
Rookie Questions in Colorado


Apr 28, 2009
Westminster, Colorado
Hello all!

Just joined the site so, HELLO! I have been doing MTN biking for years, more just trail riding than anything. A friend of my suggested DH, and after renting a DH bike, fell in love. But, I have questions and can't see to find a good resource which answers all my rookie questions..So any help is appreciated..

(1) Is there a good resource out there to fill me in on the tech side of DH riding? I go through the posts and 90% of the time have no idea what anyone is talking about!!!

(2) Can I outfit my current mountain bike (Scott Contessa 50) to at least start me into DH or is it crutial to go out and buy another bike?

(3) Aside from posting on the forums, is there any way to find groups to bike with...esp ones that don't mind a rookie with alot of questions?

(4) Are those weekend warrior lessons worth it? I've seen a few classes advertised, but they are rather expensive. WIll I learn just as much through trial and error?

I have like a million more questions....don't really know anyone around here who owns a bike, let alone DH bike.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU in advance to anyone who answers any of my questions which I am sure have been asked a millllllllion times.



Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
Skills clinics are definitely worth it. Unless you prefer to learn by thrashing of course.

You should be able to find like minded riders either through your local shop or local clubs.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Welcome Em. A few answers to help you out, but definitely feel free to ask more questions too.

(1) Well, if you haven't already gotten it, Brian Lopes and Lee McCormick have a great book entitled "Mastering Mountain Bike Skills" that I would recommend reading. There are also a couple of good videos that might help clear things up called West Coast Freeride Style. Also, ask away....we are all pretty good resources here, but if you would rather send me a PM to ask specifics that's cool too.

(2) I am not really familiar with this particular bike and the scott site is blocked from work so I'll get back to you on this one. If you are going to try out DHing, I would highly recommend some gear though...full face helmet, arm & leg guards

(3) Have you checked out the local Team LUNA Chix Ambassador team? There is a Mountain Bike team located in Boulder, CO and they are always out riding and hosting clinics throughout the area. You can reach them online at TLC Boulder MTB They are a great group of women who's mission is to get more women outside and playing and they definitely don't mind lots of questions.

(4) Skills clinics are definitely well worth the time and $. Everytime we host or I attend one, I learn something new. I believe the Team LUNA Chix Boulder MTB has a free one coming up soon too so you should definitely try to check it out. It's in your area too (I think).

If I think of more, I'll post up some more thoughts but hopefully that's enough to get you started.

Ride On!!!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Okay...I checked out your bike. Nice!!! I love my hardtail, thought I wouldn't generally DH with mine (it's more of an XC race bike). Most DH bikes are full suspension and have different geometry than your current bike. I definitely believe that you can learn a LOT about riding and body position on a hardtail so it's a great thing to have, but for a true DH experience, you will probably want to look for a DH bike. I personally would check out the Classified section and go with something used to begin with....make sure you really enjoy it. Also, try to ride as many different bikes and frame designs as you can as all of them feel different. I would suggest riding DH and freeride bikes because most DH bikes are much larger and heavier than women really need. I personally DH with a Yeti ASX (their Freeride offering) after having an Ironhorse SGS DH Pro (too big for me).

Hope that helps a little. Good luck.