
Need Group to Ride with - RIT


Jun 18, 2009
Rochester, NY
I attend RIT, I was wondering if there are any group riders that I could hook up with. I am riding alone, but I have no car so I am very limited where I can ride. I was wondering if there are any groups that go to ride, that I could hook up with.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Well, when it comes to DH you're pretty much SOL. That region of NY is just too flat. There's a few spots scattered around the city where there were once some freeride rips, but those are long gone. If you do perchance to meet up with someone with vehicle access, there's a group that runs shuttles down at the Swain ski resort - about 90 minutes from campus.

In the immediate area to campus, there aren't any xc trails I'm aware of. But they may have changed. I graduated in 2007 so there might be some new trails, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Your best bet would be to try and meet someone with vehicle access. Just ride around campus and watch for people on bikes, you'll know when you see them.

There are some really good xc trails within a short (~45min) drive of campus. Dryer Road is probably the best game in town. They've got a great trail network that is well maintained. It's right down the street from Trailblazers Bike Shop - I think you still have to stop there to sign the waiver to ride the trails. The shop is definitely worth stopping at anyways. Victor, the owner, has the best MTB selection in town. Plus, he rides a ton and is a straight up guy. I still come back to rochester from time to time and I make a point to stop in and say hi.

Last I heard some of my friends had built a pump track and a few jumps there too. Its east of campus in the town of Victor (yes, I know its a weird coincidence that Victor runs a shop in Victor).

Tryon park used to be the closest to campus, but over the years its been a battle for the cyclists there. Last I heard it was closed to cycling essentially. We used to have a hell of a freeride setup there - big teeters and high bridges, and some nice drops in the ballpark of 10-12 feet, but that's all long gone. After that got torn out we went super stealth and spaced a few nice things around the park, but those of us that knew where they were hidden have since moved away, or stopped freeriding, so its a pretty safe bet they are in disrepair or eroded away altogether. At one point we had a nice 14'x12' step down, but only 2 of us ever hit it, and my partner dug out the take off to prevent any problems.

There are some resources available to meet people, head over to cycle-cny.com It's a message board for riders in your area, so there's a good chance you can find someone local you can bum rides with.

Also, check out Park Ave Bikes. its about a 5 minute ride from campus and its next to the Costco on 15 - it shares the building with Monroe Muffler. I used to work there and at least back then the wrenches there all rode. I'm pretty sure Jared is still the manager there - make friends with him. He's a riot.

If you are hell bent on some freeriding and dh, there is a place down in the finger lakes called "The Land". But its private. Super private. Like, if you get caught there you will most definitely get arrested private. I used to be in with them but I've since moved away. Apparently they've gone nuts with the building since then, stunts they have are way outta my league now. Check it out www.freeridepark.com If you're interested I can get you in touch with the owner, but beyond that I can't say whether or not he'll let you in.
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Jun 18, 2009
Rochester, NY
jonkranked, thanks for the advice. Ya I have already gone to park ave, great shop, I have also gone to tyron park and found some of the hidden items around the park. Most of it is in good shape, some of it has been torn down and the others just in disrepair. I have not been to dryer road yet so I will have to get with a group that goes out there. That would be great if I could hook up with The Ride owner, but I do not know how often or how much I could help with the park.