
valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
good points.

the use of handcuffs i believe addresses the problem of escalation (but not correctly, in my lay opinion)

but when you have limited time & materials and still have to meet 100% success, well, you get headlines like these
There's always, in every police force worldwide, going to be problems with police overstepping their bounds. It's not about a few bad apples though, it's about a system where even people like my WASPY self feel they want to have absolutely nothing to do with the police almost regardless of the circumstances. It must, must, make the police's job harder to have a broad spectrum of the population feeling this way.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch

seems the major issue you have here is that the kid has no self-filtering mechanism or proper understanding of the situation - mainly that he's the cause of it - but the cop does, and policy should be that he kow to the kid's wishes (however undefined, inappropriate, or dangerous to him/others it may be).

did i get that right?
Again, I'm guessing (educated guessing). But I bet the kid was "exercising his right to remain silent". In many/most cases, they avoid eye contact. I envision the cop approaching the subject, the kid averting his eyes. The cop kept trying to get in his face. Kid would keep trying to avoid eye contact. Most likely the only time the kid would lash out is if the cop tried to touch him. Many do not like to be touched especially by strangers. (gosh how odd). All they want is to be left alone in "their world". Given the opportunity, (depending on severity of course), a person with autism will sit in their own little world indefinitely.

So cop likely didn't like the fact that subject would not respond of produce ID or whatever nonsense. And as I said....."taught him a lesson".


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
There's always, in every police force worldwide, going to be problems with police overstepping their bounds. It's not about a few bad apples though, it's about a system where even people like my WASPY self feel they want to have absolutely nothing to do with the police almost regardless of the circumstances. It must, must, make the police's job harder to have a broad spectrum of the population feeling this way.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'm going to ask for a moratorium on "bad apples" posts, unless the second half of the saying is included. Otherwise I have no idea what anyone is talking about.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
In the interest of equal time I would suggest you spend a day volunteering with an autistic kid.
i'm guessing manimal has interacted with a wider variety of the public than you ever will.....maybe even the occasional autistic person.

but continue on with being the persecuted white democrat in colorado springs.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
There's always, in every police force worldwide, going to be problems with police overstepping their bounds. It's not about a few bad apples though, it's about a system where even people like my WASPY self feel they want to have absolutely nothing to do with the police almost regardless of the circumstances. It must, must, make the police's job harder to have a broad spectrum of the population feeling this way.

(not directed at vb)
So if I have a negative perception of the police, it's my fault that I am perceiving it incorrectly?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i'm guessing manimal has interacted with a wider variety of the public than you ever will.....maybe even the occasional autistic person.

but continue on with being the persecuted white democrat in colorado springs.
**** you people

rep this man


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
The fact of the matter is, (again going back to my original post), for obvious reasons, the persecution of kids with autism strikes a bit of a chord with me. The cop was an asshump for what he did. He was wrong. And that makes me angry. And it makes me even more angry that someone would defend his actions.

But as for the rest of it? I admit that I don't have huge amount of respect for the "police profession". Big deal. I'm guessing it hovers around the same amount that manimal has for mine. Amazingly I seem to be ok with that. And if I really wanted to dress it up, I contribute (albeit indirectly), to the putting out of forest fires, EMS, and gasp! Airborne law enforcement! So there...I'm a hero too. Who gives a crap?

And while I don't adhere to the sentiment that goes along with "my taxes pay your salary!".....it doesn't change that tax money is where the salary of a cop come from.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
cool...so now we have to be a psychiatrist too! :thumb: :rolleyes:

add that to the 50 hats the public expects us to wear.

-social worker
-marriage counselor
-track star
-competitive level shooter
-Hazmat specialist
-Bomb technician
-Juvenile counselor
-Admin clerk
-Professional driver
-Public punching bag
-Defensive tactics specialist

all for about half of what a good truck driver can make! who wouldn't want this job!

for the record: an autistic person can whoop your ass just as bad as someone without a social/mental handicap.
You'll have to ad "Home Security Specialist" to the list.

We heard a home alarm going off last summer while we were watching a movie. After we got fed up with the noise, we went to check out what was going on.

Got to our neighbour's house to discover the front door wide open (forced open, splinters on the doorframe and door) and a mess of cables streaming from the TV. I rang the doorbell and called out to see if anyone was home. There wasn't, so I called the Police.

About 10 minutes later 2 police cars drove by, with the house alarm still blaring, then they drove back a couple minutes later. As they cruised by the second time I waved them down.

Walked them over to the scene of the crime and gave them all my info, and my "report" of what we'd discovered, all over the racket of the house alarm.

They asked me how I knew that it was a break-in. I sort of chuckled and motioned to the door, and the blaring alarm. "Just instinct, I guess"

They searched the house and determined the bad guys had gotten away.

They got ahold of the victims (who were about 2 hours away) and informed them that they would be sending a city crew to board up their house, at their expense, for $500. After that, they tested the door and lock to see if it worked. It did, but there was a little play. Still pretty secure though.

I asked why they didn't just lock the house and leave through the garage. This totally befuddled the team of supercops. "How are we supposed to lock the garage door?"

My girlfriend chimed in: "I dunno, just push the button and run out like always?"

The look of "Oh yeah, right..." on their faces was pretty funny.

I guess it would be unreasonable for me to expect them to be a little quicker than that.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
BTW he's white.....

I believe this goes along with what I've been saying.
“I just wanted to go to sleep,” the teenager told the Savannah Morning News, as reported by the Examiner.com. “I sat down on the curb and put my head in my arms, and they stopped me.”
The lawsuit:
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A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
And I'm still waiting for at least one of the people calling me names to somehow justify what the cops did.....something a little better than: "You don't know maaaaannnn....You don't know what it's like!"

The cops were wrong.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
The cops were wrong.
i'd be more inclined to see it this way if this lad were profoundly autistic (if that description can be applied). but since reading your posted article, i'm less sympathetic, mostly b/c it appears he has some modicum of ability to communicate.

but what i know about the spectrum & cognitive abilities can fit nicely into an empty toothpick box with room left over for my scab collection


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I don't get it
Even though your wisdom shines like a bonfire of lead-paint boards from a torn-down house, this is a protest of the Johannes Mehserle verdict, the police officer who shot Oscar Grant in the back during his arrest.

Despite his conviction for manslaughter, people have to party, uh protest.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Even though your wisdom shines like a bonfire of lead-paint boards from a torn-down house, this is a protest of the Johannes Mehserle verdict, the police officer who shot Oscar Grant in the back during his arrest.

Despite his conviction for manslaughter, people have to party, uh protest.
I got that much. It was the relevance I was wondering about.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I got that much. It was the relevance I was wondering about.
Mehserle protesters hate cops
MMike hate cops

Mehserle protesters are ridiculed around the Bay Area
Mehserle protesters are generally ignorant of the law
Mehserle protesters have no real stake but just want to complain
Mehserle protesters want to start trouble but can't handle the consequences

MMike is....


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Mehserle protesters hate cops
MMike hate cops

Mehserle protesters are ridiculed around the Bay Area
Mehserle protesters are generally ignorant of the law
Mehserle protesters have no real stake but just want to complain
Mehserle protesters want to start trouble but can't handle the consequences

MMike is....
Still not seeing the relevance.

Cop beat up kid without provocation
MMike frowns upon that sort of thing
MMike has daughter with same condition
MMike claims a small stake in the matter
MMike hopes like hell the same thing does not happen again to any kid

Law Enforcement supporters seem to think cops can do no wrong. They are just misunderstood.
Scrawny, teenage kid acting weird was OBVIOUSLY high on PCP.
OBVIOUSLY cops had to subdue him for their own safety, despite his trying to "put his head down a go to sleep".

Not even close to the same thing.

And just for ****s and grins, since we're playing this way, **** you sanjuro.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Still not seeing the relevance.

Cop beat up kid without provocation
MMike frowns upon that sort of thing
MMike has daughter with same condition
MMike claims a small stake in the matter
MMike hopes like hell the same thing does not happen again to any kid

Law Enforcement supporters seem to think cops can do no wrong. They are just misunderstood.
Scrawny, teenage kid acting weird was OBVIOUSLY high on PCP.
OBVIOUSLY cops had to subdue him for their own safety, despite his trying to "put his head down a go to sleep".

Not even close to the same thing.

And just for ****s and grins, since we're playing this way, **** you sanjuro.
I would agree excess and unnecessary force was used, and I understand your personal involvement with autism.

But this became a cop bashing thread, which really has no justification.

I lived in big cities with the best police force and the worse (New York and New Orleans). Good and bad are both there, and I rather discuss specific cases, like the one you posted, than say, "Cops suck".


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I would agree excess and unnecessary force was used, and I understand your personal involvement with autism.

But this became a cop bashing thread, which really has no justification.

I lived in big cities with the best police force and the worse (New York and New Orleans). Good and bad are both there, and I rather discuss specific cases, like the one you posted, than say, "Cops suck".
-Rep coming your way if you can't point to the "cops suck" post, or even just a general cop bashing post. There have been far more cop apologists on here than anyone bitching about cops in general.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
-Rep coming your way if you can't point to the "cops suck" post, or even just a general cop bashing post. There have been far more cop apologists on here than anyone bitching about cops in general.
if you mean by 'suck' to be 'create negative air pressure with their mouth', i would agree

otherwise i would point you to 1/2 of silver's posts (the other half decrying pedophile priests, which would be met w/ the "witty" rejoinder of "but i repeat myself")