

Jun 10, 2002
so for whatever reason, i've lately been intrigued by high-end denim...the cost, the market, brands, etc. a coworker of mine used to race with Michael Ball. anywho, today, i came across this thread:


and the care these jeans receive is crazy...wearing jeans months upon months with minimal washing? that's kind of gross to me. is that status quo for this high-end stuff?

and what's with all the wallet outlines and repairs? is fancy denim fragile or something?

[tHe] Saint

Mar 24, 2006
Spokane, WA
so for whatever reason, i've lately been intrigued by high-end denim...the cost, the market, brands, etc. a coworker of mine used to race with Michael Ball. anywho, today, i came across this thread:


and the care these jeans receive is crazy...wearing jeans months upon months with minimal washing? that's kind of gross to me. is that status quo for this high-end stuff?

and what's with all the wallet outlines and repairs? is fancy denim fragile or something?
I haven't owned or worn a pair of jeans in 22 years, then again I seldom wear pants anyway.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
so for whatever reason, i've lately been intrigued by high-end denim...the cost, the market, brands, etc.

and the care these jeans receive is crazy...wearing jeans months upon months with minimal washing? that's kind of gross to me. is that status quo for this high-end stuff?

It is when you try to justify owning a pair of jeans that you can't afford. To some they are an investment and to others it's just another pair of jeans.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
There is a girl I work with that bragged to a friend that she only buys expensive jeans and her last pair was $400.

It must be because they charged by the square inch.


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
There is a girl I work with that bragged to a friend that she only buys expensive jeans and her last pair was $400.

It must be because they charged by the square inch.
400!!!!!!! HOLY BALLS. I wear Carhartt jeans and always get complimented on how good they look when I wear them. I only pay about 35 bucks a pop. I am not sure of the reason to spend 150 or more on jeans.


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I wear Levi's. They wear real good. Most of the blasters I see wear Levi's, too.

I have to wash my jeans after every time I wear them, because they get covered in mud and dirt.
HURRAY, someone else who actually uses jeans for their intended purpose.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
The denim used for those high end jeans is a lot thicker than the denim used for your average pair of jeans.


Jul 25, 2007
Ridgefield CT
I wear higher end jeans. Nothing around $400.00 as that's a bit nuts. But maybe in the $120.00 price range. I find the denim is much softer than the cheaper alternatives, but that's about the only difference. I'm also a label/fashion whore and it sickens me.

As far as washing goes, they aren't like a pair of jeans you wear riding or landscaping, so they tend to stay as clean as my office clothes. I wash mine about once every 2 weeks.


Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
Now that I think more on this subject, I know of a guy who would buy jeans like this. The guy is the most materialistic, sissy boys I know. A pair of these jeans yes they would last him 3 years but that is because he will never do any physical labor in them. He also buys jeans with holes already in them.


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
I don't get it.... Does all the dead skin and dirt clogging up your Jeans making them stay creased like that make it cool? I really don't understand.

I have a few pairs of jeans, and I'll wear them maybe twice without washing them... maybe.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ok for everyone who doesn't get it... this trend is what I've coined "fashion filth". Fashion filth is the new emo. And it all gets back to suburbia kids wanting to look like the crust punx / squatter punx / what have you.

Emo started with tight jeans, black t-shirts, studded belts, odd hair cuts, etc. All these kids from white suburbia were trying to emulate in looks what all the crusties were wearing. Now, they've taken it one step further - not washing their clothes, not bathing, in an attempt to further emulate a bunch of dirty gutter punks.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
haha. my little sister worked for a high end jeans company for a few years. I scored some pairs of jeans. Two of them I still keep for work. Why? Because they are well made and very well cut for me.

The super tight hipster jeans I either gave away or use as work pants. Nothing like rocking $200 jeans when you are out digging in the dirt.

Overpriced? You bet. Nice quality stuff? You bet. Kinda reminds me of people paying $5000 for a bike...


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Overpriced? You bet. Nice quality stuff? You bet. Kinda reminds me of people paying $5000 for a bike...
That is what I was thinking. People on a mountain bike site complaining jeans are overpriced. If I tell anybody the real price of my down hill bike would think I am crazy even rich people I know can't understand how bike can cost 5000 dollars.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
That is what I was thinking. People on a mountain bike site complaining jeans are overpriced. If I tell anybody the real price of my down hill bike would think I am crazy even rich people I know can't understand how bike can cost 5000 dollars.
That comparison does not stack up at all.
I can walk down the street in a pair of $40 jeans the same way I would walk down the street with a $400 pair of jeans.
Try riding a Wal-mart mountain bike down from the top of Windrock.
$5000 Dh bike = cheaper than medical bills.:busted:

That said some people with busted grills may need $400 jeans to attempt to get laid. And to that I say, Go get 'em Tiger! Get out there and get your Lyle Lovett on.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
That comparison does not stack up at all.
I can walk down the street in a pair of $40 jeans the same way I would walk down the street with a $400 pair of jeans.
Try riding a Wal-mart mountain bike down from the top of Windrock.
$5000 Dh bike = cheaper than medical bills.:busted:

That said some people with busted grills may need $400 jeans to attempt to get laid. And to that I say, Go get 'em Tiger! Get out there and get your Lyle Lovett on.
I like Lyle Lovett.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
That comparison does not stack up at all.
I can walk down the street in a pair of $40 jeans the same way I would walk down the street with a $400 pair of jeans.
Try riding a Wal-mart mountain bike down from the top of Windrock.
$5000 Dh bike = cheaper than medical bills.:busted:

That said some people with busted grills may need $400 jeans to attempt to get laid. And to that I say, Go get 'em Tiger! Get out there and get your Lyle Lovett on.
Maybe a fancy boy like you need it but I am sure most people would do well on the Wall-mart of down hill bikes a stock Mongoose ECD without Juicy Carbon levers and Industry Nine wheels.

Apply all this to road and its even worse :brows:

And how about all the new fancy boy race jerseys and ride gear in vs. humble riders who sport the same old Evil jersey year after year after year :)
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