
Witnessed an "altercation" at my daughter's ballet class.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
So yesterday was "ballet school" as Emily calls it.

The girls are in the class.....we parents are outside watching. So this one woman (who has always had "the crazy eyes")....and actually....this woman is the most stereotypical...(and my apologies to the dirty, stinking jews here), middle-aged jewish woman ever. Like, Mike Meyers Coffee Talk.....dripping with jewelry, schpielkiss in her ginektigazoink and all that. But just crazy obnoxious. And for ME to think she's obnoxious, that has to tell you something right?

So anyway, she had stepped out to run an errand or something. I try not to pay attention to her. But she returns in a couple of minutes later, yelling to her husband...or male-counter part, pointing at one of the other mothers, screaming "HER husband just called me a whore!"

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I think one them was walking in the parking lot, and the other was backing out of a parking space or something. one didn't see the other and apparently the accused husband said something along the lines of "Watch where you're going".....

"Crazy eyes" proceeds to make a gigantic stink, calling the other woman stupid and fat....(she's a little on the large side....she's also like 8 months pregnant).

Did I mention this all took place at a little girls' ballet class?

The whole thing lasted maybe 15 sec. To his credit Mr. Crazy Eyes was pretty quick to usher her outside....almost as if he's had to do it before.

There is no WAY the guy called her a whore. I guess people tend to think that others will react they same way that they would.

Trashy, trashy people. And this is in a decently upscale area too.......


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
it amazes me the way people will act in front of their kids, talk about setting a bad example


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Except when they forgot their daily dose of Prozac. Although it sounds to me like she might have had Xanax withdrawals.

Operantly rich people normally do not altercate.
Poor people just shoot each other. Rich white people typically make a fool of themselves.


Dec 20, 2001
damn, i'm not sure how alabama hotpocket got associated (no, wait...there it is), but lets toss in the ol' cleveland steamer for posterity's sake


Apr 4, 2008
Virginia, USA
You should've curb stomped her.

ETA: Wait, before someone takes that the wrong way. Not because she's jewish, because she's a raving lunatic.
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Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I wonder what the conversation was like between she and her husband once they got outside.

Did you see SNL with Steve Carrell? The sketch with "2 a-holes" at Karaoke was pretty funny. As was the Comedy Short film about the Japanese "The Office".


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I wonder what the conversation was like between she and her husband once they got outside.

Did you see SNL with Steve Carrell? The sketch with "2 a-holes" at Karaoke was pretty funny. As was the Comedy Short film about the Japanese "The Office".
I saw the SNL

And I'm frankly surprised that she didn't make her man "defend her honour" and order him to kick the offending husband's ass....


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Just throw some pork at her, it works like crosses on Vampires...


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
In the interest of the children and the other parents, the owners of the dance studio should bar her. If someone else wants to drop her kids off, fine, but her ass needs to stay away. You should initiate this with the other parents and approach the owners.