
***Wednesday GMT***


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Morning!!

Another hot one today. I'm sweating already.

Got home yesterday and mowed the yard. Stepped in a hole somewhere and now I've got some kind of hammy pull or something. Crap.

Colin is obsessed with fishing right now---or rather obsessed with me doing the fishing and him reeling it in when I catch one. So cute. So we went yesterday evening once it cooled down a bit. Made some Pad Thai Chicken when we got back and fell asleep on the couch a little later.

Maybe some riding at the DJ's tonight if everything is dry enough.

Y'all have a great day!!


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Good morning.

GH: that yard of yours sounds dangerous. You should bust out the shovels and fix it up. (if you know what I'm sayin') ;)

Hot as hell again today. I'm planning on replacing an exhaust clamp under my car this morning, and after watching the weather on the morning news I'm not so sure.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
listening to dinosaur jr/sonic youth new releases, the charlatans last release, playing with the dog while he is still around, shooting the sh*t with my younger brother, older brothers one and a half year old cracking everyone up....

last two days have been fun..

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Hello all you monkeys out there! Not too much going on here. I've got to get to the beer store today and buy some beer for MBC's company picnic Friday (49 adults). They'll have plenty of swill, but they have placed me in charge of buying some "good stuff." I love buying beer with other peoples' money.

Grilled up some sundried tomato burgers last night with 'tater wedgies. Damn do I make a good burger.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
man, how good is _The Eternal_?

and Dino Jr just announced a Boston date, w/ Lou opening!
i like it......i fvcked up not seeing dinosaur jr last month....

scratch that....i will be able to see them in atlanta in october...
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Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
ugh, more cold rain/mist.

last night the dinosaurs roamed the earth...it was the 3rd US show from prog rock giants Van der Graaf Generator in 21 years. Hammill sounded great. The audience was made up primarily of people who looked like this:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Morning all. Great commute in this morning...I felt slow as all hell, but I made it in relatively good time. Last full day of school here then a half day tomorrow. Syd is definitely counting down and gives me the count every morning, afternoon and night. :)
I'm off to find some coffee and some food--I am hungry!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
Good morning fellow poo flingers. Its a lovely day here in new jersey. So I think I may go on a nice long ride today. But first, I must make my super secret breakfast. It is so delicious that if I told anybody about I would have to kill them.:triniti:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Good morning fellow poo flingers. Its a lovely day here in new jersey. So I think I may go on a nice long ride today. But first, I must make my super secret breakfast. It is so delicious that if I told anybody about I would have to kill them.:triniti:
Why you gotta tease like that? I am hungry and eating a bowl of oatmeal :(

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Morning all.

Good commute into work today. Just passed 310 miles on my commuter bike for 09. Its foggy and a little misty out, perfect riding weather for me. Barely even broke a sweat.

Still no luck on that freaking memory card. =\

For breakfast, I will be eating a bowl of cereal and a toasted onion bagel with cream cheese and a ghetto mocha for breakfast (full cup of coffee with a hot chocolate package poured into it).

It is so delicious that if I told anybody about I would have to kill them.:triniti:
I want to know...


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I am so lucky! I really do have some good kids here. A couple of them just came in to check their regent exam grades and they saw me riding my bike to school today so they brought me an iced coffee from Stewarts! YEAH for great kids! (note: They already had A's in my class and knew it -- so bribery probably isn't their motive) :)


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Hello all. I am beat from a 3 hour road ride yesterday. I was going pretty hard and missed a turn. Didn't notice until I was in the next county, so my trip was a bit longer than I had anticipated. It was really humid and I was running out of water and didn't bring any food or money. Ooops. Now I am scanning maps, trying to keep sanity.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Hey y'all. Been a busy last week or so. Got back in from Scout camp last night, switched from backpack to rolling bag and drove to MD this morning. Whew.

At least it's not raining! A few days in the woods listening to the Bushkill river and falls roar at night while going to sleep was relaxing!

Have a good week.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning, monkeys!

I was sweating all night, I forgot to turn the AC on or something. But I will chill in the theater at lunch today when I take my daughter to see Transformers while the wife kills bad guys. Good times.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Trade you. It is already 83° @ 8am. I'm sure we'll top out over 100° again -- 102° yesterday.

Statement as of 5:00 PM CDT on June 24, 2009

... Record high temperature set at Waco...

a record high temperature of 106 degrees was set at Waco today.
This breaks the old record of 104 set back in 1933.

The pool was only mildly refreshing.

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the teste
Nov 22, 2002

Statement as of 5:00 PM CDT on June 24, 2009

... Record high temperature set at Waco...

a record high temperature of 106 degrees was set at Waco today.
This breaks the old record of 104 set back in 1933.

The pool was only mildly refreshing.

So what you are saying is that Texas Locos?

My ride today was about 78 with low humidity. it really sucked.