
weds gfmt


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

I can't remember the last time I actually slept until my alarm. Set for 6:15, was awake at 5. That makes sense.

In person office day. Truck went into Battery Saver Mode on the way in, so I drove in silence.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Total existential crisis this week. I've been wondering lately what it is exactly my wife sees in me. I mean I know of my rakish good looks, affable charm, sizeable penis and significant money making ability, but what else?


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011

Buddy and I are going to try to ride tonight. Its -18 at the moment, but will hopefully warm up a tad by then. Either way, I need to stop and pickup some lobster claw gloves from a shop on the way to the trails.


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Time has come to set up the trainer. Just enough varied precipitation and cold to prevent quality outdoor riding, worse to come with days of rain forecast soon. Annual Strava challenge was getting off to a good start from a bike rider's perspective.

17° and sunny


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Effin' cold.
Still, I'll ride.
Getting last body alignment before vacation.
Cheer up! We ain't dead!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

The freezing rain hit hard yesterday and it's a mess out there. The pups don't even want to go out for potty and the black cat in the hood tried to come in Monday's door this morning around 3am. I feel bad that it was outside, but it isn't welcomed inside. Monday was pissed.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
xc skiied with my 10 year old while my 13 year old was at practice. The 10 year old has gotten to the point where he's pushing me. By the end of the season, it's likely he'll be faster than me. Man, they grow up quick...

frigid here today too, -23°C with the windchill. The exchange kids are going to be skiing on the urban ski path along the river here. It is highly exposed to the wind... they gonna be cold. I'm also helping out with overseeing the group. Not sure how I'm supposed to keep up with a group of 70 13 year old ski racers???


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
‘Bout right for a murdered out Dodge.



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Truck went into Battery Saver Mode on the way in,
wat(t) in the Cummins is this

/me is in stoney's hood today. the I-25 and 225 traffic, while normal for this hour, paled in comparison to the hellish Monday travel day so at least that's positive.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I have lobster claws, no longer use them. The collect sweat, then freeze.
I don't use pogies so I need something that keeps my fingers together, to aid with warmth, on these super cold days. Otherwise it feels like I have popsicles for hands for too long.

The ones I'm going to pickup are thinner lobster claw gloves, so aren't super thick like ski or snowmobile gloves. Hoping to use them with a thin glove under them as a liner.

In reality no matter how cold it is, I sweat no matter what, no matter what I wear. So I eventually start to get cold. By then we're heading back to the car for an icee beer.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
wat(t) in the Cummins is this
In the colder weather, the truck runs the grid heater (heats intake air instead of using glow plugs) which has a high demand, so unless you have a full battery charge at all times, the truck throws battery saver mode and shuts down what it deems to be non-critical electrical accessories.

In my case, that's the radio and the mirror heaters. I've never run it any lower than that, so I can't tell you what's next to go.
In the colder weather, the truck runs the grid heater (heats intake air instead of using glow plugs) which has a high demand, so unless you have a full battery charge at all times, the truck throws battery saver mode and shuts down what it deems to be non-critical electrical accessories.

In my case, that's the radio and the mirror heaters. I've never run it any lower than that, so I can't tell you what's next to go.
I'm liking my Sprinter better.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
In the colder weather, the truck runs the grid heater (heats intake air instead of using glow plugs) which has a high demand, so unless you have a full battery charge at all times, the truck throws battery saver mode and shuts down what it deems to be non-critical electrical accessories.

In my case, that's the radio and the mirror heaters. I've never run it any lower than that, so I can't tell you what's next to go.
should've got the Hemi (or Godzilla), my bro


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
In the colder weather, the truck runs the grid heater (heats intake air instead of using glow plugs) which has a high demand, so unless you have a full battery charge at all times, the truck throws battery saver mode and shuts down what it deems to be non-critical electrical accessories.

In my case, that's the radio and the mirror heaters. I've never run it any lower than that, so I can't tell you what's next to go.
is that like brodozer bootstraps? did your truck nuts freeze?