
photo archive software


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Hey all. I know there are some photographers around (or at least people who do some pretty serious dabbling in photography)...

I'm looking for some photo archive software to manage digital photos. I don't think I need anything fancy, just something that will allow me to tag photos and is searchable. I'm assuming anything decent will auto time/date stamp pictures as they are added? If not, that would be an important feature. If it can do slide shows and web galleries, great, but it's not crucial.

Suggestions? As always, price is a big factor. It doesn't have to be freeware, but I also don't have thousands of dollars to put into this.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Frankly, I've been pretty happy with Picasa for casual management. I do most of my photo management manually in directory structures but Picasa allows for quick view/sorting/minor editing/email/etc.

It's free. Give it a try, see if it suits your needs. Plus, it integrates directly with Picasa Web Albums for sharing.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Does picassa run locally? For some reason, I had the impression it was an online tool, like photobucket or whatever, but with more functionality.