
@@@@ Last Derp@@@@


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Signed myself up for a 250 word, 24/hr deadline micro-fiction contest. 3 rounds, top 10 stories in each group advance. I'll consider it a great success if I get out of round one. All these RM posts are about to pay off.
Just plagiarize some of Burley Shirley's posts.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Fuck it Friday cancelled.

Boss texted while I was in the woods about some work nonsense. Ride cut short, not watching rampage but on a rampage of my own. Fucking kill list.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I’ll give you a thumbs up when your snowmobile runs on greenstuff.
you have a similar post in this thread I assume?

Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I burn less gas every year (by a LONG shot) than the front range and bay area mountain warriors out there. I don't really drive to recreate anymore. Maybe one trip a year over an hour away.

Trust me I have no love for gas. But I'm not going drop the things I do that make my life worth living at the commands of people who fly on private jets and think nothing of driving 3-4 hours each way for a 'powder day' and froth on about emissions of a fucking snowmobile, inbetween shopping for sprinter vans and booking airline tickets for other countries. All that does is rob me of joy, and achieves nothing but feeding the smug. It's why our species is failing. We do window dressing, not genuinely address problems.

I'll harp back to when everything shut down from covid. Our atmosphere literally cleared up in days.......and trust me, every single gas powered snowmobile was getting more use than ever before at the time. Snowmobiles in CA aren't even a blip. We get singled out because we're small and weak. Nothing more. Don't fall into the trap just because it's something you don't do and maybe deem non-essential. Unless you're just walking out of your house to some walking trails, every bit of outdoor recreation is 'non-essential' and comes with likely greater an emissions impact than my snowmobile.
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Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I have a essay about Critical Race Theory I can extend to you. I mostly concentrate on Road Courses and utilizing Offset and Camber for performance. I do however touch on Aerodynamics and Downforce a bit. In my opinion an educated Motorsports fan is more likely to not drive the left lane and keep right except to pass. I no longer have the Racing Civic to qualify... Let me know if I can help....
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Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Is "chatting with VPN support" the new "fixing a fuse?"

I think I need to start answering everything "Earl" asks me with "I see." See how he likes that passive aggressive horseshit.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Is "chatting with VPN support" the new "fixing a fuse?"

I think I need to start answering everything "Earl" asks me with "I see." See how he likes that passive aggressive horseshit.
that dude is probably working in a 150degF warehouse, chained to a pitbull that makes sure he doesn't stand up, for 25c a day in hopes of buying some curry for his family to eat tonight.

So yeah, let him have it!


Artisanal Tweet Curator
too good

some kids have been knocking on the door the last few days asking for walk a thon stuff for school funding. I grew up in a horrible horrible state where dudes would literally grab bunches of kids to to this, then just pull a pimp move and keep most of the money, masquerading as school charity. It's made me a horrible person full of skepticism and suspicion that I'm trying to overcome.

Okay, so day 3, third group of kids, I might believe this. And even if it's creepy pimp van guy, I know a way around. Some poor kid is about having a heart attack reading through his script, total panic attack. I ask him what the money is for .... "computers and stuff". I live in a pretty poor neighborhood and these kids do not look so hot.

School function or not I give each of them a 20 and just say "I'll give each of you one of these, if you decide to put it in the envelope that's up to you, but it looks like you have pockets". The smaller kid (maybe 10) totally gets it, his eyes blow up and he starts doing a nervous dance. The older kid having the panic attack is still doing the performance asking for my name to write down and the little kid is pulling him away talking in a whisper voice that I can't hear just about to explode. :rofl:

I just hope they do what's best for them.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Sounds like a few people upset over vaccines mandates talked some trash, made some threats and were removed by security. That usually ends in swift termination.
A few years back a notoriously bad qe mouthed off to the site manager. Apparently what he said was far enough over the line that the police were called and escorted him off company property.