
Oh geez...yet another Moab report (dialup beware)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
The horrible head cold I had last week didn't keep me from heading to Moab over the weekend. Neither did the snow storm that I drove through at 5:30 am in the mountains. Thankfully I ignored the little voice in my head that said to turn back, and was greated with this sight after I passed through the Eisenhower tunnel

Glenwood Canyon...halfway there!

Here's Charlie, Ryan, Tony and Missy suiting up for Slickrock. Missy had never mtb'ed before, so this was a bit of an eye opener for her. She did great. The wind was HOWLING that day. Enough to make you get off the bike and brace yourself so you didn't get blown off the rock.

Here's me powering up a steep spot

Moab has a lot of rock...

Yup, lots of rock...

Here's Charlie grunting up another steep section

Nothing better than eggs fried in an inch of bacon grease

On Saturday we hit up the Sovereign Trail, which I HIGHLY recommend. There's not a lot of climbing, but plenty of great singletrack mixed with lots of technical slickrock areas.

Here's me having a bit of fun

Charlie showing how its done

Here's Jon crusing through a nice mellow section

You can call me Sir Grunts-a-lot as I try to power up a loose technical section.

Here's Charlie once again showing off his climbing prowness

Not to be outdone, I show that I can climb too. This would be a great shot if it wasn't for Charlies fat leg.

Charlie about to clean a particularly loose steep switchback

At the northern end of Sovereign is this expansive area of slickrock. Here's Ryan and Charlie just chillin

Charlie showing Jon that he enjoys going down just as much as he enjoys going up. This is the same technical spot that I'm grunting up in pic #12.

Back at camp, Louie the dog lets me know just how much he likes beef jerky.

It will forever remain a mystery how Jon got ring marks on the outside of his left leg

Well, that's about it. Everyone except me rode Klondike Bluffs on Sunday. My cold came back in full force so I decided to make the trek back to Denver. I hit a few snow storms around Vail and then again at the Eisenhower tunnel, but I made it back ok. I'm now sitting at work, sick as a dog with a slightly sprained back, a pulled shoulder muscle, a hole in my knee and a huge grin on my face.

It was a good weekend.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Nice shots man, its fun to see pics of places i just was...

We didnt get to the soveirgn trail because of an aweful sand/thunderstorm thing...

Did you guys ride porcupine?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
manhattanprjkt83 said:
Did you guys ride porcupine?
No, we've done Porc the last 2 times we were there, so we opted to do Sovereign instead. Didn't have time for anything else. I think Porc is still my favorite Moab ride, but I highly recommend Sovereign the next time you go.