
I'm in a good spot right now.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
By purely unscientific measurements (the way my clothes fit, what the scale says, and how much I can lift), I'm gaining muscle at about the same rate I'm losing fat. :thumb:

From November of last year until about a month ago, I had been in fat-loss mode. I love roughly 25lbs and dropped about 3" from my waist. Recently I've started hitting the weights a bit harder to try to add some lean muscle, and I'm starting to see some results.

I've never really done a legitiamate workout routine, so this is all kind of trial and error for me. When the crappy weather gets here and I'm stuck inside more often, I'll probably buy some more equipment (dumbells, a flat bench, or maybe a legitimate home gym... we'll see). But for now, I'm just trying to get the bugs worked out of my routine... find out what I can do and how often, that sort of thing.

I'm really happy with how things are going.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
This is great news, congrats!! What brought about this change? Have you changed your diet during this period? How has mountain biking (or cycling for that matter) fit within your program?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Back in november I was riding in my truck on a back country road and I could feel my manboobs jiggle. That was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

I picked up a copy of The Abs Diet and slowly started getting my diet turned around. Right about the first of the year I bought a trainer and started spinning in the basemen 4-5 times a week. Once the weather broke, I brought my road bike into work and started riding on my lunch breaks as the weather and my schedule would allow (usually 2-3 times per week). I'd mtn bike after work and on weekends when I could.

I'm still riding as much as I can, I've started doing a bit of trail running to break up the routine a bit, and I'm starting to get into weights a bit more. My diet has kind of leveled off (not quite as clean as it could be, but light years better than where I was). Right now I'm between 155 and 160 lbs (I'm 5' 8"ish) - I'd love to end up right around the 160lb mark with a bit less fat around my midsection and a bit more size in my chest.


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson

I think the trainer and road riding makes a huge difference. Even though I love mtbing more than road, I find I'm more tempted to go out for beer and burgers after the ride with friends. The tighter clothes and regiment of road biking makes me want a healthy dinner when I return.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
jacksonpt said:
Back in november I was riding in my truck on a back country road and I could feel my manboobs jiggle. That was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

I picked up a copy of The Abs Diet and slowly started getting my diet turned around. Right about the first of the year I bought a trainer and started spinning in the basemen 4-5 times a week. Once the weather broke, I brought my road bike into work and started riding on my lunch breaks as the weather and my schedule would allow (usually 2-3 times per week). I'd mtn bike after work and on weekends when I could.

I'm still riding as much as I can, I've started doing a bit of trail running to break up the routine a bit, and I'm starting to get into weights a bit more. My diet has kind of leveled off (not quite as clean as it could be, but light years better than where I was). Right now I'm between 155 and 160 lbs (I'm 5' 8"ish) - I'd love to end up right around the 160lb mark with a bit less fat around my midsection and a bit more size in my chest.
i think its better to go by phases.
one phase you loose fat, in the other you stack up pounds.

get your fat down to 13%-14% before you start stacking pounds, until you are 16-17%, then start cutting off the fat.
its all on the diet, plus some cardio for the fat loosing.

bench, deadlifts and squats (and compound movements in general) are t3h win for gaining pounds.