
First week of weights


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Okay, so my "official" off season training started yesterday. So far, so good. I have never been one for lifting weights, except when they forced me to when I played volleyball. Last night, I conquered the gym. I did 7 different exercises mostly 3 sets of 25 reps. JOJO, you'd be proud!!

My observations:

I hate squats because you have to wander over into the scary part of the gym where all the big dudes are.

Why do they put the weights on the second floor, my legs were shaking as I tried to get back downstairs.

Those Lifecycle thingies suck. I used one for 10 min to warm up before the weights and those bikes are awful!

OK, so who else started their training? BMXman, you mentioned this was your week too, how's it going??
I'm back in the weight room myself (starting this week he, he).

Leg day was it? Just do what I do when you hafta go to the side of the gym with the guys...... look mean and act like you don't care and don't take any $hit from anyone. gggrrrrr.

Actually, I think you'll find that most of the BIG MEN don't care about you and some may even be polite.

Yesterday was chest and triceps, oh man do they hurt.

Spinning tonite (hopefully) and shoulders tomorrow (my favorite).

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Heh heh heh...shaking legs. I am all too familiar with that. My gym puts them on the 4th floor though. Very painful walking down those stairs after a hard leg workout.

Squats are the single best exercise you can do for your body. Don't worry about the big, scary guys. They are thrilled to see a chickie wander over near them and workout. :D Those guys are harmless. Just pretend like you own the place and you'll fit right in.

I can't say I've "started" my training. I have been working out with weights for about six years now. But recently, I have really began to hit them hard. I moved my belt up one notch today. You can see the old, worn line on the hole I use to use. :D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk

Spinning tonite (hopefully) and shoulders tomorrow (my favorite).
I thought tomorrow was legs day, shoulders on Thursday. Eh...whatever. Actually, Thursday might be better for legs after two straight days of cardio. Rest Friday, back/biceps Saturday.



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk

Actually, I think you'll find that most of the BIG MEN don't care about you and some may even be polite.

Last night I swear I heard them all growling when I stepped into "their area"! :D Actually, I didn't do squats last night, I was just scoping the rack out for Wednesday. The one that got me the most is the Lat Pulldown, those muscles do everything! I need to find a workout partner though.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Heidi

I need to find a workout partner though.
Drag CG along! It helps to have a partner. You can push harder and use more weight when you have someone with you, plus you are less inclined to miss a workout. MBC and I train together. Come to think of it, we do everything together. Except golf. That's MINE.


Monkey Flirt
Aug 1, 2001
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk

That's because golf is STUPID.


I use free weights at home. I need to work on a routine.
I need to work different muscle groups on different days.
I get better results.
We have a gym area at home and the front wall is a mirror. I like that b/c I can watch myself and check form. AND I can play music I LIKE :)


Some interesting things I've discovered about strength training:

1 - There are no studies showing any more "fat burn" from exercise on an empty stomach, than from exercise at any other time relative to eating. Fat loss is a result of burning off more calories
than you consume on average. Period.

2 - For me, a home gym makes more sense - cheaper (long run), closer to home (duh), no waiting, no residual bench goo left from who knows having done who knows what (or who?), my music doesn't suck

3 - Doing the exercises properly is important: Always contract your muscles during the eccentric phase of an exercise - always let the weight down smoothly & slowly. If you don't you're simply wasting your time.

4 - Go to the gym with a plan - I always use a gym journal - inspirational and helps me make the most out of a workout - get in, do it, get out. Really helps with setting and achieving goals and staying motivated.

5 - If you're on the road a lot, like me, and hate going to the gym, read the following (substitute "running" for "mountain biking", if you want):

Runner's World
October 2001
Page 28, Title "No Gym Required", Four exercises do the job just fine, thanks. Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., fitness research director at South Shore YMCA in Boston, and former assistant track coach at Penn State University.

Last year my running really imporoved when I added strength training to my workouts. Now I'm starting a buildup for a fall marathon, but I no longer have access to a gym. Can you suggest an effective strength-training regimen that doesn't require gym equipment?

No Problem - you can easily strength train without gym equipment. I recommend four key exercises. The first two target major muscle groups in your upper body, and the second two target your midsection.

The first exercise, and the most challenging, is the chinup, which works your upper back, rear shoulders, and biceps. It's best to perform chinups using an "underhand" grip, with your palms facing toward you on the bar. Do one to three sets of 5 to 10 repetitions every other day.

The second exercise is the pushup, which targets your chest, front shoulders, and triceps. Do one to three sets of 15 to 30 reps every other day. Just be sensitive to signs of lower-back discomfort, as pushups place stress on your lumbar spine.

The third exercise is the twisting trunk curl, which works the abdominal and oblique muscles of your midsection. Lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, lift your head and shoulders off the ground just like a regular abdominal crunch, but twist your body to the side - alternating left and right - on the way up. Do one to three sets of 15 to 30 slow and controlled reps every other day.

The final exercise is the trunk extension for the lower back muscles, a particularly vulnerable area for runners. Lying face down with your elbows out and hands under your chin, lift your chest a few inches off the floor, then lower it. Do one to three sets of 5 to 15 reps, slow and controlled, on the same days as the twisting trunk curls.

For each exercise, gradually increase the number of repetitions until you reach the top of the suggested rep range, then increase the number of sets.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by Old_Dude

4 - Go to the gym with a plan - I always use a gym journal - inspirational and helps me make the most out of a workout - get in, do it, get out. Really helps with setting and achieving goals and staying motivated.

Yes, this seems key. I have a list of excercises I do each time I go to the gym. No screwing around, I just get in and get out. It scares me.:D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Heidi

Yes, this seems key. I have a list of excercises I do each time I go to the gym. No screwing around, I just get in and get out. It scares me.:D
Funny...I was going to comment on bullet number four as well.

I NEVER workout without a plan. Preparing mentally is a big part of it for me. I usually know a day ahead of time what I am going to work, and what exercises I am going to do. I don't understand those people I see at the gym who just wander around aimlessly with no idea of what they are going to do next.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by I Are Baboon

Funny...I was going to comment on bullet number four as well.

I NEVER workout without a plan. Preparing mentally is a big part of it for me. I usually know a day ahead of time what I am going to work, and what exercises I am going to do. I don't understand those people I see at the gym who just wander around aimlessly with no idea of what they are going to do next.
LOL, that's probably what I LOOKED like I was doing last night, but I was really just looking for the right machines. No wonder some of the guys were pointing and laughing. (j/k):D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Heidi

LOL, that's probably what I LOOKED like I was doing last night, but I was really just looking for the right machines. No wonder some of the guys were pointing and laughing. (j/k):D
It's one thing to be looking at machines. We're tying out a new gym and I've been doing that all week. I stare at the machine, move it a little, poke it, kick it, etc. (Usually I send MBC over to get a good look at it.) But I see people jump from calves to biceps to shoulders, doing one set on one machine, and four sets on another, obviously with no plan of attack. Not that there is anything wrong with doing what they want, but this is a terrible way to approach the workout and results will be hard to achieve.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Ok....gotta get my $0.02 in (as always :rolleyes: )

Now that I've finally decided I'm going to start working out again.....
I'm personally not a fan of squats, but I have knees that ache & pop. I try to do mostly single leg lunges with dumbells. I get my warmup in and then go with a slightly heavy weight. No rest...straight from one leg right back to the other, but lowering the weight after each set...it should get to a point where you're doing a very small amount of weight and it's hard to push out even just a few. That should get your legs shakin'!
I'll then go to light weight doing leg extensions...but that's mostly just to try to strengthen my knees.
I suppose if I was smart and wanted to get a full beneficial workout, I'd do hip raises and other stuff like that...but you know guys don't do that stuff.

When I do legs, that's all I do...no upper body at all (except abs).
Chest & arms (end with abs) the next day, back & shoulders (and yes, more abs) the next. Then start the cycle over. On Sunday I watch football! :D

After a while you'll get bored with the same exercises and you'll feel like you're coming to a plateau...when that happens switch it up, change the exercises around.

Ok, so that was a little more than $0.02...sorry, I tend to babble.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by KrusteeButt
I'm personally not a fan of squats, but I have knees that ache & pop. I try to do mostly single leg lunges with dumbells.
Not babbling at all!! :D A good subsitiute for squats are leg presses and hack squats (a type of machine squat). It's a fact that some people just can't do squats because of knee problems. And I like lunges too. They make my butt sore.

OK, I'm going to shut up now....this is Heidi's thread and keep posting in it. :eek:


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by I Are Baboon

Not babbling at all!! :D A good subsitiute for squats are leg presses and hack squats (a type of machine squat). It's a fact that some people just can't do squats because of knee problems. And I like lunges too. They make my butt sore.

OK, I'm going to shut up now....this is Heidi's thread and keep posting in it. :eek:
No no, keep it up..I am learning here. Is there anything wrong with doing leg presses and squats?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Heidi

No no, keep it up..I am learning here. Is there anything wrong with doing leg presses and squats?

Other than you're legs getting tired and sore, I don't think so. I did them both in my last leg workout. Some people will tell you to alternate them on different leg days, but I think it just comes down to personal preference. But there is nothing wrong with doing them both in the same workout. I like to do them both because it really works the muscles and hits deep into the muscle fibers.

If you worked legs yesterday, how are they feeling this morning?


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by I Are Baboon


Other than you're legs getting tired and sore, I don't think so. I did them both in my last leg workout. Some people will tell you to alternate them on different leg days, but I think it just comes down to personal preference. But there is nothing wrong with doing them both in the same workout. I like to do them both because it really works the muscles and hits deep into the muscle fibers.

If you worked legs yesterday, how are they feeling this morning?
I was surprised that nothing really hurts and I'm not that sore. I did pretty light weights and 25 reps, just enough weight to where stuff was shaking in order to push out the 25 each time. When I flex the muscles they are definitely tired feeling. I have tonight off and more lifting and spin class tomorrow.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk
We are gonna be monkeymuscleheads!
Oh hooray....then I can show a 'flexing-pic' like Gecko, right? :D

Heidi...as everyone always says, the main thing with anything even resembling a 'squat-type' exercise is to be careful of those knees! This is a somewhat weak-link in the human body and as you get older, the cartilage and stuff in the knees get worn down...so no need to make it worse by doing exercises incorrectly!
....and now a word from our sponsor

For advice on proper training methods, healthy eating, supplements, etc, come join Baboon and I at ironmagazine.

Just an FYI, there are a lot of good people there who are just as passionate about weight training as we are about biking.

And if you need diet help, w8lifter is the best :thumb:

Ok, I'm done.

Back to your regularly schedule programming.

(Seriously, I'm not spamming, just offering help. We hate spam!)



I'm Batman
Jun 28, 2001
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by I Are Baboon

You REALLY do not want to see the other two.....
So Baboon...you seem to keep pretty good tabs on those pics...something you want to tell me? You don't have a goatee do you?



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by gecko

For the record...my MOM took that while we were on a family trip :p
Hmmm, that piece of information doesn't make it seem any better. In fact.... no, nevermind.:D


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Actually baboon...I think he likes THAT one posted....it's the other ones, you know, with the mirror....THOSE are the 'incriminating evidence' photos that he could very well regret! :D

I'm so upset....so disappointed.......................so jealous :think: !

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by gecko

So Baboon...you seem to keep pretty good tabs on those pics...something you want to tell me? You don't have a goatee do you?

Ummm....I DO have a goatee. :eek:

Just found this searching the Xtreme archives. :D


Monkey Flirt
Aug 1, 2001
Originally posted by KrusteeButt
Actually baboon...I think he likes THAT one posted....it's the other ones, you know, with the mirror....THOSE are the 'incriminating evidence' photos that he could very well regret! :D

I'm so upset....so disappointed.......................so jealous :think: !

I just can't help myself..
You know I luv ya!!!!

:love: :love: :love:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Originally posted by MtnBikerChk
We are gonna be monkeymuscleheads!
your gonna be?:rolleyes:

And gecko, I have the 3rd and final piece!!! Now I can edit photo's!!!!! EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!


(please note the exeptional use of the sinister laugh.....Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! you are all too kind!!!! Thank you!!!) :rolleyes: :help:


I'm Batman
Jun 28, 2001
Toronto, Canada
Originally posted by sirknight6

your gonna be?:rolleyes:

And gecko, I have the 3rd and final piece!!! Now I can edit photo's!!!!! EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!EDIT!!


(please note the exeptional use of the sinister laugh.....Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! you are all too kind!!!! Thank you!!!) :rolleyes: :help:
<<-------me getting all worried :rolleyes: :D

Hehe want to start a photo editing war huh? BRING IT!!!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by Heidi
Hmm, there goes this thread.
OK, back to the issue at hand...

A couple gym tips: Bring a towel to wipe down the equipment after you use it. You'll make enemies fast if you sweat on the machines and don't wipe down. Also, bring a water bottle. Carrying water around cuts down on trips to the fountain, which means more working out in less time.
