


Sep 28, 2006
Any non-lift freeriding in Colorado, around Boulder/Denver/Golden/etc? Just moved here from around vancouver, bc, and looking for anything besides the XC that seems to dominate the legit scene. Dying here, my ASX is bloody overkill for the rides I've found. I know there are the resorts, but they are a long drive, and I'd rather get a little exercise on the way up. Also willing to pitch in building/maintaining if it gets access to some places- they've got to be here, there's too much vertical to NOT have good trails. Cheers.


Sep 28, 2001
What have you ridden thus far? Hall ranch is fun, up by Lions, don't really need a big bike, but can find some interesting lines, though nothing really droppy....


Sep 28, 2006
Walker Ranch, Hiel (horrible), and something around Switzerland. Seems lke there could be good trails around Switzerland, but you'd probably have to know where they are. Was planning on hitting up either Hall or Sourdough tomorrow. Not particularly concerned with what the trail is like specifically, just something that's interesting... I'm not feeling the excitment that some people get riding UP technical lines :) I'll check out Hall tomorrow then


Sep 28, 2001
I really like Hall, never ridden Sourdough though. I don't think you'll find much up by switzerland, we go ride our motos up there which is fun, but not much for a dh/fr bike.....


Sep 28, 2006
Ah, the moto would explain it. I heard rumors of some good trails there, but probably not the type that get posted online. Who knows. The trail around Sourdough is actually called South Saint Vraine, it looks to be all downhill, so it's at least got potential (it's downhill). We'll see. Checking out Hall today. Thanks!


Sep 28, 2006
Cool, thanks. Hall Ranch wasn't too bad, a good intermediate trail. I had a lot of fun on the way down- some interesting lines if you get creative.... All in all, not bad, good times... quite a drive, but that's alright. There's that road that goes to the top of Hall Ranch, some emergency access thing... do you get ticketed for riding that? would sure make the trip up easier, faster, and one wouldn't get in the way of people ripping down
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Sep 28, 2006
OK... Thanks for that...

Anyway, if anybody knows of some north shore-ish trails, or steep freeride-style stuff, let me know via PM. I'm very much interested in helping build too, i've done some building up north- don't know any riders here, and i'd love to meet the community. building new trails is an option too, but i'm not sure where yet. if anybody has any pointers... it's your county, i'm the new one here.

..otherwise i might have to buy myself some spandex and get a scalpel :)


Oct 9, 2007
user and reader's are you know about freeriding, freeriding is a mountain biking context, everyone of them different. My thoughts on the matter are simple, when you ride for enjoyment, doing your own thing, in your own way with your mates.To me, it seems everything has to have a label, to fit into a certain controllable category, usually given by an outsider looking in, in this case trying to understand the how's and why's of the Freerider.


Colorado Drug Treatment
I'm pretty sure he said freeride, not freebase. Colorado drug treatment might not be such a bad idea. And I sure hope we don't cut out "Labels", it would be a nightmare trying to communicate without adjectives.

Hey buma, I'm from the Pacific Northwest too, Just south of the Canadian boarder. I just landed in Frisco today unexpectedly on a work trip. I was looking for ride places locally here as I've got sunday off work. I'm trying to find info on renting a DH/FR bike and gear at one of the resorts, when I stumbled on your thread and couldn't help myself when I read the last comment.

Good luck on your search.

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
Labels are an important part of this sub culture. with all our different interests you need to know you are on the same page. What if some one said "hey we should go ride bikes sometime"? we communicate so you don't bring a Demo 9 to the skate park or a Norco 125 to Keystone.......oh wait, I ride my 125 at keystone, ok never mind....BTW Buma the front range is limited on north shore big bike stuff but if you want Dj's and some fun parks it is here, good place for a hard tail, sometimes I miss oregon though, pm me if you come to lyons or longmont


Aug 25, 2008
I recently relocated to the area as well from the East coast and my Banshee Scream is sitting collecting dust...a shame, you'd think with all the elevation and rocky terrain it would be a no brainer to find some natural gaps or stunts. I'm also down with finding some good riding so shout back if you find anything


Sep 28, 2006
Sounds good! I'm also (probably) up for building some stuff, if anybody knows where some trail construction can be done on the DL. I'm sort of waiting till the grad program I'm in ramps up to know how much free time I can put into dirt work, but if there's time, I definetely want to build some things. All this elevation and cool rock work- there's some opportunity for some techy steeps for sure, if not the woodwork (for, uh, lack of wood...)

I checked out the gunbarrel jumps, and they do look fun, i'm looking for a DJ bike now :) and missing galbraith, the snake, and the woodlot... count your blessings while you have 'em, markcm!!! :)
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Aug 25, 2008
Hey I moved to the Regis area of Denver near Lowell and 52nd so as the seasons change I don't mind driving out to a resort and get a good day of riding in since the big bike is in need of some riding, and I'm down with any trail building or maintenance work too.

If you want to ride PM me and we can get together and get some good riding in, good luck with school and once you figure out your schedule maybe we can do some riding..I think this weekend the trails and resorts will be a tad swamped.


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
I am out of town right now but I will back mid october and would be interested in helping build some stuff. Just moved to Denver from Atlanta and am surprised there was more FR / DH stuff in Georgia than I've found so far in Denver area. Like someone else said "it's freakin Colorado!"


Sep 28, 2006
Seriously. Let me know when you are here. I think the real trick will be finding a place to build- around Boulder they are REALLY serious about unauthorized trails. I'm all for a slap on the wrist, but major fines/jail time seem to be the precedent.


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
yeah i'll hit you up when i am back fo sho! i was just up in WA and rode up at Galbraith. that place is effing awesome! i wish they had something similar out here. nice climb or walk up the main fire roads and awesome singletrack with stunts all the way down!


May 21, 2008
I'm in the same situation as a few of you guys. Moved here from the Northwest and need to find some gravity stuff!


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
:lighten: I live across the street from huge park in Littleton (on corner of Bowles and Wadsworth) and they have a bmx park. In the back of park there are like 2 huge dirt hills and I wonder how I would go about seeing if it was legal to build some wood stunts and some DJ runs or something. Atleast something my kids can ride rather than taking their mtn bikes on the bmx park.

Anyone know how I could do that and if its possible I'd need some help :cheers:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
:lighten: I live across the street from huge park in Littleton (on corner of Bowles and Wadsworth) and they have a bmx park. In the back of park there are like 2 huge dirt hills and I wonder how I would go about seeing if it was legal to build some wood stunts and some DJ runs or something. Atleast something my kids can ride rather than taking their mtn bikes on the bmx park.

Anyone know how I could do that and if its possible I'd need some help :cheers:
That land is owned by Jefferson County Open Space & run by Foothills Park & Rec. You might start by contacting them directly.
Yeah, land access in the Boulder/Denver area is a big issue, and the stuff that is here is pretty well protected by those that built it. Once you get your dirt jump bike, start riding and hanging around the jump parks and just talk to everyone. You'll be much more likely to get invited to ride the hidden places in person. Unfortunately we can't be as open about our trails like in BC, I wish it was like up there where you didn't have to hide your stuff. Every time something around here gets to popular it ends up getting shut down. Pretty lame, especially since Boulder is supposedly such a great Mt. Bike area, there really isn't much you can ride without driving to get there.
Also if you decide to start building, avoid boulder open space, you don't want to get busted on that land.


Sep 28, 2006
Good to know. Yeah, I've never been into dirt jumps, so hanging out there would be a new experience... I've been cruising the trails but have yet to run into anybody who seems into FR at all. Bike shops seem somewhat... closed to sharing as well. I understand, no worries (although I'd love to have a place to ride...), it's still not a free-for-all in BC and northwest WA, you still have to play on the DL for a while before going public with a trail system- there's a GREAT one outside of Bellingham, WA, that was recently shut down for a few months when it was discovered (although it's open again now- but it's still not "advertised" at all. not really invitation only type thing, but definetly not common knowledge).

If there are places where it's somewhat OK to build, please PM me. The South St Vraine area has GREAT potential I think for some sweet rock-work, but...
Are you talking about the South St. Vrain trail between Brainard and Peak to Peak by the boy scout camp? If so that area can get pretty high traffic with hikers in the Summer, and the higher elevation areas up there are pretty closely regulated. You might be able to get a way with some real basic deer trail type stuff, but any sort of big visible north shore or anything probably wouldn't last long.


Sep 28, 2006
well, that area. I wasn't thinking NShore type woodwork, because there's not the wood. It's just not that type of place. But I've built a lot of rock-based stuff, mostly techy-rolls, long drops, etc. Not really planning any built up stuff at all besides perhaps a few dirt landings or a few jumps, nothing major.


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
hey buma, I'm still out of town in Boise right now. There's tons of XC trails here but not much in way of stunts. Been hanging out mostly at Eagle Velo Park because they have a DJ line, mountain cross course, dual slalom run and a few DH type runs. Its better than riding XC all the time. I don't know if you noticed an 80 acre park is going up in Boulder.


They were looking for volunteers and input for the gravity trails, check it out.


Sep 28, 2006
I definetly will be helping build Valmont. Too busy to attend meetings during the week, unfortunately, and I've never built a bike park before, so i'm just in for the grunt work. I've built trails (like techy, steep downhill stuff), the whole park scene is new to me. but looks fun.

on another line of hope, has anybody here ridden lefthand canyon ohv?


Dec 23, 2006
Welcome...I migrated here too.Lovin it

I have some stuff I'm building in Evergreen area...I just don't get out of Denver much to build (time,transport and lack of shovel + hammer wielding friends).

a wee teaser....one weekend of a few people shoveling and hammering, it will be ride able.


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
that looks sweet! you'll have to PM and let me know when and where so I can come give a hand. Its me and a shovel wilding 14 year old and the 8 yr olds got a couple shovels too so drop me a line. We stay in Littleton.


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
So since my last post on this thread I've been stuck working in Portland, OR. Luckily I brought my bike and have been riding quite a bit at Blackrock. Actually been thinking about moving out to the Pacific NW just because the trails and organization is soo much better. I haven't just been out there riding but building on my days off too.

You guys been doing anything out there in the front range?


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
Man there are so many trails with stunts all over the place here! It rocks. I wish it was like this more in Denver, I only hear about secret trails and runs but no one is willing to show em. I've already been told of 3 and have a tour scheduled for 1 other of the "secret" trails out here. WORD. Like I said I wish it was more like this out in FR because I am always up for digging and hammering.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Man there are so many trails with stunts all over the place here! It rocks. I wish it was like this more in Denver, I only hear about secret trails and runs but no one is willing to show em. I've already been told of 3 and have a tour scheduled for 1 other of the "secret" trails out here. WORD. Like I said I wish it was more like this out in FR because I am always up for digging and hammering.
You really ought to check in with Foothills Park & Rec. There are greenbelts all over this part of town that would be pretty cool with singletracks/jumps running through them...


Apr 28, 2008
Vanconver, WA
I will if I can ever find a job in Denver. I moved there in August and have only been actually residing in Colorado maybe a little over 2 months. The rest of the time I've been working out in the Pacific NW. Even thinking about moving being as I never get to see my kids when I am out here(pnw) all the time. I know my kids would love it out here. This recession/depression problem blows!


Sep 28, 2006
End of May- anybody up for some decent rides? I'm just about to tear down the ASX and build up a more dirt jumpy bike, but I'd much rather find some trails to ride ASX on...


Sep 28, 2006
Haha, yeah. Funny thing about Yeti's... headed up to Lefthand tomorrow AM for a ride if anybody is interested.


Dec 23, 2008
Hah yet another rider from the northwest moved down south. I was super sad once i didnt find any gravity stuff down here around Golden. I lived in Olympia, WA for awhile and theres hardly any gravity riders around there and there was plenty more trails with stunts up there sadly guess the 6 months of rain a year got people wanting to build stuff up for summer or something. STOKED to hear about Valmont though! Anyone got any info on when they are building and what not? Ive got some trail building experience under my belt and would love to help to get that park opened sooner! Im stuck with urban riding for now:( Also looking for ridin pals, so if anyones up for some urban ridin hit me up! Dont like ridin alone after i had to walk a few miles with a L shaped toe:D Damn roots.


Aug 25, 2008
Have you rode the Idaho Spring DH stuff, at one point last yr I ran into a guy on White Ranch that was going to shuttle me up there and then I dumped my Banshee Scream. I recently picked up another freeride bike so you know of those trails in Idaho Springs..I'd be down to ride them if their any good