
what do you eat on long rides?


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Skookum and I rode 27.7 miles on Monday, with plenty of elevation. (don't know the actual numbers though)

I had a two fried eggs for breakfast (around 7:00AM) and on the ride, got on our bikes around 9:30AM, ate 4 power bar things. the complete ride was around four and a half hours.

I wasn't tired when we got back to the car but wasn't hungy until a few hours later. then I chowed down 4 chicken tacos and a small thing of ice cream (vanilla, of course)

but I felt like I had been eating all day when we got back to the car. maybe it was because those power bar things are kinda sugary and I don't eat much many candy bar type things.

so what do you eat on long rides?

BTW, I felt like I was drinking water the whole time too and had a good portion of water left in my 100oz camelback when I got home.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
that's wierd because I was kinda craving a PB&J during the entire ride.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
pnj said:
Skookum and I rode 27.7 miles on Monday, with plenty of elevation. (don't know the actual numbers though)

I had a two fried eggs for breakfast (around 7:00AM) and on the ride, got on our bikes around 9:30AM, ate 4 power bar things. the complete ride was around four and a half hours.

so what do you eat on long rides?
I usually start with a bigger breakfast than that - breakfast burrito, espresso, toast - basically whatever I can get my hands on.

During the ride I take some Snickers for "snack-time" and then a big-arse sandwich (meat, cheese, and veg) - 1/2 for second-breakfast and the rest for lunch.

And I'm usually ready to consume a side of beef when the ride is over........ :D



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Usually i just kill and eat hikers on the trail, but that one group we seen were foreign, probably would have given us heartburn.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Skookum said:
Usually i just kill and eat hikers on the trail, but that one group we seen were foreign, probably would have given us heartburn.

the confused anti-bikes-trail-nazi would have been just fine. :D

how do you keep meat cold on a long ride? (the kind you put in a sandwich....)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
pnj said:
the confused anti-bikes-trail-nazi would have been just fine. :D

how do you keep meat cold on a long ride? (the kind you put in a sandwich....)
I don't. Just stuff it in my windbreaker and ride. By the time I eat the second half it's just about achieved room temperature.

And remember - more bread=better insulation. :D



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
pnj said:
the confused anti-bikes-trail-nazi would have been just fine. :D

how do you keep meat cold on a long ride? (the kind you put in a sandwich....)
stuff a lot of ice in your camelbak bladder. Hefty one-zip plastic bag.... it'll stay cold for at least a few hours.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
Bannans before the ride and some type of carb. My favorite food (dont laugh) during a ride is good old oreos (double stuffed) they are like an instant kick in the ass, and tastey too.


Jul 31, 2002
Before a long morning ride I'll have an espresso as soon as I get up. For breakfast I have a cup of tea, a couple of english muffins/toast loaded with peanut butter, 1 or 2 bananas and some in season fruit---a cup of blueberries, an apple or a nectarine. Right before leaving, I may eat another banana. On the ride, I pack a ziplock bag with almonds and dried cranberries and stick a few clif bars of various flavors in my pack. I have taken PB sandwiches and apples but find I end up squashing the sandwich and end up licking peanut butter off the wrapper :). Most often I only eat one or two clif bars but use a dilute Cytomax in my Camelbak ---and usually drink the whole 100oz. By the time we get back to civilization, fridge raiding or greasy spoon joint is high on my priority list! I'm never hungry on the ride, just right after.

With any of the power bar/clif bar type of food I think it is recommended to follow with a lot of water to absorb the nutrients.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
The oddest thing I've seen someone pack for a long ride was whole smoked trout, packed in tin foil. The resulting food fight during that snack break resulted in someone finishing the ride with trout bits hanging off their pedals :dead:.


Aug 8, 2003
I don't really need to eat anything on rides. I used to bonk so hard and I thought that if I brought food it would help, but it never did. Now I just mix up half strength gatorade or lemonade in my camel back. That small, continuous sugar feed keeps me going with no bonking for extended rides. Still I carry a Cliff bar just in case. The kind that is laced with Caffeine.


It's not poo
Dec 1, 2003
PB&J is where it is at... gets all melted and good. Or let T-Pirate's mom bring a car full of sandwhich supplies and go at it. (with the sandwhiches)


Apr 5, 2004
West Menlo
Bagel and cream cheese, Chewy bars and/or ProMax bars and/or Power bars, and that's usually the extent of my food supply. I also make sure I make myself eat a large bowl of cereal and sometimes drink a glass of orange juice.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Benton said:
I don't really need to eat anything on rides. I used to bonk so hard and I thought that if I brought food it would help, but it never did. Now I just mix up half strength gatorade or lemonade in my camel back. That small, continuous sugar feed keeps me going with no bonking for extended rides. Still I carry a Cliff bar just in case. The kind that is laced with Caffeine.
You're going to need to define "extended ride" for me..... 'cause when I'm out on a 6-12 hour ride, I gotta eat something. I've even stopped in the middle of a ride like that to eat at a restaurant... :)



Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
bikebabe said:
Before a long morning ride I'll have an espresso as soon as I get up. For breakfast I have a cup of tea, a couple of english muffins/toast loaded with peanut butter, 1 or 2 bananas and some in season fruit---a cup of blueberries, an apple or a nectarine. Right before leaving, I may eat another banana. On the ride, I pack a ziplock bag with almonds and dried cranberries and stick a few clif bars of various flavors in my pack. I have taken PB sandwiches and apples but find I end up squashing the sandwich and end up licking peanut butter off the wrapper :). Most often I only eat one or two clif bars but use a dilute Cytomax in my Camelbak ---and usually drink the whole 100oz. By the time we get back to civilization, fridge raiding or greasy spoon joint is high on my priority list! I'm never hungry on the ride, just right after.

With any of the power bar/clif bar type of food I think it is recommended to follow with a lot of water to absorb the nutrients.

i was gonna say the same thing

Some sort of decent breakfast, usually bacon & eggs, english, coffee, a couple of glasses of water.

While riding

Gatorade & H2O 50-50, more recently Accelerade, about the same mix.

Short breaks

Energy bar or a fireball or fig newtons.

Meal break

PB&J, maybe a banana.


Flakey Jake

Nov 4, 2003
I like to make sure I eat a fat dinner the night before the ride. I make sure there is some sort of carb in there like potatoes or pasta or rice or whatever. The morning of the ride i eat a light breakfast and of course, coffee! McDonalds breakfast seems to pack lots of fuel. Just dont eat anything like sausage or youll be feelin it on the ride.

During the ride I pretty much eat Pay-Day bars or a chewey granola bar and plenny o water. I'd do snickers but they melt, PayDay keeps it together pretty good.


Jul 6, 2004
Western NC...mts galore
oatmeal, bananas, coffee before ride...salty peanuts, goldfish cheese crackers (only ones with smiley faces) gu w/caffeine during...anything goes after the ride...chased down with a brew ;)~