
Protein Shakes


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Whats a good protein shake recipe? I got a huge tub of Whey Protein, and don't know what to mix it with. Its vanilla flavored, and i'm thinking put in some milk and strawberries.

Any suggestions?


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I find the vanilla stuff is decent enough tasting to just giver with milk..I generally have a shake after a workout - i.e. more for recovery than a meal replacement as dhd does. You can be as creative as you want....though I've never tried it with bacon :D :think:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
SilentJ said:
I find the vanilla stuff is decent enough tasting to just giver with milk..I generally have a shake after a workout - i.e. more for recovery than a meal replacement as dhd does. You can be as creative as you want....though I've never tried it with bacon :D :think:

Only catch is, I hate milk! :p


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
After some experimenting, I found the secret ingrediant. It has no healthy benifits whatsoever, but....... used in small quantities, for a strawberry shake, it really takes the nasty taste out of the protien powder.

Are you ready?

The secret ingrediant is........ Daily's Coctail mix!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
The basis of any shake:
1 cup low fat/non fat yogurt
6 or so ice cubes
1 scoop protein powder

peanut butter
chocolate syrup (hershey's, nestle, etc)
most any fruit

should make about 16-20oz


Dec 23, 2004
Silverdale, Wa
water, powder, banana

good and simple

ive been using the designer whey its cheap full of junk and not bad tasting at all

compared to gnc protein powder :blah:


Dec 23, 2004
Silverdale, Wa
no skid marks said:
Stomach ulcers are for mindless twerps like you. Freeze your cow puss weigh extract crap and take it suppository style.
dude it was a joke :nuts:

if i could get it locally i would try it
what i use is cheap and affective :rolleyes:

no skid marks

Jan 15, 2006
ACT Australia
Yeah sorry,although my response was a bit tounge in cheek also,I did get a bit carried away,just sick of mindless forum clutter(like this,Sorry all).Weigh powder is not good for you.

no skid marks

Jan 15, 2006
ACT Australia
In short Animal protien in those doses is to strong and sucks the calcium from your bones,hence why there's so much ostioperosis(s?) problems today. If your lacktose intolerent wich you probablly will get using whey powder you can develop stomache ulcers. I'm just a hack but,ask someone thats not selling a product who knows better. Hemp seed is just that seed. I would probablly not recomend even using the doses prescribed on thier packet either but still gotta be saffer than whey. Fish,little red meat,eggs,nuts and lots of em.


Jun 16, 2004
Malibu, CA
I haven't seen any studies to support your claims, Skid Marks. In fact, there are more than a few studies supporting the use of whey protein. The real debate is between whey and soy protein. Whey is currently more popular because there is some evidence to suggest that molecules in soy protein can act as artificial estrogens. This could be seen as a plus to women, but for men, it's bad news.


Jun 16, 2006
Flagstaff, Az
well, i drink my whey protien with soy milk.. im not crazy about milk either.. i love soy milk though... every once in a while i mix it up all crazy with a little peanut butter and some fresh and/or frozen fruit, but for the most part its the last thing i do when im walking out of my house so i just throw two scoops and some soy milk in a nalgene and shake er' up as i walk out the door... Oh, and man-o-man, not only does it make me fart but the smell something fierce too!!! lol... what does anyone have to say about cheap whey protien vs. the pricier stuff? cuz i have been short on mula lately, i have been buying the super cheap body fortress protien and creatine from wal-mart.. its super cheap, i wonder what the negatives are though.....?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
stgil888 said:
I haven't seen any studies to support your claims, Skid Marks. In fact, there are more than a few studies supporting the use of whey protein. The real debate is between whey and soy protein. Whey is currently more popular because there is some evidence to suggest that molecules in soy protein can act as artificial estrogens. This could be seen as a plus to women, but for men, it's bad news.

soy = estrogens, yes, and "strong protein" that causes osteoporosis doesn't make sense to me...


May 23, 2004
Moscow, ID
Anything you want my EX phys profesor makes ungodley concautions. We swear 90% of the time he is drinking something that ran out of his car.

my personal faiv. OJ, banana's, yogurt, rasberry's, blue berry's, blackberry's, strawberrry's, peaches and a scoop of protien, Blend it enjoy. Callories out the wa hoo, and low low low fat, plus tons of micro nutrients. Jam as many different colors in there as possible


May 23, 2004
Moscow, ID
no skid marks said:
In short Animal protien in those doses is to strong and sucks the calcium from your bones,hence why there's so much ostioperosis(s?) problems today. If your lacktose intolerent wich you probablly will get using whey powder you can develop stomache ulcers. I'm just a hack but,ask someone thats not selling a product who knows better. Hemp seed is just that seed. I would probablly not recomend even using the doses prescribed on thier packet either but still gotta be saffer than whey. Fish,little red meat,eggs,nuts and lots of em.
THe only thing that affects calcium on signafcant level is Caffiene. We have osteo problems becuase everything we eat now a days comes from a box or is handed into our cars. I am surprised as a culture we can even spell nutrition anymore
downhilldemon said:
you can do 2 cups milk, a banana, any frozen fruit you desire, peanut butter or any combination of granola and 2 scoops pp.
makes a great breakfast! I live off one of the combination of stuff above for 1 1/2 years every morning for breakfast! Scrumptous!

agrees with this individual.

I do the above as well although I use the Protein powders more then just once a day. In doing so, to keep it simple I mix powder with Island Oasis drink mixes.