
sea otter


Mar 19, 2006
So who is doing sea otter this year? I maybe, might, really really want to, but I'm not quite sure, sign up for downhill this year. :) I got to walk part of the course this weekend and it was really beat up.

Anyone going to try Super D, or cross country?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
So who is doing sea otter this year? I maybe, might, really really want to, but I'm not quite sure, sign up for downhill this year. :) I got to walk part of the course this weekend and it was really beat up.

Anyone going to try Super D, or cross country?
i was thinking of doing super d... but then i saw the video clip of it. just a fire road. looked really not fun.

so i'm going to race dh. come race! we'll have fun! and race sport so we can practice together. seriously. the course isn't very technical.... and you get to ride all winter so you'll probably kill me out there.


Mar 19, 2006
Sport?!? No way, no way! :)

I think I'm going to sign up for beginner. When I think about race day and doing the whole course it just makes my stomach turn over. But I really want to try. I've got some time to practice, so hopefully I'll get better at drops and stuff.

Are you going to race bmx? I think I might sign up for it just so I can ride the course.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Dunno if I'm going to sign up for bmx. Maybe......

Dont' worry about drops and jumps for the downhill course. seriously. no features to worry about. just need to pedal fast.

it'll be fun! i just need to get out of snow mode and ride my bike. or at least the trainer.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
I've been pretty delinquent in the online action these past several months, and have missed some great conversations... Amy, I have to tell you, I love reading your posts.

I'm excited to hear you'll be racing this Otter this year! I might be able to make it out for the Super D and the Dual, but I have to be back in San Diego Saturday evening, so downhill is out for me. :(
Super D can be fun on a fireroad, because you know you can go screaming down the hill and no one will be coming up the other way on a horse or walking a Chihuahua...

Anyone who's thinking of racing downhill and is nervous, please PM me. The course is basically the same every year. They put in a few ladder drops a couple years ago, but there was a go-around for anyone who didn't feel like learning something new the day before the race. For those of you new to racing: Never try to learn something new or terrifying the day before a race. It can really mess you up.

I went to Sea Otter for the first time in 2004, with my first and only mtn bike at the time: a hand-me-down 2000 GT i-drive with about 3.5"-travel. Yes, not even knowing enough to be afraid, I raced the downhill on this bike. It was my second DH race ever, so I entered beginner class. Much to my surprise and delight, I won my class.

If you are thinking of racing, it's great fun. You meet all kinds of people. You get a real number plate on your bike and get to feel like a bada** because it says "DOWNHILL" on it. :p If you have trouble, you can ask any of the other girls (or guys) to help you through the parts you're having trouble with, or give you pointers.

Sea Otter is a perfect first race.



Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Anyone who's thinking of racing downhill and is nervous, please PM me. The course is basically the same every year. They put in a few ladder drops a couple years ago, but there was a go-around for anyone who didn't feel like learning something new the day before the race. For those of you new to racing: Never try to learn something new or terrifying the day before a race. It can really mess you up.
that is the best advice. because even if you have doubts... all you'll be thinking about is the stupid drop. and your thoughts should be on relaxing and riding smooth, not whether or not you might screw up on the drop that everyone is standing around at.

i wanted to go for that one drop in the course this year (right before the really fast part), but i'm already thinking about it. and if i'm thinking about it now, then that's all i'd be thinking about during my race run. and i don't function well when my brain is all jumbled up.


on another note... i'm debating on bailing on sea otter this year. so if you guys could try and talk me into it that would be great. it's expensivie. and you don't get as much riding in as you'd like. but i know it's fun just for the event atmosphere. i don't know what to do!


Aug 27, 2002
Oh hell, if I never tried new and terrifying things on DH courses, I might not ever learn anything! ;)

I'm mostly kidding. In reality, when I have some idea of what's there, I try to find something similar to work on in preparation. But like for Durango with that big drop in the middle, I had only tried a smaller version of it, so it was by far the biggest drop I'd ever done during that race practice and race.

It IS really distracting though, so if there's any sort of decent go-around for something you're not confident on, I'd just do that.

Anyway - my husband is trying to talk me into going to Sea Otter this year. So maybe we'll be there too! Super D on a gravel road doesn't sound too fun though... The DH course sounds better.


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
on another note... i'm debating on bailing on sea otter this year. so if you guys could try and talk me into it that would be great. it's expensivie. and you don't get as much riding in as you'd like. but i know it's fun just for the event atmosphere. i don't know what to do!
ok...first off, this is meant in no offense to anyone that likes Sea Otter...to each their own and I'm sure it can be fun, especially if it didn't rain...but she wanted to get talked out of it...

the rant...it's even further for you than for me, and the drive sucks...not just to get to the area, but the 3 hours it takes to drive like 15 miles to get into the event area...there's a ton of people, and a lot of "I'm better than you attitude" (mostly males though)...it's expensive as hell, the course is the lamest DH course ever (like anyone could ever judge that napoleon), even if it was ever dry....it's always MUDDY and just gets worse as the days go by, especially the ruts...it's such a spectacle with all the booths and people, it seems like a huge circus with way too much colored spandex shorts on men for me...so there's your negative points...hope it worked...I ditched it after the first day and spent the next day at the aquarium and the beach...

if you want to skip that race and hit up the CHDH near livermore instead...it's inexpensive, decent show up of people, but not ridiculous...the atmosphere is more for fun, rather than for total competition...the course is a lot more steep, fun, flowy and it's actually downhill...and they're running a race series this year for the first time...I think there's 3 races total...or you could always hit up the firestone walker race...that looks like a great course, but I've never been...always hear it's a lot of fun...pretty sure you can qualify for nationals there too, if that's what you're looking for...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
ok...first off, this is meant in no offense to anyone that likes Sea Otter...to each their own and I'm sure it can be fun, especially if it didn't rain...but she wanted to get talked out of it...

the rant...it's even further for you than for me, and the drive sucks...not just to get to the area, but the 3 hours it takes to drive like 15 miles to get into the event area...there's a ton of people, and a lot of "I'm better than you attitude" (mostly males though)...it's expensive as hell, the course is the lamest DH course ever (like anyone could ever judge that napoleon), even if it was ever dry....it's always MUDDY and just gets worse as the days go by, especially the ruts...it's such a spectacle with all the booths and people, it seems like a huge circus with way too much colored spandex shorts on men for me...so there's your negative points...hope it worked...I ditched it after the first day and spent the next day at the aquarium and the beach...

if you want to skip that race and hit up the CHDH near livermore instead...it's inexpensive, decent show up of people, but not ridiculous...the atmosphere is more for fun, rather than for total competition...the course is a lot more steep, fun, flowy and it's actually downhill...and they're running a race series this year for the first time...I think there's 3 races total...or you could always hit up the firestone walker race...that looks like a great course, but I've never been...always hear it's a lot of fun...pretty sure you can qualify for nationals there too, if that's what you're looking for...
i know. the course isn't the best judge of one's dh talents. i don't ride most of the winter so i don't tend to race well in April. So paying that much money to not do all the well is kinda silly for me.

the only thing that is good is making a friend or two. i've met a cool girl or two racing at sea otter. and i've also met people who weren't so fun to race with there either.

i could just take the money i would spend on food, racing, lodging, and just go somewhere cool for 4 days and get a crap load of riding in. maybe make myself a medal for being awesome.

not looking to qualify for nationals either.

and since n* is definitely having a race season, i'll just do that and downieville. i know downieville isn't a real dh course either, but any race that gives you a pint of beer when you cross the finish line is ok w/ me.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
on another note... i'm debating on bailing on sea otter this year. so if you guys could try and talk me into it that would be great. it's expensivie. and you don't get as much riding in as you'd like. but i know it's fun just for the event atmosphere. i don't know what to do!
Figure out how much you'd spend if you went to Sea Otter and how much riding you'd get in. Then figure out what events you could go to with that money instead. Which ever event sounds more fun and gets you more ride time would be my vote.

Sea Otter is expensive. Food and lodging alone are through the roof in that area. Flip side is that it's like the first day of school for the mountain bike racing community. Everyone you haven't seen all winter is there, in their shiny new clothes and with shiny new bikes, and it's always usually a pretty fun time.

You really just have to figure out how you want to spend your time and money. Sea Otter doesn't have the most exciting course, but the event as a whole is really fun. Other events may have really great courses, but aren't as big and may not be as fun of a social event.

That being said, I'm most likely not going because the SD course really doesn't look all that great, and I don't race DH anymore so that's not a consideration. If I end up there it will most likely be just to shoot photos.

NJ Jess

Sep 23, 2006
I would have to agree with your commonsense of spending 4 days where you like to ride. Surely in 4 days you can meet new riders there as well. I have 3 friends that moved up to expert XC because they wanted more racing for their money.

I will be spending over a grand on enterance fees on 14 XC, 5 DH, and 3 endurance races. Like you, the races I chose are for more riding less hoopla. Although that pint after the race is good too!


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I would have to agree with your commonsense of spending 4 days where you like to ride. Surely in 4 days you can meet new riders there as well. I have 3 friends that moved up to expert XC because they wanted more racing for their money.

I will be spending over a grand on enterance fees on 14 XC, 5 DH, and 3 endurance races. Like you, the races I chose are for more riding less hoopla. Although that pint after the race is good too!
Wow! Which endurance races are you doing this year? I am trying to finalize my plans for XC racing this summer and the cost is definitely a factor.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Flip side is that it's like the first day of school for the mountain bike racing community. Everyone you haven't seen all winter is there, in their shiny new clothes and with shiny new bikes, and it's always usually a pretty fun time.
so sooo true. it's when you get to break in the new parts and outfits. and it's when you get to see people you haven't seen in months and find out what they've been doing.

i do like that aspect of sea otter. i also like to celebrate w/ tacos at

NJ Jess

Sep 23, 2006
Wow! Which endurance races are you doing this year? I am trying to finalize my plans for XC racing this summer and the cost is definitely a factor.
Sorry for not answering sooner,...didn't see the replies. Well, I'm doing mostly SS in the Campmor H2H series with some DH for fun. My endurance races are Darkhorse 40 August 12, Holiday farms August 19, 24 hours of Allamuchy 4 women team (I hope) on August 26th, and the All-a-muchy 50km on Oct 6th.

Believe it or not, I only lead beginner rides each of these weeks prior to the race. Race day is my only "hard" day. I also pay attention to my recovery meals and muscle rest (legs up) prior to the race. I do my best,...no I'm not on the podium, but I do enjoy the thrill of it all anyhow.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Sorry for not answering sooner,...didn't see the replies. Well, I'm doing mostly SS in the Campmor H2H series with some DH for fun. My endurance races are Darkhorse 40 August 12, Holiday farms August 19, 24 hours of Allamuchy 4 women team (I hope) on August 26th, and the All-a-muchy 50km on Oct 6th.

Believe it or not, I only lead beginner rides each of these weeks prior to the race. Race day is my only "hard" day. I also pay attention to my recovery meals and muscle rest (legs up) prior to the race. I do my best,...no I'm not on the podium, but I do enjoy the thrill of it all anyhow.
Sweet! I am about the same...I don't expect to podium so I just have a good time and ride my bike. I am hoping to do the Holiday Farms race in August and considering the Allamuchy race as well (not sure of cat yet, but probably female solo). I've read good things about the course and it sounds like a good venue. I won't be racing SS but I might take it out for a lap or 2...we'll see.

NJ Jess

Sep 23, 2006
Sweet! I am about the same...I don't expect to podium so I just have a good time and ride my bike. I am hoping to do the Holiday Farms race in August and considering the Allamuchy race as well (not sure of cat yet, but probably female solo). I've read good things about the course and it sounds like a good venue. I won't be racing SS but I might take it out for a lap or 2...we'll see.
Well, I hope to see you at the races. You are more than welcome to camp with us (or be like Di and go down the road to the Windhym). we usually have a few support personal which it the key. christina' hub is a MD, a bike wrench, cook, and timekeeper/motivator. Hope to ride with you this summer. Anyone else going out on the trails!


Nekkid Girl Gone Wild
Dec 31, 2002
The suburbs of Mexico.....
to any of you ladies going to sea otter. good luck.

i'm starting a new job so i'm out.
The one time of year I get to see you and now you won't be there :(

Guess I'm just going to have to use that as an excuse to come up and visit you instead. :D

I won't be racing SO this year because I am still on probation with my new job, so any ladies that attend can feel free to stop by the Hutchinson booth to visit and keep me company :p

Oh and Amy, good luck with the new job!


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
Thanks Heather! I still might drive up after work on Friday. If I do, then I'll come and find you at the Hutchinson booth. Maybe we can hit up one of the movie premiere's together?

You should really come up and ride! Alot less snow this year, so start planning. Maybe we could even meet up in Mammoth one weekend?