
((( First frost hereabouts )))

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, friends! I've got a four hour drive home and Wife is in no hurry to get going. If it was up to me, we'd have hit the road 30 minutes ago. Hmph. Got shit to do at home!!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Worked 5-10 pm, physically at work unlike most of these shifts these days.

Shall do a Power Zone proper ride today as HRV has recovered and otherwise lounge about.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
I saw this guy tooling out towards the foothills the other day, and was curious about the solar panels.

I'd prefer the "beer-powered" version myself but YMMV


Fourzan and Redding got their bikes tuned up at Owenhouse Cycling, then took a tour at the Bozeman Brewing Company.


Man on solar-powered bike stops in Bozeman on 6000-mile journey



Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Raining harder than it has in a year. That's not saying much cause it hasnt really rained in a year.

We got out and did some trail maintenance without Deputy Fife shaking his finger at us. Win. Rode my single speed almost 8 miles. No weird pain or regrets today. That is also classified as a win.

Now to eat coffee cake and sort through the garage/storage shed mess.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
More garden work on a mild sunny day. Besides biking it's my favorite workout. Not a huge yard buy plenty of things to do. Plus many more projects I can start when I get bored.

First gym day. Hour ride on the spinning bike and a little kettlebell lifting to strengthen the shoulder.

I think the shoulder is strong enough to ride the mtb again but will confirm with the PT tomorrow.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Neighborhood Halloween party last night. Adults only, and outdoors. Won funniest costume with the wife (bacon and eggs). Met some new neighbors, had too many beers, stayed out later than expected.

Hangover morning and didn't get out the door for dh laps until 11, just was well temps were just breaking 50 at the base of the mountain when I arrived at 12:30. Conditions were great. Highlight was going past a line of about 10 fanny pack enduro bros all lined up to check out a 5 foot drop. Hit that drop and the drop after it. See ya.

Home now to warm up, beers, dinner, then hot tub once the kids are in bed.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Ugly storm rolled through town, power is out. Generator running, getting everything with a battery getting charged and watching some episodes of community while my neighbors listen to my generator in the dark.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
judging by the sounds keeping me up all night, tons of rain, 2-3 powerpoles, whole lot of snow, then rain, sounded like a tree, probably that was a landslide in the distance, and now can't see across the street it's snowing so hard

I love how they keep these highways open overnight when they know this shit is happening


I know it's pretty common in WA state in winter but we're talking about californians here

there's at least one tesla under that, guaranteed


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
judging by the sounds keeping me up all night, tons of rain, 2-3 powerpoles, whole lot of snow, then rain, sounded like a tree, probably that was a landslide in the distance, and now can't see across the street it's snowing so hard

I love how they keep these highways open overnight when they know this shit is happening

View attachment 166575

I know it's pretty common in WA state in winter but we're talking about californians here

there's at least one tesla under that, guaranteed
now if everything catches fire again i'm pretty sure that's an apocalypse


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I usually bake them off slow in the oven with a rub, (and tug?) and then finish on the grill…
(sometimes I’ll bake off the day before, then they grill super-quick if people are waiting for them)
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