
Help! I think I have plateaued.

Patrick L

Feb 14, 2010
Peoria/Kansas City/Bozeman
Two years ago I topped out at 198, I cut out all red meat and dropper down to 190. Almost a year and a half ago I dropped all fast food and soda and dropped down to 180. Several months ago I started to really change what I eat, how much I eat, and when I eat as well as started to exercise five days a week and I dropped down to 170. Once i started to exercise and change my diet I dropped that 10 pounds from 180 to 170 quite fast and easily but now I can't manage to break 170. In the last several weeks I have increased my exercises and I still cannot budge. I really don't give two sh!ts what the number on the scale say's I am, I just want this fat off of me.

As it stands now my exercise routine consists of:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday- 3 sets of: (all with only one 35 lbs kettlebell, its all i have)

1. Kettlebell Pullthroughs, 15 reps

2. One-Arm Kettlebell Swings, 15 reps each arm

3. Fisted Push-ups, 20 reps

4. Kettlebell Clean & Press, 12 reps each arm

5. Lunge and Reach, 15 reps

6. Russian Kettlebell Twists, 15 reps

7. Kettlebell Figure 8, 15 reps

8. Pull Up's, 6 reps

9. a 45 min. fixie ride at about 15mph on the trainer or 14 miles w/ 18 holes of frisbee golf halfway through.

Tuesday, Thursday- a 45 min. fixie ride at about 15mph on the trainer or 14 miles w/ 18 holes of frisbee golf halfway through.

And my diet I think I alright I think. I usually have two small bananas for breakfast or maybe a whole grain bagel once a week, and a cups of coffee. After that I usually just snack on a small handful of nuts or maybe an apple or something along those lines until dinner which is usually a small chicken breast or baked fish with some steamed veggies and/or a spinach salad. (although i think i tend to over eat at dinner) Also i drink about 12 cups of water a day.

So what do I need to change or do to get passed this?



boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
My own personal experience says this:

More small meals (4ish times a day) with more lean protein (with a 2/3s animal protein bias) and about a third of the calories in those meals coming from fat. At your weight 400cal per meal would probably be the closest you could get to optimum fat loss without destroying muscle (1600-1700 cal a day).

Exercise-wise, more easy aerobic activity is going to burn the most fat. 60% of maximum heart rate is generally considered the optimum level for burning fat, esp in durations longer than about 45min.

I'm not a dietitian or certified anything. Someone who knows what they're talking about can come in and throw down some professional advice.


Jan 23, 2007
Central Jersey
More small meals, more protein. Seems like nowhere near enough protein. For comparison, I'm 180, muscular and eat around 170ish grams of protein a day for lifting. You may not need as much but dont seem to be getting enough.

Also try and start the day with protein instead of the bananas. Good breakfast is egg whites but a pain to make daily. Fat free greek yogurt gets you 18g of protein and only 100 cal. Can also take a ton of eggwhites, put them in a glass baking tray (I add hot sauce), bake them and cut them into squares for b-fast for the week.

with the workout. Try and do the whole circuit with no breaks to keep the heart rate up and do 3 rounds of the circuit. For the gym once I get my core exercise out of the way I lump all aux exercises into a tri-set (one set of each exercise with no break between exercises, repeat 3 times)

Patrick L

Feb 14, 2010
Peoria/Kansas City/Bozeman
I am 5'10". Is there a difference between proteins from meat vs. non-meat protein sources other than I guess meat having a higher concentration of it? It was always my understanding that nuts and edamame and similar foods were considered an acceptable source of protein. I do love eggs but what are some other high protein foods that would be good for breakfast? I have always just opted for the banana's because they were something that were easy to eat in the van since i have a long commute early every morning to classes. But i guess i can wake up a bit earlier to take time to prepare something.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
bear in mind you will reach a point at which your actual weight will no longer decrease - and will begin increasing again - due to increasing your muscle mass (which you seem to be trying to do)

then again there's always colombian marching powder


Jan 23, 2007
Central Jersey
Stolen from another thread since I'm lazy...
The other reason for this suggestion is that, in so many words, protein isnt protein isnt protein :shocked:

Protein bioavailability is determined by something known as BV, or Biological Value (more detailed notes on this below). In simple terms, the BV of a specific protein source determines the degree to which that protein is utilized. So, while whole-wheat protein has a BV of only 64, beef has a BV of just above 74! Some protein isolates such as microfiltered whey may have BVs of close to 100.

In other words, even though your Tofu may list 45g of protein, the BV of Tofu-sourced protein is only 64 so the actual utilization of that protein is closer to 28.8g.

As it turns out, according to BV, some of the better sources of protein are eggs, lamb and whey-protein isolate. Soy beans are also an excellent source of protein, but who is going to eat a day's worth of protein in edamame?

Cliff Notes-- Protein from different sources varies in its availability (i.e. your body's ability to use it for muscle-fiber growth). For best results, eat lamb, eggs, whey-isolate and soy-beans.

Biological Value = ((Ni-Ne(f)-Ne(u)-Nb)/Ni-Ne(f))*100
Ni = nitrogen intake in proteins on the test diet
Ne(f) = nitrogen excreted in faeces
Ne(u) = nitrogen excreted in urine
Nb = nitrogen excreted on a protein free diet
It is not all the same and you only can use so much from certain foods. Long drive in the am... Whey protein shake with the banana would work. Fat free greek yogurt with some granola and a splenda is my go to... easy to eat, filling and 18g of protein. One way or another try and get protein with all meals since you arent getting any for b-fast or lunch. Try and get down a protein shake after working out too, you will be thirsty anyway and it is an easy 25-35g of protein. For example I eat 4-5 times a day and have mostly protein for all meals. You may actually be hurting the weight loss a bit by not eating enough and of the right things.


Jan 23, 2007
Central Jersey
I also want to add... I am in no way qualified other than doing a lot of research for eatting clean and eatting well for lifting. I am not a doctor or a dietician. Now that I cleared that up... Cocaine is always an option too.


Dec 10, 2006
i would actually swap the banana for some oats in the morning. Bananas turn from starch based carbs to sugars as they ripen, and oats are generally better for a steady release of energy. and take the advise others have given about more protein..

the nuts are good as a snack inbetween meals but it seems that you have only 2 main meals and not nearly enough calories!!.. yes i know that sounds like the reverse of what you want as you are trying to lose fat, but trust me, you cant cut the calories too low or your body just adapts to not having enough nutrients and hangs onto those last fat cells for dear life!

i would aim for 5 meals/snacks

something like this


nut snack


protein shake


protein shake for supper. (i add a little olive oil to this to stave off hunger in the night)

if you have no way of making or carrying a whey shake about i would suggest flapjacks with made with added whey.