
have you ever shot (at) anyone?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
for any or no reason.

or even drawn & aimed?
ever had your gun jam?
alternatively, ever thrown a saucepan of boiling elbow macaroni?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
so i take it we both just arrived from the "what words make pre-teens giggle" thread?


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
ive shot friends with bb guns just messing around, not highpowered ones just about 400 fps. Never have aimed a firearm at anyone before, they are always kept pointed down range.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Well I have been shot at ,several times ,the first time ,was when I was teenager messing with the illegals in Valley Center ( dumb idea :shocked:)when they saw our flash lights the started firing randomly in the Avocado grove we where in and then while hunting in Eastern Oregon ,some yahoo desided to practice randomly in the woods( during Archery season) ,letting some fly in my direction ,I was totally pissed and walked down to talk to him and ak him WTF was he doing ,well during the exchanged word he starts to point him rifle at me ,we I di the quickest draw I ever thought I could ever do,pointing my .357 right at his face ,he was stunned and then backed off .I`am glad I did not shoot him and did regret me even confronting him ,I will never make a dumb mistake like that again .............


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Drawn & aimed, sure. Fired, no. Only at the range on three, and I did have a jar of strawberry jam fall in a pot of M&C once...so I jammed a pot of M&C...

Wait, you are excluding family members, right?
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Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Both times guns were drawn on me and fired I was a teenager, drinking at parties, and on an Indian Reservation. One was an accident one was on purpose.

The accident was at a highschool keg and someone was showing off their 'unloaded' handguns and was passing them around. A kid pointed one of the guns at his own head and then was swinging it around when it went off, the bullet passing between a friend and I. it was a ****ed up situation to say the least.

The second time was a New Years party and it was winding down. My friends and I were on a full scale scavenging hunt to consume all the booze and food in sight when a challenging silverback pulled his rank (a pistol) and started shooting at us above our heads. He left to bring back more guns to defend his booze and food. We left to puke and pass out.

I have since quit drinking. And have never pulled a gun on anyone
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