
I love my new bike!!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I told you guys about my recent Rocky Mountain "Spice" purchase. A couple of you asked me to tell you what I thought of it. It is an awesome ride! It's accelertion is great. I can sprint uphill better than on the loaner I was using (which was some kind of Scott). The dual suspension is pretty good too. I can definitely notice the smoother ride when I go over rocky terrain. I need to take it in for a tune up though. The bike just feels like it is loosening up. It's starting to rattle a bit and the headset is starting to creak a little. I guess that happens once new bikes begin to settle in.

Best $1100 I ever spent!!! I can't wait for my next ride! Funny, if I told my mom I spent that on a bike, she'd have a heart attack!

I wish there were more Rocky Mountain riders on this board to shoot the breeze with. Seems like I am the only one (and soon enough MtnBikerChick, of course).


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
There's lots of us Rocky jockeys out here. We're just too busy riding and too thrashed after to operate a keyboard. As I posted in the "Rocky" thread started by your mate, I ride a Slayer and love it. More later, enjoy your trip to Philadelphia.


Aug 10, 2001
Ottawa, Ontario
That's cool Baboon... I looked at that bike for a while. I don't ride a Rocky, but they are fairly common up here (Ottawa). I have always loved the RM Blizzard for some reason... Who knows, I might be a rocky rider someday.

the 2002 slayer looks like its more the kind of bike I would want!



I was just checking out my friends Rocky Mountain Instinct this weekend. What a sweet bike!! I want one!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
. I need to take it in for a tune up though. The bike just feels like it is loosening up. It's starting to rattle a bit and the headset is starting to creak a little. I guess that happens once new bikes begin to settle in.
You're absolutely right, it's perfectly normal to have a tune-up after a few rides on a new bike. All the cables and "stuff" have to be adjusted after getting worked in.

Congratulations on the new bike! It always makes me feel like a kid again when I get a new bike. It's like when you were little and would get new shoes. I could swear they made me run faster!:D
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