
why do DHers think they are so extreme???


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I don't get it... How hard is it to put 8" of travel under you, lean back, and hold on? I definitely respect people who do it on a hard tail, but with a bunch of squish at each end, c'mon. Then to top it off... they hop in a Jeep or on a ski lift and get a ride to the top??? gimma a break.

I think the real men (and women) are those who climb... who have to struggle to keep traction just as hard as they fight to keep the cranks spinning - and that's on the EASY parts of the climb.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
WHILE travel helps it is speed that matters, i dont think of myself as extreme, its others that do, for me its a normal sport, the extreme part is no it, its getting the fastest time.

You dont see ski racers skiing on non shaped skis any more do you? So is Bode Miller less extreme because he rides rossi high performance skis that help his game out? no.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Jackson - lemme tell you I would have gladly had some rear travel yesterday.

You should go go Plattekill sometime even if not to ride just to see some of the terrain the riders tackle....some super steep stuff and some serious drops to sketchy landings etc. etc.

I say it is all good - road, XC, trail riding, DHing, BMX.......you name it. :cool: :thumb:

Also - the people at Plattekill yesterday were all super cool and very supportive.

Don't knock it until you try it.

I think there are people with "attitudes" in any discipline of riding......but overall I'm super impressed with the people involved in bike riding in general.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I hearby dub this, Ignorant Question of the Week.


Even if you have ridden to the bottom of a hill on an 8" travel bike, that doesn't give you a perspective to judge from. When you've ripped down a mountain a few times on an 8" travel bike and pushed the limits of your riding ability, we'll chat.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by Cooter Brown
that's easy, it's cuz we drink Mountain Dew and drive Xterra's :rolleyes:

but really, til you've done a lift served or shuttle served run with 8" underneath ya, don't hate
hehe....or 2.5".....in 2 weeks i will be doing it on 0". :D


BS is not a bitch.
Feb 14, 2003
finally transplanted
I'm just curious where all this hatred comes from brotha? Did you have a run in with a DHr this weekend or something?

Did he not ring his pretty little bell as he passed you?

Really give us more info on where you are getting this "image" from.


Jan 7, 2004
East cost
its not just riding down rocky hills, its tight steep and wet with roots that make u slide, its not easy in any way. you gotta flow, i think its harder to be a fast flowy DH rider then to go off 15 foot drops, casue ive been in both shoes and i say DH is alot harder


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Originally posted by laxincubus311
its not just riding down rocky hills, its tight steep and wet with roots that make u slide, its not easy in any way. you gotta flow, i think its harder to be a fast flowy DH rider then to go off 15 foot drops, casue ive been in both shoes and i say DH is alot harder
I'm not a freerider - but DHing is definitely a beast unto it's own....and a mighty fun one at that.

And if you are a racer you have to handle the race course as fast as you can - that can't be easy at all.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Originally posted by jacksonpt
I don't get it... How hard is it to put 8" of travel under you, lean back, and hold on? I definitely respect people who do it on a hard tail, but with a bunch of squish at each end, c'mon. Then to top it off... they hop in a Jeep or on a ski lift and get a ride to the top??? gimma a break.

I think the real men (and women) are those who climb... who have to struggle to keep traction just as hard as they fight to keep the cranks spinning - and that's on the EASY parts of the climb.
So if you just trail ride, then why have any travel?

so then Real men (and women) are those who trail ride on rigid bikes?

and what are you buying?

:devil: :D :devil:

Tom Church

Jan 25, 2004
Beacon, NY
It also has to do with the toll on your body...do a few runs at P'Kill or Mtn Creek on a Hardtale and your body is really gonna hate you...every damn muscle you have will hurt...

The suspention makes a big difference...

You can do anything on a hardtale...anything that someone with a big travel bike can do...but you chances are you won't be able to do it as fast or as smooth (unless you are super sick...).

About the climbing...Go grab yourself a 50lbs DH bike with a 66 deg headtube, 8" of active suspension in the rear and 7" in the front, a 42 tooth front chainring (with no other rings), not to mention that DH bike are longer and you sit is a VERY different position (almist upright) and try to climb up a shale and root covered ultra steep trail...I'd bet you walk most of it...


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Anyways spend a day at a resort on a big travel DH bike and believe me by the end of the day, you will feel like you got your butt kicked. I'm not even talking about crashing, just riding.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by Cooter Brown
werd!! I'm ready man, ya'll comin down for the practice day the 21st?

oh and

makin damn sure that rock never dies
yup, i still have to do some fanagling at work but we will be there. We couldnt make it there last weekend :( . I have been oogling over the pics of the course. We are ready to rock n roll!

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
:nuts: :stupid: :evil:
Come to the mountain sometime. You can ride my bike lean back and hold on. :dead: Yes there are people at the mountain on $5000 dollar bikes who can't ride well. Who cares, it supports the industry.
As far as thinking we're hardcore........i don't know I do it for the fun. It is a good felling when you blast by people on the trail and they're like "holy shyt" I can't lie it puts a smile on my face.
Don't hate, How long have you been riding Jack? Me it's 13 years(before DH is what it is now) XC was "core" now it's not, accept it and move on with your day.


Aug 8, 2002
Park City, Utah, USA
i dunno about you guys but i think im ultra badass for being a "DHer" ;) i ride everything, road, xc, bmx, dh, anything with bikes, i like it. dont just pass judgement because you've met some dicks. if i did that, i'd b hatin on xc and road too.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Man I totally agree! I mean the only thing easier is to upgrade to 12 inches of travel and ad an engine! Those wimps on Motos are just wimps I can't believe they make so much money!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Ok now on to serious stuff. Why is it so tough to have respect for different styles of riding? I have tried many different styles of riding, I have a lot of respect for those that ride road. I also have a lot of respect for those who ride XC. I can't even tell you the amazing stuff that I have seen people do on a DH bike and Street riders never cease to amaze me.
If every cyclist respected all types of riding, the sport would grow faster and people would be more friendly in general.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
Originally posted by jacksonpt
I don't get it... How hard is it to put 8" of travel under you, lean back, and hold on? I definitely respect people who do it on a hard tail, but with a bunch of squish at each end, c'mon. Then to top it off... they hop in a Jeep or on a ski lift and get a ride to the top??? gimma a break.

I think the real men (and women) are those who climb... who have to struggle to keep traction just as hard as they fight to keep the cranks spinning - and that's on the EASY parts of the climb.
Try pedalling a 40-50 pound rig up a hill. That will give you an idea.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by Motionboy2

If every cyclist respected all types of riding, the sport would grow faster and people would be more friendly in general.
:thumb: sing it loud brotha

"who have to struggle to keep traction"
What about the DH rider struggling to keep traction down a steep grade in a rock garden while trying not to lose those precious seconds?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by slcpunk21
I'm just curious where all this hatred comes from brotha? Did you have a run in with a DHr this weekend or something?

Did he not ring his pretty little bell as he passed you?

Really give us more info on where you are getting this "image" from.
I am guessing that Jacksonpt is referring to the "hate" that comes from some of the crap said in the DH forum. Roadies and XC types are bashed on a regular basis in one form or another with little or no complaints. It is really just a clique thing and all types of bikers try to label themselves and bash others that don't fit their label.

I am mainly an XC rider but have some limited experience in road and downhill. IMO road riding is the most extreme. You suffer from all the elements, the smallest bumps beat the crap out of you, you suffer like a dog from the climbs, the severity of injury is pretty damn bad due to the potiential high speeds and close riding, the training and disciplin required to compete is incredible not to mention the fricken cars. I know of more roadies who have been seriously injured than any other type of sports biking or not.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by MMcG
This should be in the RESPECT thread. ;) :p :D
...except for the fact that his comment was intelligent which would make it out of place in the RESPECT thread ;) :D :devil:


Oct 17, 2002
DHers suck!

haha, not really, but...

I totally agree that we should all respect all forms of cycling; however, i'll go out on the limb and back up jacksonpt...

out of all the forms of riding, it does appear that the worst attitudes come from the DHers. I'm not saying any of y'all, but open your ears and eyes and judge for yourself.

The worst violators of trail rules, trail safety and public relations where i'm at are easily and by far the DHers. No no, not all, but it does appear that statistically, that group has the largest proportion of violators.

Instead of DH getting all partisan and defensive... police your friends.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
Originally posted by Westy
Roadies and XC types are bashed on a regular basis in one form or another with little or no complaints.
Well that's because they wear spandex:D they deserve a good bashing.:devil:


Pretty Boi
Jun 1, 2002
crackhouse down the street
Whats up with all of the hate? Yeah, climbing is tough; i reaced XC for years and it was fun/hard. I now race DH and just because you do not climb, does not make it any easier. DH is tough as well as every other aspect of cycling.
Ask any of the NY DH'ers to go ride and I am sure they will show you trails that challenge you. :rolleyes:

Clark Kent

Oct 1, 2001
The "hardcores" who are afraid of the road are what make me laugh!:rolleyes: I havnt been afraid of the road since.....well, never!:rolleyes:

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Am I the only one seeing the irony? DH riders are always stoshing XC riders / roadies / spandex - you name it - if it's not DH it's gay.

I attempted to do a little DH style riding one summer and I sucked at it - it's not easy skill wise - I respect what it takes to be good at it.

On the other hand - all DH all the time will make you fat. :eek: :devil: :eek:


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Am I the only one seeing the irony? DH riders are always stoshing XC riders / roadies / spandex - you name it - if it's not DH it's gay.

I attempted to do a little DH style riding one summer and I sucked at it - it's not easy skill wise - I respect what it takes to be good at it.

On the other hand - all DH all the time will make you fat. :eek: :devil: :eek:
nope, you're not the only one *shrugs*

dh girlie

Originally posted by jacksonpt
I don't get it... How hard is it to put 8" of travel under you, lean back, and hold on? I definitely respect people who do it on a hard tail, but with a bunch of squish at each end, c'mon. Then to top it off... they hop in a Jeep or on a ski lift and get a ride to the top??? gimma a break.

I think the real men (and women) are those who climb... who have to struggle to keep traction just as hard as they fight to keep the cranks spinning - and that's on the EASY parts of the climb.
I think you're trying to stir up a pot and you're sitting back waiting for the fireworks to start...I enjoy doint that myself...:D

I don't know about anyone thinking they are so extreme cuz they downhill...But I will say from personal experience that you definitely have to have better bike handling skills and more upper body strength to power a 50 pound monster dh bike than you do for xc riding...

I do both types of riding and I'm a hell of a lot more worked after a half day of dhing than a whole day of hard xc riding...