
Now that is a big boar taken with a bow

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Hog Hunting: The 6 Biggest Myths About Hunting, Killing, and Eating Big Boars

6. Meat from big boars is inedible

"I hear many people say this and it is untrue," Clayton said. "Older boars above 150 pounds or so make great pork chops. The rest is sausage. They don't make good ham or ham steaks."

Here's why people get that impression: "Most of that testosterone in an older boar is carried in its sexual organs. That is where the smell comes from," he said. "Cut around the sexual organs and extract them all in one piece."

In other words, meat quality in a big porker is all about how you butcher the boar.

The best-eating wild pigs are younger, smaller boars, Clayton said, noting he prefers boars of 190 pounds or less.

One of the reasons why younger boars are often better than sows is they are not suckling piglets. Sows often have litters up to twice a year. They won't be in as good shape as boars," he said.