
gunbarrel rider down


Jan 28, 2003
some of you know my roommate adam hevenor. he was just ripping it lately but broke his hand yesterday. just the day before he was killing it like in this photo by micheal kellogg. wish him a quick recovery as he says he will jump again (he broke the wrist on the same hand last september).


Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Dang that blows! I just met Adam the other evening, and he's like beans he's so cool. Let him know the peeps are holding strong for him and wish him a speedy recovery!

Do you think he'd mind if I borrowed his skills for while, since he won't be needing them? Lord knows I could use a little something something...


Jan 16, 2002
Vancouver, WA
Adam, best of luck recovering. I(I'm Aaron) had a great time watching you tear it up. I'm sure I'll see you out there again before long. Romeo, thanks for posting the pics. I enjoyed them.


May 18, 2004
somewhere near the apex
i am pretty bummed about the injury, but I am trying to stay optimistic about a quick recovery. I am not really in too much pain, so it seems everything is healing straight. they are fairly flexible small bones, so the bonding is quick.

i have been pushing my riding and this was a harsh reminder of how quickly injuries happen. i don't have any regrets about being out there and pushing myself so hopefully i'll be prepared mentally when the time is right again. it was great to see people try new jumps and tricks, and I hope it continues while I am out. often serious injuries cause people to question, why they ride. but for me has just confirmed my drive... I CANT WAIT TO RIDE! I think I was pretty unlucky and I plan on aproaching it with the same energy and attitude despite these 2 consecutive set backs. keep the positive words coming, and maybe youll see me out taking pics.


btw, romeo I left ride the lightning at your pad. I'll have to pick that up.