
Regrets Thursday


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
@eaterofdog you are a good man!

I got a new M3 powered Mac yesterday enough to make me very happy after having delt with an Intel based Air. Tons of work to do with me new part time job but its all things I have a lot of experience doing so not difficult but if I can make an impact this company could actually be worth something and I would get a piece of it.

Also have a meeting about some consulting tomorrow that could be very interesting.

Good start to the year!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana

Worked out, coffee, food. Still waiting on the next part.
Taking kids to daycare. Then work, and then pick the kids up. Hopefully the thing I’m waiting on happens near a “nice” gas station.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Dermatologist appointment today. Need to schedule physical therapy. Deciding between riding in the daylight or moonlight.
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Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Was starting to feel little woozy or something yesterday, so hopefully not getting sick AGAIN.

Ended up taking some drugz to aid with sleep. It definitely helped, put my head down on the pillow and zonked right out. I shall schedule an appointment with a doctor to review this, because my sleep keeps getting worse and worse.

Joy! :wave:
Howling wind is slowly killing my will to ride.
Maybe a cup of "real" coffee will help.
I was going to ride my trail bike tonight on the local frozen trails that have no snow, but we're expected to reach almost -20 with the windchill by then. No thanks....the last time I rode was in shorts, thats too big of a leap. :panic:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

Shit, shower, shave, let's do this. I am glad it's already Thursday, but today might be painful. My head already hurts just thinking about it.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Hopefully the thing I’m waiting on happens near a “nice” gas station
is today Wide Stance Thursday

/me is reading ultrasound today. WFH for a bit since the resident is out with a positive COVID test (asymptomatic but tested since his family all has it), but on campus later as I have an interview lunch (solo) and dinner (group) with a guy coming in to interview for a vice chair position.


free wieners
it’s not a man purse, it’s a satchel, Indiana jones wears one.

initiating the epic sojourn to toil on the river domicile in preparation for a transaction to occur. Pretty much loading most of the tools since I’m not sure how bad this “leak” and other fixes will be.

Need to find an electrician to clean up the mess of the last dead one.

in other news,

garbage day, espresso will be made and no PBJ will be eaten


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Our delay on getting hotels and such for the February Phoenix trip bit us in the ass, as it's apparently Spring Training. It's far too expensive for everybody to go now, so we're saving the money for a family trip later in the year. Instead, I'm taking an extra day off so that Haley and I can drive down by ourselves. Drive to Flagstaff on Thursday for a cheap hotel, then more expensive hotel on Friday and Saturday in Phoenix area, then back to Flagstaff after the race on Sunday, then drive home Monday. No rental, no flights, cheap* hotels. Still won't be a cheap trip, but thousands cheaper than flying and staying somewhere wifey would like.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Hannah managed to acquire 4 cavities, despite good brushing in 6mos... Fucking fucks.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Hannah managed to acquire 4 cavities, despite good brushing in 6mos... Fucking fucks.
Reminds me of a shuttle ride to Whistler from Vancouver. A loud (but nice) guy on the shuttle yelled some story about getting his five cavities filled. I jumped in with “only three were in his teeth.” It was the only time I heard him go silent for the rest of the ride.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
what about flossing

or eating less candy
She snacks non-stop - largely on fruit, goldfish, etc. That's the issue. We also need to do a better job with flossing. She's going to start sharing the Sonicare base with Haley.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
The cat dragged itself inside this AM. It appears to have been in some sort of fight. I'll be making a trip to the vet here shortly.

Now I am supposed to set traps and catch the vile beast who did this to my poor kitteh.

I am impartial to this whole experience. I'm allergic to the little fur ball and wish it would just stay outside. She is nice enough though.

@gonefirefightin is that the house I visited you in?


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
zomg. After months of waiting for approvals and whatever else, some small changes I made to a controlled document have finally been published. Or so I thought.

They fuckin' published the same document that came out of the system and put it right back in, without my changes. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
She snacks non-stop - largely on fruit, goldfish, etc. That's the issue. We also need to do a better job with flossing. She's going to start sharing the Sonicare base with Haley.
According to one of Toshi's twitter dudes, a bidet might be better suited for the job!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Prolly something tried to eat it they usually won't fight anything that can kick their ass

Lots of neighborhood cats around here that will attack dogs as they have only ever experienced well behaved dogs on leashes.

Those are also the cats that quickly end up on missing posters after they try to pull the same shit with a coyote.

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Here. Our delay on getting hotels and such for the February Phoenix trip bit us in the ass, as it's apparently Spring Training. It's far too expensive for everybody to go now, so we're saving the money for a family trip later in the year. Instead, I'm taking an extra day off so that Haley and I can drive down by ourselves. Drive to Flagstaff on Thursday for a cheap hotel, then more expensive hotel on Friday and Saturday in Phoenix area, then back to Flagstaff after the race on Sunday, then drive home Monday. No rental, no flights, cheap* hotels. Still won't be a cheap trip, but thousands cheaper than flying and staying somewhere wifey would like.
Why Flag? It's barely two hours north of Phoenix, and like 10 hours from Denver. I'd think staying somewhere closer to "halfway" (not that there's a lot of anything in that regard) would make more sense. But no?


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Ugh, Surgery Day is next Tuesday.
So much shit to do while I have two working arms. (In anticipation, I bought a water-pik and an electric toothbrush)
In other news, it’s finally supposed to snow here.

I wish my cat had a go-pro. He is an insanely good hunter, and used to be ‘friends’ with a fox, it would have been ridiculous footage.