
Workin't it HARDER


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2007
Need some advice....

I been going to the gym for over a year and change now... i have lost 40 of FAT pounds of in total, gained back 15 in muscle, right now I'm 5'10 and weigh between 185-190....

I have been going to the gym religiously this year at least 3 to 4 times a week.... and working HARD.... I feel great, i can probably outrun everyone i know, but i still cannot burn my belly FAT.... WTF...

In great shape with a gut... :-(

Any advice on products that help burn belly fat and increase some muscle mass?

When i go to the gym i do 30 - 45 minutes of Running on the treadmill, and maybe 10 minutes on the bike,,, then i do my workouts, lifting etc... i end my workouts with about 100 crunches, leg lifts etc.....

again, i feel great... and am great, but i just want my GUT gone (oh yeah i don't drink soda, i don't drink beer) but i do eat fried food from time to time 9 no pork or beef)... but i also eat my fare share of Veggies....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2007
Let me add that i don't eat breakfast... only drink a cup of coffee, and i eat a very small lunch and i eat a large dinner....

but that's been my routines for the past 6 years... time for change?


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
Let me add that i don't eat breakfast... only drink a cup of coffee, and i eat a very small lunch and i eat a large dinner....

but that's been my routines for the past 6 years... time for change?
Yes, change is good. More small meals, 5-6 a day will keep your metabolism in high gear and will constantly be burning fat. That should help the gut situation. Make sure to eat a nutritional breakfast, it really is the most important meal.

Send some motivation this way as well:thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2007
My motivation was this....

one day i was at the beach and my wife tooka photo of me... i was disgusted with what i saw..... seriously! I would sit there and poke fun and "fat" people on the beach but never looking at myself.... once i saw that..... i was like it's time for a change.....

i went from a Size 40 pants to a 34 pants....

I gave up Soda, Juices etc.... I gave up pork and beef.... gave up fried food (but slowly started eating it again)

i'll post a before and after photo when i get home.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
Let me add that i don't eat breakfast... only drink a cup of coffee, and i eat a very small lunch and i eat a large dinner....

but that's been my routines for the past 6 years... time for change?
That is the style of eating that makes your body store fat for when it needs it, if you have a continuous food source your body is lees prone to carrying as much fat.

Lifting weights, bike riding will cause your body to store fat where is can, so you won't carry any in your man boobs, butt or legs, the only good place left is,....


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
10 straight months with this head condition and everything else that I have had to deal with hasn't helped in the weight department.

Went from 174 to 210 because I was a homebody, always on the couch, unable to do anything.

I got a few races in, a few rides and about 4 races shooting with a lot of hiking up and down but I am still only back to 195.

I started to get really motivated last week, got back into photography hard and was ready to change for the better and then I ripped my knee out again and the head/health problems are still there.

Gotta get up and get going though.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2007
Rufus, just "KNOW" you can "DO IT", don't ever "TRY", to "try" is to "FAIL"... just "DO".....

My goal is to lose 50% of my belly fat by January....

i believe i have it all down with the exception of eating right.... Can anyone recommend a daily list of "small" meals i can eat to start myself out? Or a book?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Eating breakfast will definitely help. It will jump start your metabolism in the morning. I would also recommend doing longer stretches of cardio, go ride a bike for a couple of hours outside.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2007
go ride a bike for a couple of hours outside.
Wish i could... lol i work fulltime, get home around 6PM, head to the gym for about 2 hours.... sometimes an hour and 30 minutes.... and i have 2 kids... my wife goes to the gym too.... my only "riding" time is on weekends.... :-)


Oct 9, 2007
Wish i could... lol i work fulltime, get home around 6PM, head to the gym for about 2 hours.... sometimes an hour and 30 minutes.... and i have 2 kids... my wife goes to the gym too.... my only "riding" time is on weekends.... :-)
If you only have a short period of time to work out try interval training instead of long rides.


Or cross fit if you can.


I sit a lot in my job and interval training has helped a lot. I can go into the gym on my lunch break and get a great 30min workout.

Good luck:thumb:

Oh and eat all day... lots of small meals!!!


Aug 20, 2007
Two things: First, I'll echo what others have said about the importance of breakfast. Split you present daily caloric intake into 5 relatively equal-sized meals spread throughout the day. And second, consider lifting before cardio, as opposed to the way you're doing it now. You'll have more energy for lifting, so can go heavier/intensely and get more benefit, and the lifting will use up more of your stored glycogen so that you'll move into fat-burning mode sooner during your subsequent cardio session. Congrats on your progress - that's hard work!
- Joe


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2007
Can i substitute a small meal with a Nutrition bar? or one of those Muscle Milk Bars or Tiger Milk?


Aug 20, 2007
Sure - that's what they're for. As long as the calorie count and nutrition profile of the bar fits in with your goals, they're a useful tool.
- Joe

Can i substitute a small meal with a Nutrition bar? or one of those Muscle Milk Bars or Tiger Milk?

steve owens

May 22, 2008
Try exercising in the morning. Jump start your body and get it burning calories all day long. Eat more smaller meals during the day. I also like to drink green tea, as well as lots and lots of water. I noticed a big difference in my body fat by lifting lighter weight and incorporating more exercises using only body weight(Perfect pushups, lots of pull-ups with crunching exercises during pull up sets. )Don't be afraid to try new exercises. Do some old school leg lifts off of a bench; i stopped using the abdominal machines and noticed a huge difference in my abs.As much as I dislike running, I started running 3 times a week and it made a huge difference.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
try taking your training to the next level with crossfit or a good circuit workout. The idea is that you take out the controlled muscle building process of weight lifting and replace it with using extreme amounts of energy to lift lighter weights faster, and challenging more of your body to do it. Things like curls...they only work your biceps...but there are replacement exercizes that will challenge your shoulders back and legs while you do them.

The other is to eat breakfast, and to do more meals. When I was healthy, i was doing two pieces of whole grain toast with good peanut butter for breakfast, cottage cheese as a mid morning snack, tuna and veggies for lunch, nuts for a mid afternoon snack, and then a regular but less large dinner. It's not the best, but it's better than having a big breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and nothing else.

Gotta try and get back to where I was...


Feb 24, 2006
Run longer (which, in a time-limited situation means something has to be cut--so lift less.) Then start doing planned runs -- intervals, time, distance, etc. Run outside, run distance.

Al C. Oholic

Feb 11, 2010
Let me add that i don't eat breakfast... only drink a cup of coffee, and i eat a very small lunch and i eat a large dinner....

but that's been my routines for the past 6 years... time for change?
breakfast is actually crucial to your metabolism. having a breakfast, even a very small one, soon after you wake up gives your body some calories to start the day with. your metabolism begins running faster than it would only on stored calories.
this metabolic speed will continue throughout the day, burning calories and in turn some fat, so having a piece of toast w/ jelly or an egg in the morning will overall help your goal.