
What cost cutting measures are you taking?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
My daughter is also a driving force in our house about conservation vs. consumption. She will often ask "Is this recycled?" or "Is this better for the environment?". Maybe she's brainwashed by "green" tv shows, but it makes sense. I don't want to look my 7 year old in the face and say "No, it's not good for the environment, but I am doing it anyway because I don't care." She will also ask "Is that healthy?", so I have also rethought some of the ways we eat.
Just don't let her know that she's the biggest environmental disaster that you and the wife have wrought on the planet. ;)

On Friday we had a neighborhood girl babysit for a few hours. My daughter was watching some TV after lunch, then got up and turned it off. She looked at Liz and said "This isn't very educational, I would rather go to the park and play." Liz was shocked, but gladly took her to the park to play.
Somebody is hippyfieing that girl... :disgust1: :D


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR

How's she feel about that cute pink 4-wheeler?
She loves it, but she has me working on an electric conversion for it as we speak. After seeing Mean Green Machines, she's decided a zero emissions version would be more appropriate.

I have been eying the Zero-X for myself, but I might build a home-grown version.


Jun 2, 2008
Fussa, Japan
I just keep my wife locked in the closet for 6 days a week now instead of 4. Keeps her off the internet shopping sites and gives me the same amount of toy money. :bonk:


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I haven't really changed much of what I do recently. Just the same ol' cheapness- no cable (well, no TV either), rarely eat out, make what I can to save (e.g. make my own hummus and granola often), ride my bike to work/grocery store/friends' houes every day, no AC (not gonna lie- that, recently, has sucked), fill up on gas in states besides CT if possible, don't carry much cash (decreaes my propensity to use it). Watching what I spend allows me to live in a decent neighborhood, not have to keep too much tabs on the grocery bill and fix my bikes when something busts.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I quit drinking a little less than a year ago and its amazing how much money you save, plus the UPS guy doesn't show up with stuff I don't remember ordering
That's funny! At least it's not a struggle at the new place. The UPS guy calls me on the call box at home and I can buzz him in from my cell from work and when I get home, everyday is Christmas!

In a meeting today when my phone rings, and I cut off the owner mid sentence: "Hang on, I'm getting a delivery."
