
USA on decline?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
As I sit here, ruminating on issues greater then I, I remebered an article I read years ago talking about how China and Canada were the next great superpowers, with the USA and Great Britain backing down. The future is all abot land mass and resources...

So, I ask, is this day today? Is the USA, with $5 a gallon gas and morons still buying huge 4x4s and Hummers and Escalades and such, Britney Spears farts and it makes the news, we care more about American Idol than Iraq and the boys and girls dieing there, who cares about the future live for today screw your kids futures gotta make my life as great as possible, start wars for no reason in particular, just to make rich oil men richer, screw up post 9/11 international good will for world wide hatred of us and our flag, no longer relevant on the worlds stage?

I, quite frankly, even as a career member of the US military, am so over the US. As soon as I retire, I am going back to Europe or even to Canada.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Yeah, but I would never post about it on a internet forum.


Jul 16, 2007
If the people in this country don't wake up before it's too late, you are most certainly correct. Sadly enough...
Noone cares until their cubicle is on fire.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Yeah, but I would never post about it on a internet forum.
Uhhmmm, why pray tell? If you wont speak out in a relatively anonymous forum, where/when/what will it take for you to speak out? Another stolen presidency? Another scandal and denial filled presidency? Another unneccesary war?

And bring back the bewbs...


Jul 15, 2004
miami, fl
I, unfortunately, also believe we are losing our dominance in the world today. China and India are slowly creeping up. It truly is sad. The last eight years have been terrible for the US (not that the slide started 8 years ago, it began long before that).


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I really don't understand everyone's fascination with being "#1" or "The worlds only superpower" or any of that crap. We, largely, enjoy a pretty high standard of living, but it is equaled by or surpassed by many countries around the world. Countries that don't get involved in policing the world, pointless wars, dominating the UN etc. As far as Im concerned, the sooner we don't have the power or desire to keep putting our nose in everyone else's business... the sooner we can turn our attention to fixing this place at home. We have alot of land yet to exploit for resources, and still some of the greatest minds. We have alot of room to expand and enough nukes that no one would dare be stupid enough to invade us. So what's the big worry?
We will be just fine. Yeah, Mcmansions might be a little less numerous and we might have to cut back on some of the cross country road trips... but we aren't going to starve.


Jul 15, 2004
miami, fl
I do agree with BS, once someone else takes over the #1 super power position; it will allow us to focus our energy on problems at home. Let it be someone else's turn to stick their noses into other countries problems. I tend to look at countries like Switzerland, for example. They are nowhere near being a superpower, yet they enjoy a very good standard of living.


Most probably. Many guys do it post retirement.
ah yes, live on the American military pension in foreign countries, preferred retirement plan of lifers.

So, I ask, is this day today? Is the USA, with $5 a gallon gas and morons still buying huge 4x4s and Hummers and Escalades and such
let the market decide. the morons will be morons, as long as we keep gas guzzler tax everyone wins.

Britney Spears farts and it makes the news,
so? Oprah farts and it makes the news. The View is still on TV. It's the same rights that let the media do this which allow you to speak freely here.

we care more about American Idol than Iraq and the boys and girls dieing there, who cares about the future live for today screw your kids futures gotta make my life as great as possible, start wars for no reason in particular, just to make rich oil men richer, screw up post 9/11 international good will for world wide hatred of us and our flag, no longer relevant on the worlds stage?
so after all you just complained about, the best course of action is....leave? sounds like you really care. :rolleyes:

look, people have been hating America ever since it started, mostly because we take in the poor and hungry of theirs and when they work hard, they earn enough money to gloat in their former masters' faces. See the Kennedy's(although the sons of moonshiners becoming Prez and anti-Mob AG of the US truly redefines irony).
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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I really don't understand everyone's fascination with being "#1" or "The worlds only superpower" or any of that crap. We, largely, enjoy a pretty high standard of living, but it is equaled by or surpassed by many countries around the world. Countries that don't get involved in policing the world, pointless wars, dominating the UN etc. As far as Im concerned, the sooner we don't have the power or desire to keep putting our nose in everyone else's business... the sooner we can turn our attention to fixing this place at home. We have alot of land yet to exploit for resources, and still some of the greatest minds. We have alot of room to expand and enough nukes that no one would dare be stupid enough to invade us. So what's the big worry?
We will be just fine. Yeah, Mcmansions might be a little less numerous and we might have to cut back on some of the cross country road trips... but we aren't going to starve.
i agree with you that being "#1" on any given metric is pure fluff. however, we can't rest on our laurels even if we concede, as the problems at home are many.

just to name a few: lack of education (and lack of social structures that encourage kids to pursue it); widening economic disparity and the resulting loss of the american dream/myth; and skyrocketing costs of health care combined with an aging, less productive, obese, and pretty unhealthy populace.

this is not to say that other countries don't have problems as well, including china and india as pointed out by jbp, but instead my point is that we have a long way to go even to keep up with the rest of the industrialized world in issues that are very consequential to individuals' quality of life.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
and, like i've said many a time before, if i can convince the girl to make the big jump from family and friends in the pac nw (this after residency out east) then i will move to australia or new zealand in a jiffy. as long as america is still solvent i'd still work for an american firm even while over there, but if the time came then permanent emigration would be an easy second step.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
i agree with you that being "#1" on any given metric is pure fluff. however, we can't rest on our laurels even if we concede, as the problems at home are many.

just to name a few: lack of education (and lack of social structures that encourage kids to pursue it); widening economic disparity and the resulting loss of the american dream/myth; and skyrocketing costs of health care combined with an aging, less productive, obese, and pretty unhealthy populace.

this is not to say that other countries don't have problems as well, including china and india as pointed out by jbp, but instead my point is that we have a long way to go even to keep up with the rest of the industrialized world in issues that are very consequential to individuals' quality of life.
I don't disagree with any of that. I was trying to say that those exact issues should be the focal point of our government's attention...not these continuous "world police" excursions, that seem to come right along with being "#1".

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
i cant believe some of you asshats care so much what someone else drives...

what's it to you?

America will always be a top tier country regardless of what your fantasy is


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
i cant believe some of you asshats care so much what someone else drives...

what's it to you?
Uh, we all live on the same rock in the middle of space and there's nowhere else to go.

The less crap you put in the atmosphere the better.

There, I put in very simple terms. Let's see if n8 can grasp it.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Don't be poofs you lot. You're not that f*cken bad, christ almighty. We give you blokes a hard time but we do actually like ya most of the time. You're wankers, but for wankers you're alright I reckon.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
ah yes, live on the American military pension in foreign countries, preferred retirement plan of lifers.

so after all you just complained about, the best course of action is....leave? sounds like you really care. :rolleyes:
Yeah...and YOUR problem with MY retirement plans matters why? Wait, let me look around here...no, I still dont give a **** what you think.

And yeah, I have spent enough time both in uniform and in SWA to voice my opinions. I have earned that right. You?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
America will always be a top tier country regardless of what your fantasy is

because empire's and world powers have never come and gone... how's that Egyptian or Roman empire doing these days?? The Dutch went from being a world power to, uh, that country in Europe where you can buy pot in just a couple hundred years. Same with the Spain. Nothing lasts forever, it's just a matter of how long you're on top.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
The Dutch went from being a world power to, uh, that country in Europe where you can buy pot in just a couple hundred years.
They are about to lose to Russia too...

I for one hail Overlord Putin!

(Can never hurt to hedge your bets, right?)

1-1 now...maybe I spoke too soon? Nope...3-1. They're dead.
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skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
i recently found out that since my grandmother was born in poland, i might be able to apply for a polish passport. if i do that then i'll be considered as a resident of the EU(or something like that) so i would be able to work almost anywhere in europe. needless to say, i plan on attempting to do that.

i would love to get the hell out of this country once i get out of school.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Uhhmmm, why pray tell? If you wont speak out in a relatively anonymous forum, where/when/what will it take for you to speak out? Another stolen presidency? Another scandal and denial filled presidency? Another unneccesary war?

If I feel the need to move, I will move.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Holy crap, now that guy needs some Valium. I thought I was bummed out on the USA, but he is a candidate to be hanging from his garage rafters soon...

Turkeyslapped?? FTW!
it must really suck to be so liberal... :p

but yeah... eventually the US will decline to just another United Kingdom...

but it wont happen in your kids life time so htfu!

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
i recently found out that since my grandmother was born in poland, i might be able to apply for a polish passport. if i do that then i'll be considered as a resident of the EU(or something like that) so i would be able to work almost anywhere in europe. needless to say, i plan on attempting to do that.

i would love to get the hell out of this country once i get out of school.
Good for you mate. Living and working in another country is one of the most worthwhile things you can do with your life. Obviously I'm biased though.:thumb:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I was never that excited about the Indian food I had in the UK...had better in Seattle and Chicago. Curry was never hot enough...
You need to know someone to show you the good spots, it can be really hit and miss.

I've had some incredible Indian food there.

Worst food ever: Poland.