
Random Food Thread.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Made Steak sandwiches out of Grilled rib eyes very rare. Used Muenster cheese and leftover Bacon and grilled onions. Hollowed out Ciabatta rolls and stuffed the sliced steak into the rolls. Drizzle of Boss sauce. Zero to Hero pretty quickly... The rolls were a day old and kind of chewy. I like them like that. Nobody complained.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I'm not sure there's anything left to make after caramelized onions.


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
Lazy night trying to use up scrap bits kicking around in the fridge

Pan roasted chicken with leeks bacon and lemon experiment underway! Sounded (in my mental echo chamber) like a good combo, so making it up as I go.
2 x Chicken Thighs
2 leeks cut lengthwise then sliced
3 cloves garlic smashed
2 Lemons
Bacon diced (Maybe about 2 cups)
1 cup chicken stock
Slosh of white wine
bit of parsley from the garden

Saute diced bacon (I just use the cheap as bacon ends chunks ) in a heavy cast iron skillet.
Push the bacon off to one side once the oil/fat starts rendering out
Chuck the Chicken in and brown it.
Chicken out and stir in in Leeks/garlic
Put the chicken back on top
Next step transfer pan to oven pre heated to 220C & cook until chooks are cooked thru.
After that remove chook and on the stove top add chicken stock, white wine, lemon juice and reduce down leek combo.
Near the end chuck in the parsley to taste.
usual salt/pepper to taste.
Plated up with chook on top of that and sprinkle with some lemon zest, had with some rice with it as out of polenta and potatoes.
a few wedges of lemon to squeeze over as well.
Well that's the plan anyway.... may or may not change as I progress/get bored.
Ok so I got bored and as I had half a small bottle of cream that hits the best before date tomorrow that went in as well in the last stage.

Served with some lemon wedges to squeeze over.

Was bloody nice! Next time I'll double down on the Lemon though.

Photo is of just about to go in the oven.



Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Gochuchang chicken with fried rice and egg. Strange little pickles and some kind of pickled beans. The rice was kind of burnt. To much ginger and rice wine used. The source of lemony flavor could not be adequately established. I like just plain rice. No nothing.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Always toast Seeds and Nuts. For maximum flavor. In a Pan. Just heat. No butter. No nothing. Just heat. Summer salads with Sunflower seeds.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
First time messing around with rice-noodles tonight. Made vegitarian Pad Thai. Tasty. I know I made it right because I was sweating.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Went to the real Deli. Got my fancy meats for Rubens. I got both Top Round and Brisket, 2 pounds of both. My friend Manny made the dressing and the Sauerkraut is out the Barrel from Swanns. Cohens Seeded Rye, Real Butter. Done on the new Flattop...


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
You fucking food tease!!!
Wants it I does.
I made them. They were delish. Somebody complained about the Caraway seeds in the bread. I have no time for that shit. Rye Bread no seeds? I will not participate in any such madness.. I'll gluten free you along side the head...


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are

I had leftover rice and vegetables so this morning I fried up rice, veggies, some chopped cooked bacon and cracked two eggs in the mix. this could be my fav breakfast when oatmeal isn't floating my boat. A pinch of salt but otherwise pretty simple.



Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!

I had leftover rice and vegetables so this morning I fried up rice, veggies, some chopped cooked bacon and cracked two eggs in the mix. this could be my fav breakfast when oatmeal isn't floating my boat. A pinch of salt but otherwise pretty simple.

I make eggs and rice too. Salt, Pepper, and Parmesan cheese. Crisp it up in the Iron pan.. Maggi Sauce if I have it... Intrigued by the Bacon you use... Bacon is a pain in the ass and makes a mess however.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Leftover Garlic. Those big honking pieces you have left over. Peel them. And then grate them. If you do it right they will become long strings. Fry them in Canola Oil until crispy brown. Use as a condiment on Pasta, Baked Potatoes, or Israeli Salad...