
I saw Guster, Ben Folds, and Rufus Wainwright tonight...


Feb 9, 2004
Hey guys,

I saw Guster, ben folds, and rufus wainrwright in concert tonight. Just wondering if anyone else is into this type of music or if anyone has gone to any of the shows on this tour.

Guster opened and played extremely well. They played a lot of good stuff, I think about 12 or 12 songs. They also came back throughout the concert and played with Ben Folds and Rufus.

Ben Folds... who has seen him in concert. He was insane... simply amazing. He went nuts and played amazing and did about 10 or 11 long songs, plus stuff with Guster and Rufus. Ben folds was funny as hell, and kept the croud laughing, and ended up coming back and playing a bit more after the croud went nuts when he got off stage. Best person I've seen in concert.

Rufus Wainwright... I was very dissapointed. He played about 10 songs probably if not more. He did 1 song in French, 1 in German. His normal songs, you couldn't even understand his vocals all too well from the way he was singing. Seeing as he is homosexual, he made it a point to mention it quite a few times which seemed out of place at the concert. After Ben Folds giving some an amazing, upbeat performance, Rufus seemed not so good, and totally killed the mood of the concert. He played only 1 somewhat fast paced song, and only played 1 song I have ever even heard of before.

Overall the concert was amazing. I don't think I saw a single person sitting down all through Guster and Ben folds, and when Rufus came on, I could count the amount of people in the whole entire concert theatre standing on 1 hand. Not too many people even cheered for him.

Anyone else seen any of these people live before. What'd you think? This was my 3rd Guster concert, and I would say performance was better than their one at the Bushnell.

BTW... I had 4th row tickets... so it worked out well.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004
I went to a Guster show sometime last winter. Guster was really cool, the people in the crowd weren't. They played a mix of their stuff and covers, probably with a total of about twenty songs or so. I'd go see them again.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I've seen Ben Folds (and Ben Folds Five) and Guster before. Guster is an awesome show to see. Ben Folds has good and bad days. The last time I saw him, he was having an off night (right before the band broke up) and weren't their usual greatness!

I'd definately see them both again though :thumb:


Feb 9, 2004
This must have been one of Ben's good nights then. He got the crowd so into it, I don't think there was anyone in the whole Oakdale sitting down. I have to say, he was pretty funny, he used some crowd chanting and things and improvised it into his songs. By time Rufus Wainwright came on, the crowd still wanted Ben back.

Guster was sick as always, although I wish they played more.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
I was a biiig Guster fan when I lived on the East coast...same with Ben Folds. Still try to get to their concerts when they head West. :) Glad you enjoyed.