
Hey Mudgirl!!


Feb 7, 2007
So how come no girls doing wheelies and track stands????:monkey:

What is up with dat?
I was too busy taking pictures....that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Maybe if they had a prize for the shortest track-stand or lowest wheelie, I'd have a chance.

We definitely have to work on that for next year.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
So how come no girls doing wheelies and track stands????:monkey:

What is up with dat?
exactly, I really wish I knew a way to encourage the local females to step it up a notch/be competitive.

Maybe they have been doing too many "female only" rides and are now scared of the boys?? or maybe they dont realize how capable they are??

the previous w/e I did a race, there were 10 female catagories, only 2women showed and ZERO of the local females - Hello? Luna Chix team, where are you???


Apr 15, 2005
exactly, I really wish I knew a way to encourage the local females to step it up a notch/be competitive.

Maybe they have been doing too many "female only" rides and are now scared of the boys?? or maybe they dont realize how capable they are??

the previous w/e I did a race, there were 10 female catagories, only 2women showed and ZERO of the local females - Hello? Luna Chix team, where are you???
Yes, the girls need to represent! And not just in the girl groups. I'm not sure a group like Luna Chix is a help or a hindrance to women getting out more in the riding community, I feel like it insulates them. We have that here in Seattle to some extent. Lots of women in our club tend to stick to the women only rides....

And if you have that kind of poor turnout for races then I can see where someday you may not even have female categories and that would be sad... Gee, what would be better than being in a race and guaranteed to win! Just kidding...I like alittle competition...not just against myself....


Molester of monkeys
Jun 8, 2007
Tied up in the basement
Hmm... well, I can speak only for myself. I choose not to ride on the local cycle-cny rides which are primarily composed of men because they ride fast and they ride hard. I'm just not up to that, yet, and I don't want to go along and have someone/all of them feel obligated to wait up for me at every intersection. Nor do I want to get left in the dust and feel PO'd that they left me in the dust. I know, it's a catch-22. Maybe you could offer the guy's point of view on that little dilemma.

That said, there are some guys from that crowd who I will ride with if it is just a couple/three of us. They already know that I'm slow, so I feel they know what to expect and they're still choosing to ride with me regardless. I don't mind riding with guys, and I don't mind riding with someone/people better than me. It's a great learning experience, and I'm more inclined to try things I wouldn't do if I was riding by myself. I just hate the feeling of bogging down a ride. Not to mention, it IS pretty intimidating to be the only female amongst a group of men.

Last thing, I have absolutely no desire to compete in a race and doubt I ever will. I ride so I can be out in the woods and to have fun, and I don't really feel like I have anything to prove by it.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
exactly, I really wish I knew a way to encourage the local females to step it up a notch/be competitive.

Maybe they have been doing too many "female only" rides and are now scared of the boys?? or maybe they dont realize how capable they are??

the previous w/e I did a race, there were 10 female catagories, only 2women showed and ZERO of the local females - Hello? Luna Chix team, where are you???
LOL! We aren't a "race team" Doug!!! I am kicking myself for not racing the Darkhorse and would love to make a Holiday farm race at some point but my schedule is so crazy lately I am lucky to get out for a ride let alone a race.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Hmm... well, I can speak only for myself. I choose not to ride on the local cycle-cny rides which are primarily composed of men because they ride fast and they ride hard. I'm just not up to that, yet, and I don't want to go along and have someone/all of them feel obligated to wait up for me at every intersection. Nor do I want to get left in the dust and feel PO'd that they left me in the dust. I know, it's a catch-22. Maybe you could offer the guy's point of view on that little dilemma.

That said, there are some guys from that crowd who I will ride with if it is just a couple/three of us. They already know that I'm slow, so I feel they know what to expect and they're still choosing to ride with me regardless. I don't mind riding with guys, and I don't mind riding with someone/people better than me. It's a great learning experience, and I'm more inclined to try things I wouldn't do if I was riding by myself. I just hate the feeling of bogging down a ride. Not to mention, it IS pretty intimidating to be the only female amongst a group of men.

Last thing, I have absolutely no desire to compete in a race and doubt I ever will. I ride so I can be out in the woods and to have fun, and I don't really feel like I have anything to prove by it.

its all good, figure out what/how you like to ride and ENJOY!

IMO, group rides can be annoying. Too many time people with a big difference in ability/speed show up for for the same ride. Most ride leaders want to lead the whole group (so many times I have suggested/offered to split the group and I'd take the faster folks and pretty much always get turned down) - the fast people get annoyed by having to wait, the slower people kill them selves to keep up/and feel guilty for making others wait, then add in mechanicals....not so fun in my opinion.
I dont think gender matters at all, well except I'd rather ride with some mudhunnies then not :D

I think ride leaders need to be better about listing their rides as beginner/intermediate/advanced and riders need to show up to rides that match their ability. If you are a begineer, dont show up for the expert ride (if you do say if you drop me, dont worry I'll just ride on my own) And if you are an expert dont show up at the beginner rides, unless you plan to ride slow or sweap/help others improve their skills!

Even the expert ride at the Grafton fest was pretty lame for many of the above issues.
its all good, figure out what/how you like to ride and ENJOY!

IMO, group rides can be annoying. Too many time people with a big difference in ability/speed show up for for the same ride. Most ride leaders want to lead the whole group (so many times I have suggested/offered to split the group and I'd take the faster folks and pretty much always get turned down) - the fast people get annoyed by having to wait, the slower people kill them selves to keep up/and feel guilty for making others wait, then add in mechanicals....not so fun in my opinion.
I dont think gender matters at all, well except I'd rather ride with some mudhunnies then not :D

I think ride leaders need to be better about listing their rides as beginner/intermediate/advanced and riders need to show up to rides that match their ability. If you are a begineer, dont show up for the expert ride (if you do say if you drop me, dont worry I'll just ride on my own) And if you are an expert dont show up at the beginner rides, unless you plan to ride slow or sweap/help others improve their skills!

Even the expert ride at the Grafton fest was pretty lame for many of the above issues.
.....well to a point. there's something to be said for riding with people who are faster than you. It forces you to get faster over a period of time. I ride with people who regularly kick my a$$. As long as someone makes sure I don't miss a turn it's fine.

BUT I agree that most group rides aren't "advertised" correctly. The 1 group ride I did at Pedro's sucked. Piece of advice: if you volunteer to ride sweep, then EFFING RIDE SWEEP! /end rant.