash when it was in the buyer's hand.

I guess, though, taking into account that you were willing to PayPal immediately, you were a serious buyer... Meaning that you probably would have come through the next day at the post office. It would have been good of him to wait it out on you and probably the right and better thing to do.

However, I'm unclear on what is worthy of being in the 'Bad Sellers' forum and what isn't.
Matt, I think you may be viewing the bad sellers forum as a place where you go to punish a bad seller or to post about someone who rips people off.

Simon, didn't rip me off. However, he didn't deal if a fair and reputable manner. That's all this post is about. If someone is going to buy from him, they can come here and see how my experience was with him. Then they can make an informed decision as if they wanted to deal with him or not. Some may not care, other will. For example, it sounds like you wouldn't have any problem with Simon selling the fork out from under you. Although I'm not sure where you would draw the line. Simon did let me know before I got the money order, only because I wasn't able to acquire one online. Had I been successful, I would have been basically screwed. Since you seem to think what he did was justifiable, suppose it been you instead of me and suppose you managed to get the money order before you found out he sold it. Now you're stuck with a money order with his name on it. Would you be pissed now? If so why? Can't you still see his side? Doesn't the end justify the means? I don't think so. We just have different perspectives.

The other thing is, at no point after we finalized the payment arrangements, did Simon make any attempt to contact me before he sold it to the other guy. He could have easily dropped me and email and said " hey, wait up. I got a local guy coming over to look at the fork and I'd rather not hassle with a long range transaction if possible" Instead he waited until it was sold, so he would have me as a backup in case the other sale fell thru. I don't mind a guy covering his a$$, just not at my expense.

I know your trying to see both sides. But just because you can see his side, doesn't make what he did right. Most wrong things can be justified, depending on your perspective.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
It doesn't seem to me like you actually lost anything in the deal, especially since 888's are a dime a dozen these days. In a perfect world he would have held onto it for you, but quite honestly if I've got a choice between some random dude on the internet who swears on a stack of bibles he's sending a money order tomorrow, and a dude standing in my doorway with a fistful of 20 dollar bills, sorry but the bird in the hand wins.


Mar 31, 2006
Hey RiDurbin dude...atleast I email you right away. I don't think this is a scam.
If I'm scammer...I will wait until you sent the money order.
CHILL dude!


Hey Simon, read thru the posts. I never said you were a scammer. I even specifically say that you did not rip me off.

This is the "Bad Sellers Forum" it's not just for ripoffs. It's so people who deal with you know how you operate. If the moderator feels that it is an inappropriate post, he can delete it. You're a flake and only concerned about yourself. Even now you still don't get it. If someone else deals with you and they read this thread, they will know that when you say it is theirs, go buy a money order, they will know what to expect. You sure as hell aren't going to tell them.

Here's how you should of handled it. Let me know that if a local guy shows up you're gonna sell it to him instead. That way I can verify before I actually purchase the money order that you still have the item for sale. DON'T JUST CONFIRM EVERYTHING THRU MULTIPLE EMAILS, TELL ME TO PURCHASE THE MONEY ORDER AND THEN SELL IT OUT FROM UNDER ME. If you're gonna do that, a least contact me first and tell me to hold up, cause you're gonna try and sell it to a local guy. But NO, you don't want to do that because it would risk your sell with me if the local flakes.

NO YOU DID NOT EMAIL ME RIGHT AWAY. You waited until the guy showed up at your house and paid you the money. Keeping me on backup in case the guy flaked. If you read my posts, you'll see that I tried to actually get a money order online. If I had, I would have been screwed. Fortunately they weren't available.

I haven't mis-stated anything in this post. I still have all our emails. It's just how it happened. People who read this thread can make their own decision about if they want to deal with you are not.

Not sure why you're bothered by this post. You feel you were perfectly justified in what you did and must feel that buying stuff on the internet would work much better if everyone did it your way. I'm sure when you were trying to buy your Chumba F4, you would have loved dealing with other sellers, just like yourself (by the way, it was interesting that you asked guys selling the Chumba's, if they took Paypal, but yet, you do not).

Anyway, I'm totally "chilled " dude, so don't sweat it. Just trying to make potential buyers aware of the way you do business.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
I'd be pissed if someone pulled that on me. If I was told it was sold to me, I expect it to be sold to me.

I think that's a terrible policy. If another person is interested, I say "I'm sorry, but I have someone who has already claimed it, if he falls through I'll let you know."
That's precisely what you do. I recently told a kid who was under age (i.e. needed his Dad to PayPal me the money) that he had until 12:00 Pacific time the next day to get the money into my account. During that time I had a slew of people offer to buy the fork - all of which I told them if it fell through, I would immediately get back to them.

You could have even emailed or called the guy (I always get a phone number) and asked if it would be ok if you sold it to someone locally (if he hasn't already had the M.O. made out). You might be surprised how many people understand. If he says "we had a deal" then you honor it. What if he already had the M.O. made out??

On a separate but related note, if you say "I'll take it, am on my way with cash" don't flake....it wastes the sellers day sticking around and may have caused him a potential sale (this one REALLY pisses me off).


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Yeah I don't know what's up with Boggieman but if you say you're going to do something then stick to it...don't bail later with a punk @ss excuse....D

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Just move on & let it GO>>>>RIDE!
There's someone to avoid doing business with. Thanks for the warning, I now know never to buy anything from you. :rolleyes:

Buyer gets something promised to him, seller sells it out from under the buyer, and instead of an apology he gets a smart-ass remark and a response like the one above.

You're not the first person to try and get out of a lame maneuver with the stupid excise that the guy with the gripe should spend less time worrying and more time riding. It's unoriginal and a lame cop-out.