
Stoned Del. student gets lost in Conn.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Dude! Wherez my car...???

Stoned Del. student gets lost in Conn.
Associated Press | 07/11/2004

A Delaware college student ate a bag of hallucinogenic mushrooms and drove around in a pair of stolen cars before arriving, confused, on a mountain in northwest Connecticut police said.

Paul Cunningham, 21, hiked to a nearby home Thursday night and asked to call 911, police said.

"I think I stole a car," Cunningham told a dispatcher. "I'm not sure."

Police said Cunningham, of Dover, Del., confessed that eating an entire bag of mushrooms, "probably wasn't a good idea." He allegedly told investigators that he had no idea how many laws he broke during a three-day excursion that took him 300 miles from home.

A student at Wilmington College, he told a state trooper that he bought the drugs in Dover on Monday, according to the Republican-American of Waterbury. The next day, he went for a drive and twice got lost in Connecticut.

He told police he remembers taking a train to LaGuardia Airport in New York, where he found a car with its keys in it. He's unsure where he went from there.

"I once again found myself lost in Connecticut," Cunningham reportedly told police.

After locking the keys in the stolen car, Cunningham allegedly stole a van from a Southbury rest stop.

In Canaan, he decided to climb Music Mountain to see what was on the other side, police said. Investigators believe the exercise cleared Cunningham's head.

"I want to correct my mistakes," Cunningham reportedly told Trooper Andre Roy. "In retrospect, this was a bad idea."

He volunteered a written confession, police said. He was arraigned Friday and was held on $2,500 bail. Both stolen vehicles were recovered.


A Delaware college student ate a bag of hallucinogenic mushrooms and drove around in a pair of stolen cars before arriving, confused, on a mountain in northwest Connecticut police said.

I thought drugs made you see double. I had no idea there is anything that allows you to drive two cars at the same time.


Oct 17, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
He probably followed a sonnet-quoting squirrel off the yellow brick road and couldn't find his way back.
:eek: Was the squirrel's name Jerry? He said you two had some problems. But he's a pretty good guy. He took me to strip club called Merry XXX-mas.


Jun 6, 2002
Golden, CO
Never drive while trippin balls!!! I actually tried going on a trail ride a few days ago when I munched on some and it was harder than riding drunk, though more fun!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
llkoolkeg said:
What an idiot. Instead of pacing himself, the dolt eats the entire bag. He probably followed a sonnet-quoting squirrel off the yellow brick road and couldn't find his way back.
Thats is 1 helluva bag if it messed him up for 3 days. I cant even imagine how many you would have to eat to mess you up for that long. Like 2-3 dry ounces or something, hell, probably more than that. That had to be 1 nasty meal, literally.

Probably got lost, saw keys in the car and figured, "sweet, God gave me a car to help me get back home" but he locked the keys inside, bahahaha, thats the best part.

Tom Church

Jan 25, 2004
Beacon, NY
Thats is 1 helluva bag if it messed him up for 3 days. I cant even imagine how many you would have to eat to mess you up for that long. Like 2-3 dry ounces or something, hell, probably more than that. That had to be 1 nasty meal, literally.
Seriously...even so it would have been one hell of a trip but it wouldn't have lasted that long...


Mar 12, 2003
N. Tonawanda, NY
Tom Church said:
Seriously...even so it would have been one hell of a trip but it wouldn't have lasted that long...
Yea, but as we all know when talking to the cops about *any* illegal activity, you underestimate.

He probably forgot the 1/2 sheet of blotter and the 1/2 ounce of weed that went on the 'trip' with him.

Ask Manimal how many drunks admit to 15 beers at a sobriety checkpoint? I'd be willing to bet most of em say 3-4 beers occifer...

Just my .02



Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Tom Church said:
it wouldn't have lasted that long...
I know... maybe he ate the whole bag over the course of the 3 days?
I have eaten a chitload before all at once, like nearly 8 grams, and I could barely hold those down. Plus, they only lasted 6-7 hours, and after 4 hours or so I was cool enough to be able to drive to the IMAX to see the 3D underwater adventure (which BTW was :thumb: )


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
S.n.a.k.e. said:
Yea, but as we all know when talking to the cops about *any* illegal activity, you underestimate.

He probably forgot the 1/2 sheet of blotter and the 1/2 ounce of weed that went on the 'trip' with him.
Good point, 3 days... I'm thinking he ate a big bag of peyote buttons, but then to drive a car? It just doesnt add up... but either way, what a moron.

Tom Church

Jan 25, 2004
Beacon, NY
I mean there are things that can do that to you namely Iboga which is a flower that when dried could resemble a mushroom...but a dose of that stuff costs many thousands of dollars...(though other countries use it to cure addictions to things like Heroin and Crack...it breaks physical addictions with no withdrawal symptoms...)

I just don't think shrooms would do what he was saying unless he was eating them like potato chips for 3 days...also he kept saying that he dosen't remember parts...which is very unusual...



Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Sure beats my waking up next to me car in a cornfield 3 states away from where I was the night before story :) .....jdcamb

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
jdcamb said:
Sure beats my waking up next to me car in a cornfield 3 states away from where I was the night before story :) .....jdcamb
:thumb: That must be a good one.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
golgiaparatus said:
what a moron.
No doubt, dude should have cleaned himself up, taken the bus home and made an anonymous call to the police about the stolen cars while apologizing profusely. The dude seems to feel bad about it, and he should but I have a feeling he will regret turning himself in while getting "outflanked" in jail.