
I need to get in shape. Help.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
So this year I have been slipping in the health department. Since my shoulder surgery in July and recently getting hit by a car before I could start riding my mtb again I have put on some weight.

I want to make a strong comeback to mtb but I am feeling a bit like Nathan Rennie this year. Nothing but bad luck with riding and just "feeling off" health wise.

I weighed myself today for the first time since before the surgery and I am at my highest weight I have ever been at and I am a little frightened and disappointed. I have hit 223lbs where I usually run right around 200lbs. I have gotten to sub 200lbs when I was riding all heavily. Keep in mind I am 6'1 so I haven't been under 180lbs since I was in grade school.

I wanted to see if I could get help from you guys to drop some weight and make a strong comeback.

Unfortunately I have some diet restriction that may make things a little more challenging. I am allergic to almost all fresh fruits and vegetables. I can eat them once they have been cooked (in regular amounts).

Please help me get some diet-like meals that I can put together to start eating more healthy. How often and when should I eat them? I know that more regular smaller meals is the best way to speed your metabolism right?

Also any exercise routines that you recommend would be awesome. For the time being my knee cant do too much (since the accident). I can do stationary cycling but nothing that requires side to side movement. Thankfully my shoulder is ready to rock now, but its still pretty weak since I haven't been able to ride my mtb yet.

I should be able to start riding my commuter bike to/from work again soon (single speed road bike). The commute is about 1.7 miles each way with uphills and downhills.

I could really use the help. I also really want to get back in shape for getting married in May next year.


I look forward to any advice you guys have to offer.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I'm not a trainer, but this is from personal experience and what I've been learning over the past few months while training to race on the road:

If fat burning is your goal, reduce caloric intake while maintaining nutritional needs. If your activity level is relatively low, high protein/low carb can be very beneficial in retaining muscle mass while losing fat.

Heart rate monitor+prolonged (think at least 2hrs) aerobic exertion at 60% of max effort is a good formula for optimal fat loss. Long spins up the coast or down to Watsonville would be your go-to road rides for something like that... You might be well served by doing your short commute with all-out intervals to help clear out some glycogen and improve sprinting, since it's unlikely something that short is really going to assist you in burning a lot of stored fat calories.

Lose It! on the iPhone is a good app for calorie intake monitoring, as well as limited nutritional information tracking/guidance.

Right now I'm at 167 lbs, shooting for 155-160 while maintaining power output by the time racing starts in March, the above stuff has been what's been working for me.


Oct 20, 2005
Butthole of NC
I was in a similar situation as you last summer. I tore my ACL and leading up to my surgery I gained about 20 lbs. I was about 195lbs @ 6ft. After my surgery I immediately started eating the way I know I should. 6 meals a day, no processed foods or red meat at all. Fishes, Chicken, Turkey, Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts. Only drinking Water or green tea. That along with my 3 time a week physical therapy, I got down to 175lbs in a month and a half. Eating makes a bigger difference than working out does when it comes to loosing weight.

After about 2-3 months I didn't need rehab anymore and I used BikeJames' MTB training workout to get me back in to racing/riding shape. It will definitely help with your shoulder strength as well.

You can eat vegetables after they are cooked. Can you eat fruit if they have been dehydrated? It's always good to find some kind of health bar that is actually healthy and quick and easy. I say that because the majority of commercially known bars have lots of crap in them. I use Shacklee Cinch Bars, best thing I have come across so far.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks for the info. I was also thinking about that training program but cant really afford the $100 for it.

I also just got an app for my iphone my brother swears by. He did it for a couple months and took off 25lbs.

Its call Lose it!

The app is a calorie and exercise counter that keeps track of everything you eat. It has diet information for thousands of products built in (including name brands and everything). Pretty dang cool. I put in that I would like to be 195lbs and it have me a calorie budget that I can track daily. The max it will let you do is 2lbs a week so it estimated I will be at 195lbs by February.

My brother who used the app said he got results much quicker than the schedule it gives you. I am pretty excited to see how this goes, especially after I can actually start working out and riding again.
Last edited:


Aug 10, 2009
Try throwing in some vegetarian meals into your diet. There are no real downsides to doing this, and the tastes are getting better and better. The list of benefits of replacing some of the meats in your diet is seemingly never ending, too.

Tofu is low in calories and fat, and an excellent source of protein. Some light versions have <.5 grams of fat per serving. If you 'don't like' tofu, you can fix it in so many different ways that you are bound to find a way that you like. Tofu/spinach lasagna is super easy, cheap, and very healthy. Black bean burgers are bangin, too. Just watch the sodium. They aren't trying to be something else, so they have amazing flavors to add that your everyday burger doesn't have. Boca burger/Morningstar veggie crumbles replace ground beef in recipes, and you can barely tell a difference. The main difference is there is no greasy taste.

Just a thought...

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks for that.

I actually eat vegetarian pretty often. My diet is usually about 50-50. My fiance was a vegetarian for a few years up until just recently so I am pretty used to it. =]

I love all of those things you listed above!


Aug 10, 2009
Welcome :)

I was half expecting to be hazed. LOL

I wouldn't try to talk somebody into turning veg*n, but I will try to talk somebody into lowering their intake of meat.. lol

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
So I started riding road again yesterday on my new single speed road bike. I hope this helps. I will be officially dieting for 1 week on Thursday this week. If this iPhone app is accurate I should be losing about 2lbs a week. We will see on the weigh in on Thursday.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
So I started riding road again yesterday on my new single speed road bike. I hope this helps. I will be officially dieting for 1 week on Thursday this week. If this iPhone app is accurate I should be losing about 2lbs a week. We will see on the weigh in on Thursday.
Good luck to you:thumb:


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004

I will for sure let you guys know.

My brother swears by it. He said he lots 25lbs by just using this app over a couple months. No exercise, just tracking his calories. So I have some high hopes for it. =]
The key is to maintain power output while dropping body mass...something I've had trouble with in the past. Maintain animal protein and fat levels!

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Yeah I think with me being able to ride I can still push it to be able to maintain power while still dropping mass.

I think once I get down to a more comfortable weight I will focus more on building on my strength, cardio, flexibility, etc with the MTB training system.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I haven't weighed in yet this week, but my clothes are noticeably more loose. I think the combination of watching what I am eating and riding to work again is finally starting to show some results.


Nov 29, 2009
Good stuff. I'm 6' & 210lbs, I've definitely plateaued after dropping from 267, although weight loss hasn't really been my goal - just a nice side benefit of getting fitter. I'll tell you this much, make sure your belt has a few notches still to go, and save up for new pants. :)

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Good stuff. I'm 6' & 210lbs, I've definitely plateaued after dropping from 267, although weight loss hasn't really been my goal - just a nice side benefit of getting fitter. I'll tell you this much, make sure your belt has a few notches still to go, and save up for new pants. :)
Thanks for the motivation.

I just did my first MTB ride for the first time since my shoulder surgery in July. It kicked my ass but felt great.

I cannot wait to get in better shape again!

I don't fit in 3 pairs of jeans I bought a few weeks ago. heh damn. =]


Nov 29, 2009
I don't fit in 3 pairs of jeans I bought a few weeks ago. heh damn. =]
hahaha... "stupid weight loss! I just bought these pants!"

I had a pair of MTB shorts that I bought, rode in once, then I never happened to bust them out for a couple months, and they just fall off now. :rant:


Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Interesting, I have been at 217 for the last 3 weeks now.

I have been riding my MTB doing some light xc style rides. I wonder If I am loosing weight and just gaining muscle back?

My clothes are still fitting loose and I am noticeably thinner in my face, shirt size, and waist.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Interesting, I have been at 217 for the last 3 weeks now.

I have been riding my MTB doing some light xc style rides. I wonder If I am loosing weight and just gaining muscle back?

My clothes are still fitting loose and I am noticeably thinner in my face, shirt size, and waist.
Yeah weight isn't always the best measurement. I rarely ever stray more than a few pounds away from 155 but my body changes significantly throughout the year. Early winter I lose muscle in my legs and gain fat. I start weightlifting and in the spring I have traded most of the fat for muscle. Throughout the summer I lose upper body muscle for leg muscle then get out of shape and fat in the beginning of the winter again. I basically have 5-10 pounds that just moves around my body.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
For keeping track of calories and exercise have a look at www.sparkpeople.com I've used it in the past and when I was keeping tabs on everything it was amazing how quickly the weight slid off.
Yeah my fiance is actually using that to track hers. I am using the iPhone app Lose it! and its been working pretty great. It also tracks exercise was well which is nice.

I would really like to get under 200lbs again and keep it that way before my wedding in May.

Westy, my whole mental picture of you changed. I had no idea you were such a small guy. ha

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I am staying pretty steady at 216-217. I am noticeably thinner with my measurements and whatnot but the lbs are staying where they are.

I am hopefully starting the ultimate mtb training soon and hopefully will see some more improvements soon.


took the red pill
I wish I still biked. I'm about +15 since I stopped. As far as getting in shape?

Read about this guy. Who's philosiphy I live by (as best I can). Good Old Jack Lelanne
"If man touched it, spit it out"

And this.

Udo has spent his lifetime researching oils. The guys knows what he's doing. The problem is that the types of fats we are eating in processed foods are causing the fat burning gene to shut down. I've have his book "fats that heal, fats that kill" and if you read it, and understood the theory, you'll never look at the way oils are processed the same way again. As well as the way we cook foods in oil.

This stuff will cost you $35 a month for 32 oz. or so, but I have told my wife to budget so that we can afford it for the rest of our life. No better oil out there. I've been on it 1 week and have lost a few pounds. Nothing crazy I know, but I'm relatively skinny, but could stand to lose 10 lbs.

As mentioned. It's a mindset change about food. I tell my wife this. The reason that we are brainwashed into thinking everything must taste like cherries and chocolate is our brain has been manipulated by chemical additives.

A few weeks without garbage and you wont miss it. Get use to the mindset that every meal is not supposed to taste like bacon and you'll be better off. All these pills are based in chemistry as well and the body is part energy, and part chemistry. Keep that in mind as well. The way you think about food has an effect as well.

I eat stuff that makes people here at the office cringe. I watch them all fall asleep after about 2pm from the take out rubbish they eat on a daily basis.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Down to 215 now. That makes -8lbs. Booyeah!
Good job, man. Best way to lose weight is the old fashioned way, which sounds like what you are doing (eat less, eat better, exercise more). Diet is definitely the most important for weight loss. I find I can maintain my weight just by not eating much meat, not gorging myself and abiding by simple guidelines (ie, eat food not products/edible food-like substances). I lose weight if I follow those guidelines but just eat less and cut back on things I know have more calories.

To the point Westy made earlier about weight not being the most important thing- I basically didn't exercise at all 3 months in the fall and extremely little from August-December. I did not gain any significant weight, surprisingly. But I started exercising again recently (few times a week on the trainer, stretching, a few strength exercises) and GAINED weight. WTF? I think I might be eating more and gaining muscle. Not what I was looking for, but I know I am in better shape.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
True true. I think once I get into the 200-205lb range I will be back to 'normal' weight that I have been at for the past few years.

Things have kept coming up delaying me starting the Ultimate MTB training program. I think I might give it a shot today on my lunch. If not today, maybe tomorrow.

Pretty dang excited to have that be in my weekly routine.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Things got delayed a little bit. I am going to be starting it again tomorrow I think. I think I am going to start from day 1 again just so I can do the complete program how its supposed to be done (3 days a week).

But I really feel like this is going to be incredibly helpful. I cannot wait to start seeing results on the bike (whenever the rain clears up enough to ride).