
Tom Petty and the economy

Right now they're a good match, considering the stock market has been

*sings 'free fall-in....'*

for quite a while now.

This may SOUND like a dumb question, but consider it....

How much of an effect do you think September 11 had on the economy?

Yeah, I know, this sounds like a no brainer....but then again, according to quite a lot of people (ESPECIALLY Democrats who hate Bush :D) it's been going downhill from before that. (Although the economy was, of course, doing great right up until he took office. :rolleyes: )


Nam I am
well, lots of factors are involved,

1) look at all the foolish spending that was going to prevent to world from shutting down from Y2K ( I Know the company I worked for replaced 80% of there computers to make sure they were y2k)

2) IPO's some many little Company's , that had no Product , but became worth Millions sometimes Billions. ( Example Redhat , IPO's became worth over 2 Billions Dollars , but only had $400K in sales ) that was a Bubble that had to burst.

3) 9/11 no question it had a Huge effect ! airlines , insurance companies , the city of New York, etc.

4) now Enron and World comm. well they just have ripple effects across the board.

5) Microsoft , I'm Not sure why But there must be some reason to blame them :p


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
You all seem caught up in the tech industry. That's only correct in some respects. Most recently, concering the stock market, it's the Dow that's going down so hard, not NASDAQ where the hi tech resides.

Enron and Worldcom are the worst offenders and affectors. Huge companies lie, tons of people lose money (especially those that work there), CONSUMER CONFIDENCE tanks due to this and thus, the stock market crumbles. Everyone is selling and no one is buying. No one wants to be left holding the dozen rotten eggs.


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
Corporate insurance has actually done ok after sept 11th. There were a couple of companies hit hard by it, but the rest have done well.

Other than that....I know nothing!

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by fourgivn1
Right now they're a good match, considering the stock market has been

*sings 'free fall-in....'*

for quite a while now.

This may SOUND like a dumb question, but consider it....

How much of an effect do you think September 11 had on the economy?

Yeah, I know, this sounds like a no brainer....but then again, according to quite a lot of people (ESPECIALLY Democrats who hate Bush :D) it's been going downhill from before that. (Although the economy was, of course, doing great right up until he took office. :rolleyes: )
We were starting to fall in a slight recession before 9/11 so I don't think it had alot to do with it, especially now.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
We were starting to fall in a slight recession before 9/11 so I don't think it had alot to do with it, especially now.
Unless you live in NYC. BUT, agreed. As soon as Bush was elected president things did start to go



Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Croatians wonder why their new-fangled free-trading economy is so poor.
But, it's the backlash of phony good-times that Tito was responsible for.

How else could the election of a president cause immediate economic decline?
Does anyone actually believe that US wealth is real?

These are actual, not rhetorical questions. Please enlighten me.


Oct 30, 2001
9-11: wars always depress the economy.

pre 9-11: Greenspan raises interest rates to deliberately 'pop bubble', stating US can't sustain the economic growth rate. dotcoms were a factor, but others also (feds printed mucho money for y2k thing, raising inflation). anyways, wall street has become a complex animal, with many americans trying to get rich by it, and it takes on a life of it's own as *investors* (prospectors) shift money around. tech, which caused tremendous boom in economy, suddenly loses finances. companies stop spending and layoffs both hack the buying/spending power. economy starts it's descent.

post 9-11: market is in free-fall. market boom was caused by tech sector, now tech is crashing. other industries follow.

who's to blame, where's the problem? take a guess, but the nation's forefathers would agree that God cannot be mocked, which is what this country has been trying to do for a number of years now.

Zonic Man

Originally posted by JesusFreak
9-11: wars always depress the economy.

pre 9-11: Greenspan raises interest rates to deliberately 'pop bubble', stating US can't sustain the economic growth rate. dotcoms were a factor, but others also (feds printed mucho money for y2k thing, raising inflation). anyways, wall street has become a complex animal, with many americans trying to get rich by it, and it takes on a life of it's own as *investors* (prospectors) shift money around. tech, which caused tremendous boom in economy, suddenly loses finances. companies stop spending and layoffs both hack the buying/spending power. economy starts it's descent.

post 9-11: market is in free-fall. market boom was caused by tech sector, now tech is crashing. other industries follow.
Bzzz. Wars stimulate economies. You're pretty far off on the other stuff, too.

Originally posted by JesusFreak

who's to blame, where's the problem? take a guess, but the nation's forefathers would agree that God cannot be mocked, which is what this country has been trying to do for a number of years now.
You were going so good, too.....


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
If the depression hits i'll be out of work but at least i have three bikes to ride, even if it is a ride for goods not fun. I'll lose internet service probably and i'll miss yappin at u guys, but at least i wouldnt have to listen to jesusfreaks garbage. What comes up must go down.
"... I'm glad the Indians have gambling casinos now.
It makes me happy that dimwitted white people are
losing their rent money to the Indians. Maybe the
Indians will get lucky and win their country back.
Probably they wouldn't want it. Look at what we did to
it." -George Carlin


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
Originally posted by fourgivn1

Oh yeah, there's always a way to blame Microsoft. After all, most of the people I know think Bill Gates is the Antichrist. :p

(NO this is not an attempt to start another religious discussion!! :p )
Hillary Clinton is the ANTI-CHRIST....
standing by for the ensuing flame fest :p :o: :D :rolleyes: :eek:
Originally posted by JesusFreak
9-11: wars always depress the economy.
Not true at all. WWII is what got our nation out of the Depression of the 1930s. The reality of that is though, that was a REAL war--now whenever the U.S. goes to war, we are so arrogant to think that it will be over in a matter of days, just as long as we go in an take care of the problem and leave. I'm not saying that people didn't lose their lives and atrocities are not committed, but compare Somalia, the Persian Gulf, and now our "War on Terrorism" to WWII and Vietnam. There is a huge difference.

Originally posted by JesusFreak
who's to blame, where's the problem? take a guess, but the nation's forefathers would agree that God cannot be mocked, which is what this country has been trying to do for a number of years now.
Give me a break. You probably believed that saying that was going around after Columbine.
Little Boy: "God, why did Columbine happen?"
God: "Because they don't let me into public schools."


May 28, 2002
Littleton, CO
Originally posted by JesusFreak

who's to blame, where's the problem? take a guess, but the nation's forefathers would agree that God cannot be mocked, which is what this country has been trying to do for a number of years now.

That's about all I have to say on that matter...


Nam I am
Do you know anybody from NY ? Just ask them how they feel about her now ? I know quite a few and they aren't exactly pleased with her performance.

What has she done that proves she is capable of runninfg the country ? She can't even control her own husband ! I hate to think what my wife would do if I was getting a Hummer from some ugly bimbo.
Originally posted by splat

What has she done that proves she is capable of runninfg the country ? She can't even control her own husband ! I hate to think what my wife would do if I was getting a Hummer from some ugly bimbo.
I didn't know that it was a wife's duty to control her husband...Bill has a mind of his own...and he isn't the only politician who was getting his rocks off on the side---he just got caught. It makes me laugh when people think that politicians should be exempt from everyday temptations, like they aren't human or something. My dad feels the same way as you, but when I bring up the fact that one of his beloved Republicans, good ole Newt, was having an affair while his wife was sick and at the same time he was going after Clinton for impeachment, somehow that isn't the same.
Originally posted by splat
But you still Have not said what she has done to prove she can run the country ? ( do you know any New Yorker's ? Ask them )
What has any president done before his election that would prove he could run the country? Are you saying that Dubya did something before he was elected that proved to you he could run a country? My roommate is from New York...and she told me that she would be next in line to vote for Hilary after I cast my vote.

Maybe it's because she is a woman. Maybe it's because she withstood her husband's idiocy and went on to further her own political career. Maybe it's because she's a democrat, or the fact that she is a powerful woman threatens men...I don't know.

But answer me...what did Dubya do to prove he could run the country? And as far as I'm concerned, we aren't doing so well because of the yum yum in office...


Nam I am
Not much , but he was govenor of Texas, that is at least leading some thing, and he had a positive record there ( similar to Bill in Arkansas )

I could care less that she was a woman ! That does not bother me. what Bugs me is People Are ready to put her in the white House , when she has done Nothing !
( as I said before , Ask some New Yorkers what they think of her ! )

And Bush Inherited an economy on its way down , Now what has he done to help ? -- That is a good question too! I think his efferts have actually made it worse, so put simply I'm not too thrilled with his performance either.

I just Hope that one of the Parties puts up some one worth a DAM !
Originally posted by LeatherFace

It makes me laugh when people think that politicians should be exempt from everyday temptations, like they aren't human or something.
You are absolutely right...they should NOT be exempt....Democrat, Republican, or whatever. HOWEVER, I DO believe that they should be held to a higher standard. I think ANY politician who gets caught doing that should be punished, regardless of political affiliation (and I'm a republican).