
I need sugestions


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Ok, here is the deal. I need to get into better biking shape so I can whup up on Snickryder in the spring! (Heheh! :D )

Now I am in decient shape right now cardio wise. I plan on continueing my running and I am still playing soccer indoors over the winter. I will also be snowboarding a lot.

What are some other suggestions that will help me besides riding? I will have a hard time doing this in the winter because I do not get home from work till like 5:30 or 6:00. Weekday rides will be tough due to light-cold.



If you are reading this Snickryder, go away! ;) :D


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Well, what would you say your weakness is. You said your cardio is fine so is it your speed? If so, you need to focus on building your speed. The only way I know to do that is through sprints and intervals.


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Originally posted by Heidi
Well, what would you say your weakness is. You said your cardio is fine so is it your speed? If so, you need to focus on building your speed. The only way I know to do that is through sprints and intervals.
I just have not had cycleing as my focus so I am ok at it, but not great. So I guess just overall cycleing fitness.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by Squeak

I just have not had cycleing as my focus so I am ok at it, but not great. So I guess just overall cycleing fitness.
Yah, I'm with RM, spin classes rule. Your leg speed will improve greatly and at least your still on a bike!


Top Banana
Jun 28, 2001
Superior, CO
Just sneak some food poisoning into Snicks breakfast before your next ride ... you'll feel better;) (Just kidding)hehehehehehhe

Yea I would agree.. SPIN! Come to one of my classes Squeak.. they are fun. I teach on 80th/Sheridan Tu/Th 9:30 am and Boulder Tuesday nights..... I can get you a pass if your interested



Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Originally posted by JOJO
Just sneak some food poisoning into Snicks breakfast before your next ride ... you'll feel better;) (Just kidding)hehehehehehhe

Yea I would agree.. SPIN! Come to one of my classes Squeak.. they are fun. I teach on 80th/Sheridan Tu/Th 9:30 am and Boulder Tuesday nights..... I can get you a pass if your interested

24 hour fitness right? Its too bad you dont have a class at the Arvada location during the evening...that would be perfect for me :) I may take you up on that pass....


Jul 23, 2001
Broomfield, CO
Originally posted by Squeak
I need to get into better biking shape so I can whup up on Snickryder in the spring! (Heheh! :D )

If you are reading this Snickryder, go away! ;) :D
MuHahahahahaha! So, I see this new forum, and I see that Squeak is looking for suggestions and I think "hmmm, wonder if he's talking about his biking fitness??". I open up his post and sure enough. Hehehehe!!! :rolleyes:

Squeak, if you want to get better, just ride more. That's what I do. Spinning helps, but JoJo will be the first to tell you that it's not the same as real riding. And you are right about the no air moving = hot! I have a set of rollers in my basement and that is the closest thing to real riding I have found. They are just plain TOUGH!

Besides, you are NOT that far behind me. I mean, I'm only waiting a minute or two before you show up. :D


PS: JoJo, you didn't give yourself the food poisoning the day you barfed, did you? ;)

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Having a strong upper body will also help your biking. It helps with balance, and it helps on those technical trails. You'll be able to climb rocks and logs easier, and you'll able to bunny hop easier if you have muscle upstairs.


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Originally posted by Snickryder

MuHahahahahaha! So, I see this new forum, and I see that Squeak is looking for suggestions and I think "hmmm, wonder if he's talking about his biking fitness??".
I told you not to read on! :think:
But I knew you would anyway!!! :p

It was as tempting as a SWISS MISS for a Mountain Ogre!


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Here's another thought....keep in mind Snick's size. He's a BIG BOY...got some serious power in his legs. Granted that's mostly due to the fact that he's got a lot more weight to push, but there's no doubt that he can power over stuff a lot easier than you and I can. I'd think that incorporating some strength training in your regimen will help out a lot. And I'm not talking about increasing size, I'm talking about strength and endurance -- your legs' ability to endure long periods of exertion without going to exhaustion.

One of the times that I was out with him, he talked a lot about how he's able to keep going. Said that it's a matter of finding YOUR optimum RPM...sometimes it might be even a little faster, like 5 RPM higher...but it's able to keep a certain amount of foward momentum going. He also talked a lot about recovering while riding, rather than dismounting. Much better for your muscles...they have a tendency to want to go into exhaustion mode once you get off the bike and stop moving.
Now, maybe you're all thinking "What's KrusteeButt talkin' about...he's the one that's always in the back!" Yeah...I know. But I'm trying. And though I'm still not able to keep up like the rest of you, Snick's advice has certainly helped a lot...I'm at least better than I was 2 months ago.

That's just my $0.02 on it.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Oh....sorry Snick....apparently that was top secret information meant for my ears only...so that next spring it'll be Squeak that's bringin' up the rear! Oops. I guess I let the cat outta the bag.
And I wasn't makin' a 'fat' comment or anything...I was simply pointing out that you are clearly far larger than Squeak and, by nature, more powerful.

Of course, RM's always the one leaving EVERYONE behind...and he says just bike, bike, and more bike. Perhaps I'm just talkin' out of my booty, then?


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Good points Krustee. I totally agree on the cadince (RPM) issue. I usually have a optimum speed I pedal at, and I stay with it.

I started this thread out to be serious, but not too serious! I really enjoy biking and it is more about fun to me than fitness. I also like having a goal to achieve and personal bests to conquer. So even if I never am as good as some people, as long as I get better, go higher, jump farther, go faster (Thanks Acadian :) ) I will be happy! :cool:


Jul 23, 2001
Broomfield, CO
The reason I don't race, don't want to race, and don't think about racing, is that biking is FUN! It's a blast to go out and race myself up a climb, or go out with friends (you guys) and ride around for hours. Either way it's just plain FUN!

Squeak, I guarantee that if you and Krustee keep riding with me you will get better. Not cause I'm better then you, but because you are riding more. That really is the key to better biking. The more you ride, the better you are. Then, when you start to get close to me on the climbs I'll know it's time for me to go with RM more often. Then I can leave you behind again. :D