
New to biking!!


Oct 22, 2011
Campbell Mo
Hello everyone, My name is Bobby I'm 20 and I just decided to start biking to help lose weight and get into shape along with sight seeing and exploring.

Just picked up a 2012 Trek 3700 and added a trip meter, cage/bottle, kickstand, and a saddle bag and lights (not pictured)

I'm pretty overweight at about 280lbs at about 5'11" tall

I'm actually having issues I'm more out of weight than I thought I live on a flat gravel road and I can't seem to make it a 1/4 mile without running out of breath and feeling Like I've ran a mile.. any tips for a noobie that can't seem to get very far out of the driveway? I shift to an easier gear like I've read about but maybe I'm making it too easy for myself and overworking it?



Oct 22, 2011
Campbell Mo
after writing this I went out and pushed myself I went on a 4.5 mile ride.. it may seem small but for me I'm happy about it and the best thing is I think I'm adjusting as well because I feel like I could go ride more


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
No specific advice for the riding other than to keep it up. You're on the right path and as long as you take it a little bit at a time you'll get to a point where 4.5 miles is nothing. Just keep plugging away, do what you think you can and then push just a little bit more.

Edit: Oh yeah, welcome to the :monkey: try not to let the riff-raff get to you.
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free wieners

Its pretty simple really. find yourself a "diagnostic ride"....A simple ride that is always the same. keep track of your times on these rides and it will tell you how much your gaining over a period of time. as you progress you will end up making your diagnostic ride a bit longer and tacking on more miles as you feel comfortable. but dont just ride this same thing over and over again. make it a weekly jaunt in between your "trail" rides. get out and find the good single tracks in your area. find out what you like the best, flowy, climbs, DH, techy and your style will grow from there. I wouldnt advise riding with others just yet. get your own confidence up and make the bike feel comfortable under neath you before deciding to ride with others.


Oct 22, 2011
Campbell Mo
rode 20 miles today with a friend he was really nice about it and pushed me just enough to keep me going and not burn myself out. I really enjoyed it and can't wait to go back!


Turbo Monkey
Good choice, mountainbiking rules!!
Oh and buy yourself a spare tire and a small pump so you wont have to walk home for ten miles when you have a flat Took me 4 flats before i bought one, saves u a lot of walking!!

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Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Hello everyone i want to share my biking is it good or improve it......
I was covering 15 kms in 64 minutes with 65 rpm. in order to increase rpm from 65 to 80, of course the gears fluctuate, i could cover the same distance not early but at 70 minutes. which one to choose, why and how to increase rpm?
buy shoes online
You dumb ****, you need bigger shoes, everyone knows that.


Dec 4, 2011
Is there anyone who know some tips to bike here?? I can't really ride a bike,, I am always out of balance


Jun 28, 2008
good for you Bobby just keep up the rides and don't drop the grears to low cause then u start over working and going no where.