
Radio host encourages violence towards cyclists.


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Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
By BRUCE SICELOFF, Newsobserver.com

Original article: http://newsobserver.com/front/story/2911503p-2677916c.html

G105 radio host Bob Dumas told listeners last week that he just hated to see bicycle riders on the road. He laughed at stories about running cyclists down, and he talked up the idea of throwing bottles at bikers.

It wasn't funny to cycling enthusiasts across the Triangle. This week they are lobbying government officials and local advertisers in a campaign to punish radio station WDCG and its corporate owner, Clear Channel of San Antonio, and to promote bicycle safety.

"One caller said her dad had purposely hit a biker on the road on the way to church one Sunday and kept on going," said G105 listener Holly N. Proctor of Cary on Tuesday of the Sept. 21 and 22 broadcasts. "That got laughs. Bob thought that was funny.

"And Bob said he'd love to be on a motorcycle and driving it down a bike lane. Because he didn't think bikers should be allowed on the road. He said they should ride on the sidewalk," she said.

Proctor, a photo technician at N.C. State University, joined two dozen fellow cyclists at a 5 p.m. protest outside the radio station's offices in North Raleigh.

Tom Norman , director of the N.C. Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation , said that reports about the broadcasts revealed dangerous ignorance of state law.

"I have talked to the G105 manager, who was not aware that it is legal to ride bicycles on the public roadways of North Carolina, that cycles are legally recognized as vehicles in North Carolina," Norman said. "Where do you draw the line? What is the distinction between humor and actually inciting or encouraging listeners to harass a group of people?"

Kenneth C. Spitzer, the station manager, declined to provide tapes or transcripts of the broadcasts to Norman or to a Capital Area transportation planning committee that discussed the controversy Tuesday.

In e-mail responses to several Triangle area residents who complained to the station, Spitzer said the "Bob and Madison " show aims to entertain listeners with "animated banter ... that can be both humorous and caustic." But he said some comments last week "went too far, and for that we sincerely apologize. ...

"Be assured that G105 does not advocate harm to cyclists," he wrote.

G105 is the third Clear Channel station to draw fire in the past four months for on-air comments perceived as advocating violence or animosity toward bicycle riders. Officials at WMJI in Cleveland and KLOL in Houston apologized in July and September for similar remarks. They agreed to broadcast "share the road" messages and to finance bicycle safety campaigns.

Leaders of the N.C. Bicycle Club outlined requests they said would help Clear Channel "mend relations with Triangle bicyclists," including similar public safety campaigns and a detailed apology.

Spitzer declined to comment. A corporate spokeswoman to whom inquiries were directed Tuesday did not return calls.

Members of area cycling clubs have shared copies over the past week of protest letters to the Federal Communications Commission, to state and local prosecutors and to G105 sponsors. Several critics noted that G105 radio hosts have sparked controversy in the past with crude stunts.

"It's one thing to drive around with a naked man on the radio station's van," said Raleigh lawyer Kimberly Bryan. "To encourage citizens to harm cyclists, that has crossed a different line. It's irresponsible. It's not caustic, it's not banter, it's not funny."

David Smith , 38, a software developer at UNC-Chapel Hill, took it personally. His right forearm still bears the scar of an attack by an Orange County motorist who found Smith cycling down a rural road one afternoon in April 2001.

"How are people going to take this, what was mentioned on G105?" Smith asked. "Are people going to say, 'You know, I'm tired of these cyclists?' Is that situation going to exacerbate what happened to me, with somebody else coming down a back road?"

After running Smith off the road, the driver stopped, chased him down on foot and struck him with a hatchet, sending him into a ditch and over the handlebars of his wrecked bike. Marvin Glenn Manring of Orange County pleaded guilty in July 2001 to assault with a deadly weapon. He promised to enroll in an anger management program.

Staff writer Bruce Siceloff can be reached at 829-4527 or bsicelof@newsobserver.com.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I have had bottles thrown at me on two different occaisions - both missed.

I also know that the vast majority of drivers are not aware that cyclist's have the same right to the road as motorists; many actually think cyclists are breaking the law by riding on the road.

I can't count the times drivers have shouted "get off the road" to me.


May 8, 2003
Bend, Or
See the good one is when people lay on their horn or throw something at you, and you catch up with them at a stop light, and punch in their hood or kick on eof their fenders. And then ride like there no tomarrow


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I have something to add to this, and I dunno if this is a stereo type, or just how it works with bicyclers.

Here's a story. Santa Barbara is known for narrow 2 lane, one way streets. There has been so many times I can remember seeing mainly road cyclers in the middle of the street keeping up with traffic. I am perfectly fine with that. That is totally legit.

Now on the other had we DO have bike lanes as well. 99% of all roadies here ride on the outside of the bike lane or into the street not paying any attention to cars comming. I have hugged the yellow line more than one time to distance myself from the cyclers. I have had 2 of them tell me at a stop light that I was getting close to them. I don't really feel "kind" to them because of their attitudes, so I told them to just shut their faces. I wouldn't even feel them if I hit them with my truck.

I would NEVER go out of my way to hurt a bike rider, someone crossing the street ever!

But just to make a small point. I have ridden my bike on the street since I was 12, now I am 21 so it's been a while. I always keep my distance, and I know that I could get hurt easily by a car. It is common sense. The car will hurt you more than you will hurt the car. I have never ran into this with MTB'ers because they stay in the mountians and not so much on the street. Mainly road bikes.

I read that entire article and that station should be sued and then the money donated to something that benifits cyclers for that state. Could you have imagined if he said something about shooting a certian race, or slicing all chevy tires because they are not ford and one person decided to go do it based on what they heard on the radio? I mean there are some really stupid people out there that would take that stuff seriously and go do it.

Serial Midget is right. I have too been yelled at before, and many don't know it is the law if they are on the road, but I think it is when they have a bike lane and they dont ride in it is what pisses drivers off. That is why it is there isn't it? It isn't for all cyclers except road bikes. I guess I am singleing out road bikes.

If you hit a car or kick a fender you can be sued for who know's what. I see it as if they dont damage your stuff, you don't damage their stuff. If someone exchanges some words, then exchange some back. Words don't cause physical or property damager/harm as would being run over, or having your hood popped in.

All in all drivers do need to be aware because they are the ones who are at fault if a cycler gets hit, not usually the cycler. That guy on the radio station just needs his arse whooped. That is just wrong.


Aug 9, 2001
If anyone did that to me, I would hope it was in some secluded rural road so I could put a .45 Hydrashok into his ass then ride off like nothing happened. I have zero tolerance for stupid people, who seek to do me harm as a way to feel better about thier own miserable lives. These two bozo's should be taken of the air and never work again, no wonder people get killed, when clowns like that are inciting the ignorent masses.


Mar 26, 2003
hell in east london i had a shotgun pulled on me by two crims driving a stolen car after I bunnyhopped onto the sidewalk and they hit a bollard head-on!

and about 2 miles away in central london a few months before someone went for me with a hatchet after hitting my rear wheel and throwing me into the sidewalk

a month ago some van driver ran me over on a segrated, elevated BICYCLE LANE and pushed my Big hit 10 foot into the road

a taxi driver tried to kill one of my friends near Waterloo station in london. after getting up, my friend totalled that taxi cab with his cable lock whilst the japanese tourist in the back and the cab driver cowered in fear.

another roadie i know walks with a stick for rest of his life..some prick in a Merc hit him but was seen by witnesses and went to jail for 3 years

there are some dangerous ar*eholes on the road. i always carry a 6kg abus cable lock round my waist for "re-education lessons"..

surely the police can take action for "incitement to violence" against the radio DJ? i would f**k him up for free with my cable lock...


Mar 5, 2002
A true story:

I was riding home from a friend's house early one morning when I saw a bunch of guys in a BMW behind me who looked like they were up to no good. My suspicions were confirmed when they threw a half eaten whopper at me, and sped past. The hamburger landed on the top tube between my legs, so I grabbed it and sped up. The hooligans had to slow down considerably because there was a sharp turn, so as i went past them on the inside of the turn, i tossed the whopper back in through the passenger side window and raced away down a trail (in case they tried to kill me). The sandwich must have hit the driver or somthing, because the car went to the edge of the road and scraped its side along the railing. Serves them right.
Aug 12, 2002
This is just another good reason to become a a downhiller or mountaincrosser that way you dont have to deal with cars but seriously that guy is a jackass


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
anyone who has spent time on the road knows that are more than a few motorists out there who are completely ingnorant bungholes. I had a paintball gun pulled on me and two of my friends on a road ride(one of my friends was a girl) the guy pointed it right at me, hesitated and then the driver sped away. I was furious and glad at the same time, furious that he even thought about it and that I could not have caught up to him, what a cowardly act! and glad that he came around, for whatever reason, and that I wasn't sent careening into a chainlink fence at 30mph, which is surely what would have happened had he followed through with it. Besides that incident I have had at least a dozen occassions where I have slapped or broken the rear view mirror off a car that grazed me or intentionally cut me off. One time a guy ran a stop sign nearly killing me, I caught up to him at the next stop sign and as I rode by I put a dent in his passenger door. He sped past me cut me off, jumped out and threatened to kick my ass. I noticed he had a very young girl in the car with him and I reminded him that he ran a stop sign and nearly killed me, and I also reminded him of how tough he would look to his 5 year old daughter for beating my ass (155lbs) when he was a yoked gangster looking dude, and especially when it was his fault in the first place. I invited him to to come around the car and beat my ass then. he stared at me for a minute and then jumped back in the car and sped off. This stuff happens all the time. it is hard to blame the person when it is a byproduct of our society where everyone is overstressed with virtually no outlet. I guess the moral is be careful out there!!! and the to the undoubtably overweight and out of shape bastard DJ, who judging by his remarks, obviously hasn't got a clue, I look forward to the day that your heart abruptly and violently stops due to plaque building up in your arteries from one too many double doubles and fries at in&out, you fat F'ing cow! I formally encourage all monkies to destroy all fat bastard DJ's who encourage the demise of cyclists!!!!!!


May 8, 2003
Orange Co. NY
1. It is definitely wrong to encourage violence to others...period. 2. I am mainly an off road mtb/fr/dh/ss cyclist. I do ride on the roadways sometimes, when I do I yield to automobiles and either stay to the right of the white line or as close to the edge as possible. 3. What does upset me is when I happen to be driving my auto and I do happen to approach a cyclist who will not even try to get close to the edge of the road so that we both have enough space. I don't want to hit anybody, but on the other hand, I don't like to have to cross the yellow lines because of the aforementioned cyclist hogging the whole lane and get hit by oncoming traffic. 4. A little courtesy from cyclists using the roads would go a long way in preventing stuff like that mentioned above from happening. 5. And yes, any ignorant ***hole who condones violence to cyclists deserves to get struck by lightning...to put it politely. 6. And last but not least, I wish all roadways would have a paved curb so that we cyclists could have a lane of our own to commute, I for one, would use my auto alot less if that were the rule, instead of the exception.

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
Originally posted by nydave
1. 3. What does upset me is when I happen to be driving my auto and I do happen to approach a cyclist who will not even try to get close to the edge of the road so that we both have enough space. I don't want to hit anybody, but on the other hand, I don't like to have to cross the yellow lines because of the aforementioned cyclist hogging the whole lane and get hit by oncoming traffic. 4. A little courtesy from cyclists using the roads would go a long way in preventing stuff like that mentioned above from happening. 5. And yes, any ignorant ***hole who condones violence to cyclists deserves to get struck by lightning...to put it politely. 6. And last but not least, I wish all roadways would have a paved curb so that we cyclists could have a lane of our own to commute, I for one, would use my auto alot less if that were the rule, instead of the exception.
If you came up on a car that was "going too slow" and there wasnt enough room to pass what then? Its the same thing...Dont pass...if its not safe to pass dont pass. Doesnt make a bit of diff if its a car or a bike or a motercycle...If its not safe to pass then dont pass...I ride out, Thats to say I WILL NOT hug the curb, When you hug the curve folks will try to skim by you while staying in the same lane. Usualy this involves them staring at you as they pass ( not the stink eye, just bad technique ) making them swerve even closer to you...( Dont look at what you dont want to hit...) Ride wide, make em change lanes. Its ALOT safer, and totaly legal!:monkey:

BTW...If its not safe to pass then dont pass...

And to point number 4...It wouldnt mater one danmn bit if we all rode the way every damn driver wanted us to. All the assholes would still behave the same. Maybe if drivers straightened out their act, riders would be more "polite"!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

BTW...If its not safe to pass then dont pass...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
While riding near my girlfriends house which is very urbanized compared to where I live, a black s-10 came up behind me in a completely open area. I went well onto the shoulder since there was a field next to me and i was on my mountain bike. He actually had his passenger side wheels on the shoulder coming towards me. He was several feet off the road and I went into the field because i realized he was being an asshole, he came to the edge of the field while still moving 35-40 miles an hour and passed me laying on the horn with a big smile on his friends and his face. I stopped and picked up a large field stone in case he decided to come back but he never did. Ignorant people like that piss me off so much. I hate how people think that they can pass you anytime double yellow or not. They get all pissed off if your at all on the road like your doing somethen wrong. These Dj's should be punished and made aware of our rights so that they do not promote violence to the ignorant masses.
Apr 11, 2003
The Dark Side
While I agree with some of the points that have been brought up here, I think the media, and the public at large have missed the point of this controversy...violence. Violence towards anybody is wrong, especially is this day where terrorism is the hot topic.

It does not matter if we have a legal right to 4 feet of the lane on any public street that is not a freeway, it does not matter that it is illegal for us to ride on the sidewalks. It does not matter that the roads in most cities do not have accomidations for bikes, or even a predictable shoulder that has not been washed out, because there are people - drivers - that have no respect for other people, and that includes other drivers, pedestrians that don't move fast enough, cyclists, everybody. Anybody.

I drive (in a car - I'm not bad enough to ride that every day) 22 miles to work and 22 miles home. I see people take stupid chances, cut other drivers off, tailgate and drive aggressively every single day. After being subjected to others disregard for my life and the safety of anyone on the road I feel hostile and helpless at the same time. But I realize that I am ultimately responsible for my actions on the road and I don't retaliate. I think most drivers don't feel that kind of responsiblity. Violence is a daily contingent - on the news, the prime-time TV dramas - it has almost become another form of entertainment, as is proven by Clear Channels' repeated use of this anti-cyclist message on their radio stations around the nation.

While I have a few ideas about how this could be remedied, I don't think it will make much difference until there is a real change in the way people see each other. I am not just another idiot in your way, I am another human trying to get to work so I can buy dinner and pay my mortgage. I am not the reason you are late, you are.

I would welcome changes such as a graduated licensing system where you apply for a driving license, and if you pass you receive a limited license that entitles you to drive a moped. If you can drive that moped for two years without incurring any moving violations, you can apply for an upgrade entitling you to drive a small motorcycle having no more than 30 horsepower - keep in mind that due to the light weight of this type of bike that you can still go like 80-90mph. This would progress through slightly more powerful motorcycles for the next few upgrades until you had been driving for 10 years. Each upgrade would require at least two years with NO moving violations. Serious violations - especially ones involving injury to others could result in a downgrade or suspension of your license indefinately. If you can drive responsibly for 10 years then you get to drive a car - but not a monster truck - a car. You get the idea. Eventually only the old farts get to drive Ferraris - wouldn't THAT be a hoot!

This system would accomplish a number of things, not the least of which would be respect for every other motorist on the road because of the obvious threat to your safety if you behave like an idiot and the impact on your driving record and ability to drive a bigger vehicle yourself if you screw up. It would also ease a lot of the road congestion because bikes and motorcycles take up a lot less room - and isn't it the traffic that makes us all crazy in the first place?

This will never happen of course.

Well, I am sure that there are plenty out there that disagree with me, and that is cool. What is your idea to reverse this wicked cycle?


shifty S

Jun 6, 2002
someof you may have read the story i posted a while back about the guy who got out of his car and threatened me and two of my ridin buddies because we were riding in the street (in the curb lane) then got back into his car, hit me, and drove off. when i pressed charges the cops gave me a copy of his home address, phone number, and car make, model, and tag numbers. i have yet to do anything with them but i cant say the thought hasnt crossed my mind. in court he said he didnt see me and got a $70 fine for unsafe backing. ignorance of the law is rediculous and not a small problem.

ignorance of biking is another, he said he had seen us doing "arials" and other made up names for tricks so he would sound like a genius in court. my friends and i had to turn away from the judge and cover our mouths because we were all laughing so hard.


Apr 10, 2002
Well, every time I am riding my bike and I see a radio talk show host I kick him or her... it's really funny.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
When I first moved here, to Denver, a big story came up. A rider got up next to a truck (like a large moving van) and started yelling at the driver for cutting him off and putting him, as a biker, in danger. The driver got out, a shouting match ensued, and then the driver apparently got fed up with the argument and shot the biker, then drove away. This was in an urban area, in broad daylight.
The biker died that night.
Is it really worth it to get that upset?

I think some people on this board need to attend anger management as well. :(


Aug 9, 2001
And most likely, if some idiot cut me off, no harm being done and left it at that, I myself would not pursue the issue. But if some burn out decides that he or she wants to take things all the way, then I will not hesitate for a second, as a biker who is aware of how cruel this world can be, I am always armed, and ready, willing and able to defend myself at any given moment (as we all should be). Alas the point here; how these two fools are inciting segments of the population to commit harm to bikers, who are already seen as some sort of pariah (according to some anyway) on U.S roadways. As members of the media, these clowns have a responsibility to the public, you cant go around yelling "fire" in crowded theatres inciting pandemonium, obviously these guys aren't mature enough to handle this responsibility and should therefore be removed from any position of said responsibility.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
It can be a sick world, but we should rise above the hate and the violence. We should not strike back at our offenders, but rather get their plates and sue the **** out of them and get rich and buy our friends bikes and put more people on the road.:D


Aug 21, 2003
East Coast Mojo I think is on the same lines as me.

The problem I have is 'Cyclists' vs 'Motorist' When Its really person vs person. How does the vehicle we are using change who we are? Would you throw a bottle at someone on the street?

A couple months back I was climbing the hill to my house on my way home from work, I was commuting on my bike. And a care laid on the horn and swerved at me. When I got home I noticed the guy lived 3 hoses down from me. My friggin' neighbor tried to run me off the road!


Sep 23, 2003
Bend, OR
Update on the situation:
There are two groups of negotiators scheduled to meet with Clear Channel executives this week. We are hoping to get them to agree to a number of things, the most important being a nationwide "Share the Road" campaign to launch next spring.

Please send an e-mail (between now and Friday, Nov 7) protesting Clear Channel's broadcasting of anti-bicycle programs to:


This is the final sprint to the finish. Alot rests on the next few days. This is when the bicyling community can take a stand and make a difference. Your e-mail does not need to be lengthy or detailed. Communicating the basic message that bicyclists will not tolerate this type of programming is what is important.

If you have friends or family who also agree that Clear Channel should not promote violence against bicyclists, forward this to them.
Apr 11, 2003
The Dark Side
I don't know why but I felt the need to share the letter I sent, so here it is:

To everyone at Clear Channel~

I admit that I do not listen to your stations and that may cause you to overlook this letter that I am writing to you today, but I hope that you will take the time to listen to my thoughts on why I don't listen. I don't feel the need to be mindlessly entertained by people who try to sound ignorant. I like to hear about the world's current events from lots of perspectives, but not generally from the "good 'ol boy's" perspective. I don't think that the music that your stations plays is really any different from the dozens of other stations here, and that may be because you own a few of them.

My concern is not why some people find your shows to be entertaining, but when anyone uses the airwaves to promote violence toward anybody else I feel this is cause for alarm, especially when it is said for the sake of "entertainment". Violence towards anybody is wrong, especially is this day where terrorism is the hot topic. I have no issue if the executives of Clear Channel don't like cyclists, or even if they don't think that we have a legal right to use the roadways. Take it up with your congressperson. Inciting your listeners to commit felonious acts was not the smartest idea. While you may feel that even negative publicity is publicity, I think your money and efforts would be better spent trying to improve the world we all share rather than trying to unravel the threads of decency and civility that still remain.

My hope is that you will feel it is necessary to set the cards straight and promote - in an unsarcastic and respectful way, not as a parody - the rights of cyclists who use the public roadways, and the responsibility that all road user groups have to obey all traffic laws. Public service announcements during prime listening hours would be a good start, how about following that up with programs that promote or discuss alternate forms of transportation in the communities that have been affected by your poor programming choices?

Finally I would like to say that I am willing to change my opinion of your media group and it's agenda if you will take the time to look at this matter with the seriousness that it deserves and make a concerted effort to change the direction of your programming. I think you will find that we can all just get along. If you have made it this far then I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my letter, and I look forward to hearing some good things about Clear Channel and their programming policies in the future.

A concerned citizen~

Ashleigh Nelson


Oct 29, 2003
A learned a good tip from a riding buddy. When he is riding on the road and some jerk comes by and honks or yells or whatever, my buddy gives the jerk a big "Hell Yeah" and a big thumbs up. It is really funny to see the confused look on the jerks face when he fails to upset my buddy.


Oct 29, 2003
A guy around my area wrote clear channel and received a great response and has encouraged us to share it. I am pleased with the response.

From: BobB
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 10:21 AM
To: Hogan, John
Subject: Irresponsible

You need to do a major healing with the cycling community. As
President of Southeastern Communications I have instructed my people
to avoid your products, protest your stations and concert venues
until restitution has been made.

For the cycling community,

Subject: RE: Irresponsible
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:35:52 -0600
From: "Thompson, Omar" <OmarThompson@c...>
To: BobB

Dear Sir:
Clear Channel Radio deeply regrets that comments made by on-air
personalities were misinterpreted in the three unrelated situations in
Cleveland, Houston and Raleigh. Clear Channel Radio does not condone
advocating violence in any form, and we are committed to working with
the cycling community to improve cycling safety. Already, Clear
Radio stations in Cleveland, Houston and Raleigh have issued on-air
apologies, are running public service announcements educating
on cycling safety, have donated more than $10,000 in cash to a
Cleveland non-profit promoting safe cycling routes; and have
partnered with local
authorities and cycling organizations to educate the public on cycling
safety. The response to our initiatives continues to be very positive,
and we continue to make progress on raising awareness of cycling
We absolutely do take these matters seriously. Local station
in Houston, Cleveland and Raleigh have acted swiftly and aggressively
to correct the situation in each of those markets. Employees have been
both suspended and terminated in connection with these situations.
More importantly, I hope you see the value of the cycling safety
campaigns that we are doing in those communities to educate both
cyclists and motorists.
Thank you for your concern.

Omar Thompson
VP, Marketing & Communications
Clear Channel Radio