
Post your best pro-gun stories


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
My wife got uppity b/c I was cheating on her. So I shot her in the face.
That simple act of financial self-defense saved my retirement from her greedy hands.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i know this guy who was at the mall & flashed his piece.

friend of narlus, i think.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
One time I caught a mouse endangering my home and family so I shot him from behind a office chair bluff. Its a good thing I had a scope, he was about a yard away:monkey:


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
Working late around 10pm. Heard a door slam from my office. Drew my weapon, went outside to find someone had jumped the fence and was trying to get the radio out of my truck. He saw me and jumped out of the truck with a large screw driver in his hand. He took a step toward me then realized I had a gun pointed at him. I ordered him to drop the screwdriver and get on the ground. Cops took him away and told me that guy had anger managment issues and would have easily tried to rush me if I didn't have a gun.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi

Smokey was over the line, and it was league play. 'nuff said.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Recent one--could've been anyone, not just a cop, and many citizens with CCWs are better-trained than many LEOs I know. Why he didn't keep shooting after the initial shot, I can't say... too bad the psycho lived.
Woman fights for life after psycho goes on knife rampage


Sunday, October 7th 2007, 4:00 AM

Michael Daly: City should be proud of Amarjit
He struck down 'a wonderful person'

A shirtless madman wielding stolen knives went on a bloody midtown rampage yesterday - stabbing a restaurant worker and a psychologist walking her dog before being shot by an off-duty cop, authorities said.

Deranged Lee Coleman stood wild-eyed over the dog-walker, methodically plunging a knife into her body and face over and over - even pausing to change knives as the woman lay in a pool of blood, screaming for help.

The crazed mental patient got into several confrontations while running up Second Ave. near 35th St. before he took aim at Susan Barron, 67, who was walking to church to have her dog blessed, sources said.

Barron, who lives in the neighborhood, was stabbed at least 10 times in the face, neck, arms and abdomen, leaving her badly mutilated, witnesses said. She was rushed to Bellevue Hospital in critical condition.

"He was chopping down on her," said Andrew Fink, 29, who was getting into a cab when the attack took place. "I saw him hit her at least 10 times. She was screaming and crawling along the street and people were running away.

"It looked like she was trying to crawl into the intersection. She was crying out in pain. He looked very intent. He was systematically bringing the weapon down on her."

Police said Coleman, 38, has a history of mental illness and has been in and out of psychiatric clinics. He was off his medication, sources said.

He has prior arrests in Georgia in 2001 for child abandonment, assault, theft and receiving stolen property. He was also arrested in 2004 in New Jersey, but police were unclear on the charges.

Coleman's frenzy along Second Ave. began shortly before the 10:40 a.m. stabbing. His first stop was Starbucks on 32nd St., where staff caught him rifling through drawers behind the counter, police said.

He left empty-handed and walked a few blocks north to a deli, engaging in an argument with a person there.

Coleman then walked to Texas Smokehouse restaurant. He asked to use the bathroom, but instead went behind the counter and stole four knives.

Chef Amarjit Singh, 56, was slashed across the face and neck as he tried to stop Coleman, police sources said.

Singh fled the restaurant onto Second Ave. followed by Coleman, who came face-to-face with Barron at the corner of 35th St. and, without warning, turned the knives on her.

Barron - wearing a neck brace from a recent accident - fell to the ground, holding her cane in one hand and her black Scottish terrier, Velvet, on a leash in the other, but the attack continued.

Coleman was seen standing over Barron, stabbing her and slashing her body "like a piece of meat," sources said. "He had so many knives that he had to put some down on the ground" while he stabbed her with others.

Despite being badly injured, Singh returned to the scene as Barron was being attacked, rushed into the restaurant and grabbed towels and aprons to stem her bleeding.

An off-duty NYPD Transit cop, Gregory Chin, who was on vacation and had been eating at the Gemini diner near where the attack took place, spotted the mayhem and intervened.

"Drop it, drop it, drop the f------ knife," he screamed at Coleman, a police source said.

Coleman ignored Chin's order and advanced aggressively, wielding the knives, forcing the cop to fire one round with his off-duty weapon, hitting Coleman in the stomach.

Two bridge-and-tunnel officers helped wrestle Coleman to the ground, where he continued to resist arrest after he was wounded, witnesses said.

"Clearly this guy [Chin] is a hero," said Allan Chapin, 66, who witnessed events from the diner window. "This guy saved a few lives. He [Coleman] was wrestling like crazy, and it took four policemen to subdue him and get the cuffs on."

Coleman had been especially upset over an ongoing problem with a girlfriend, sources said.

Family members met with Coleman Friday night and convinced him to see a psychiatrist, sources said. But Coleman bolted as relatives tried to shuffle him into a car to drive him to the doctor.

Singh was hospitalized at Bellevue in serious but stable condition, while Coleman was in stable condition at the same hospital. Coleman was charged with attempted murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

Chin was given a sobriety test - which he passed - under a new and controversial NYPD policy introduced last Sunday.


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
You're right, he shoulda kept shooting. One shot to the head woulda solved this guys mental problems. Someone's gotta remind this cop about the nigerian drill.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
my bad. Just finished reading an article on the nigerian scams.
So you're saying he should have given him two badly-spelled emails to the chest and a final fake cashier's check to the head?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
One time I caught a mouse endangering my home and family so I shot him from behind a office chair bluff. Its a good thing I had a scope, he was about a yard away:monkey:
I hope you left the little bastards body in the yard as a warning to the other ones.


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
Several years ago, in a stinkier part of the globe, we were running a convoy through the sticks when we had a flat tire. We were delayed because we were having some trouble that WD-40 wouldn't solve. Toward the end of the tire change, some locals appeared. Using the universal language, they made it clear to us that they wanted what we had in the backs of our trucks.

We pointed our guns at them and they were kind enough to not cut us to pieces with their machetes. They were numerically superior to us, but luckily I speak Mk 46 and the crisis was averted.


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
Mr. Rat, I have a writ here says you're to stop eating Chin Lee's cornmeal forthwith. Now it's a rat writ, writ for a rat, and this is lawful service of the same.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
In high school I had a group of really close friends that got hooked on heroin. Most of them grew up to be theiving junkies, who have already repsoduced too much for anyone's good. Dave, one of my closest friends, decided to shoot himself before it got too far out of hand. Judging by the way everyone else turned out, it's a pro-gun story, sort of.

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
In high school I had a group of really close friends that got hooked on heroin. Most of them grew up to be theiving junkies, who have already repsoduced too much for anyone's good. Dave, one of my closest friends, decided to shoot himself before it got too far out of hand. Judging by the way everyone else turned out, it's a pro-gun story, sort of.
wow... that's dark.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Several years ago, in a stinkier part of the globe, we were running a convoy through the sticks when we had a flat tire. We were delayed because we were having some trouble that WD-40 wouldn't solve. Toward the end of the tire change, some locals appeared. Using the universal language, they made it clear to us that they wanted what we had in the backs of our trucks.

We pointed our guns at them and they were kind enough to not cut us to pieces with their machetes. They were numerically superior to us, but luckily I speak Mk 46 and the crisis was averted.
I know those guys. They really are sweethearts once you get to know them.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
In high school I had a group of really close friends that got hooked on heroin. Most of them grew up to be theiving junkies, who have already repsoduced too much for anyone's good. Dave, one of my closest friends, decided to shoot himself before it got too far out of hand. Judging by the way everyone else turned out, it's a pro-gun story, sort of.
wow, i really do love you laura :cupidarrow:

ok...random pro-gun story that came to mind after about 30 seconds of brainstorming:

last year on a saturday night. thugs order chinese food to a vacant house, delivery driver arrives at said house and thugs meet him in the yard. thugs pulls knife on driver and demands driver's money, driver (having been robbed before) pulls kel-tec .380 on thugs and orders them to the ground whilst calling 911. we arrive less than a minute later and take both thugs into custody. also...baby thug was crying (15yr old) because driver kicked the crap out of his ribs when baby thug tried to run away :D

i still think we owe that driver a medal or something :thumb:


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
One-time tried to come in my home, take my chrome,
I said 'Yo, it's on. Take cover son, or you're ass-out. How you like my chrome?', then I watched the rookie pass out.
Didn't have to blast him, but I did anyway... that young punk had to pay.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, this is my pro-gun story:

When I lived in New Orleans, I was going over my g/f's house at night, when a kid on a bike rolls up on me and pulls a gun.

I thought about fighting back or whether the gun was real, but I figure the penalty for being wrong was too severe, so I gave up my stuff.

The pro-gun part of it was I and my g/f was so amped up from the threat of death I had the best sex of my life that night.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Ouch, stepped on some Team toes, have I? You guys know that I love America. Every morning I wake up to my mobile playing the firefighters from Sept 12, 2001, when they shout USA, USA, USA, right after GWB said he's going to exterminate the planet. :thumb: