
Lynn Woods: Hucks and Flats Pt. II


Mar 31, 2004
Broomfield, CO
So after our wildly successful prequil to this ride seen below...


Joe and I ventured back into Lynn for some more rocky goodness. After being rejected from parking behind the Bostonville, our parking space for going on 10 years now :rant:, Tom was kind enough to let us park at his house. Thanks Tom.

First flat of the day wasn't even while riding. My front tire had gone flat since I last rode Saturday and yesterday. Boo to that.

Before I go on, I would like to say that all flat hucks and hucks in general are dedicated to Mr. Adam King. May your flat hucking legacy live on forever.

Look at Joe riding down the pile of rocks through the trees, isn't his sleeveless shirt oh so stylish?

This huck is so miserable that only those who have done it can feel the pain. So small but so brutal...

It wouldn't be a good ride report without a gratuitous climbing pic now would it?

Just a little bit of JRA.

Everyone loves a good log ride!

More gratuitous climbing pics courtesy of Joe's WTB Motoflatters that offer oh so much traction. Taken 1 second before the spin out.

Wouldn't be Lynn Woods without the occasional roller that threatens to send you ass over tea kettle now would it?

Getting ready to tackle a ridiculously steep section of the trail.

Told you it is steep.

Why just ride down the rock when you can unnecessarily huck it?

Ichabod Crane took this picture of a guy riding up a 4 foot tall near vertical rock.

I channeled my inner Adam King and more or less just fell off this rock. Who needs rear suspension when you can crush your body between the rear wheel and the back of your saddle? MOAR SHIMZ!!!

Joe showing me how its done...

Or is it Joe...You decide?

No need to do Space Monkey folks, you can just roll the inside of it!

Luckily I'm going up, not off of this.

Doing my mating call. Or something like that.

"You know bro, when I'm out riding, its just like I'm one with the bike shredding the gnar dirt. Nothing else matters when I'm in the zone yo. Dawg, u can't compare it to anything else, cept maybe tanning, cuz thats something I'm actually really good at. What what?! *Fist pump*" - CrabJoe


May 27, 2004
Matthews, NC
any chance you guys will be riding lynn the weeks of 6/28 or 7/5? Coming up to the cape for a couple weeks and might make the trip up to ride. haven't been to lynn in a long time.