
Yoga -


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
So...I took my first Yoga class tonight. I'm hoping it improves my flexibility and core strength...eventually my goal is for Yoga to be my Monday Wednesday routine, with biking on Tuesday/Thursdays, and climbing/relaxing on the weekends.

Anyone else here a yoga person? My back and hips are already tightening up now that I'm cooling off...it was a "hot" yoga class and way fun!

The women in there are really something to look up to...some of them are so amazing. There were men in the class too - but the women were the ones I looked to for form ...

At this point, I'd recommend the class to anyone who loves to "sweat". In a 100 degree room, by the end I looked like I was made of shiny plastic and my shorts and tanktop were litterally dripping...I also didn't realize just how hard I'd worked until I started driving home, 90 minutes in that kind of heat is enough to make a girl rather naseaus...after my shower and stuff though - oh boy was I famished!

Anywho - just curious to hear others' thoughts on this form of after work exercise...


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Women in tight clothing, stretching and toning muscles, gleaming with sweat? I'm there!

Actually I've been looking at yoga for a while now. My grandparents got into it together a few years ago and loved it. I've noticed that I'm not as flexible as I was in highschool(soccer, xc, and track=lots of stretching) and it is killing my back on the bike. Not sure about "hot" yoga, but I'm thinking of picking up a book and practicing the basics.

The Ito


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
ito said:
Not sure about "hot" yoga, but I'm thinking of picking up a book and practicing the basics.

The Ito
See - I dunno about learning from a "book", or even from a video...

For example, as an ex-gymnast, I figured I could do the on the tippy toe stretches as good as anyone else....and I was up as high as I thought I could go...

but ohhh no...the teacher came over and gently pressed her foot against the back of mine until my foot was literally perpendicular to the floor.... OUCH! She was like, don't worry about doing the rest of the stretch until you know how to hold your ankles and feet in this position. :eek:

Other ones also require a second set of eyes to help you get the position right...some of the basics I think you can do on your own, but others, to get the position "right" and get the most benefit out of it, I think you need someone who knows what they're doing right there beside you.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
So is this a beginner class? I'm interested in trying it....I need more core strength, but I zero experience in any kind of stretching :( except for a girl scout cookie :rolleyes:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
It's a mix of skill levels. They make us gumby's sit in the back row so the instructor can walk around us easily and help get everyone into the right position. :D And also so we can watch the more experienced/skilled yoga-guru's go through the motions.

There was one young girl there, late teens I guess, who had no physical fitness level at all other than probably just avoiding food....the instructor spent a lot of time with her, mostly to make sure she stayed conscious and healthy. She needed to lay down a lot and just work on breathing in that temperature.

Let me know if you'd be interested in going next week. :) I need to use up my other two "intro" classes, so I'm going to go Monday and Wednesday for the 5pm classes.

The nice thing about it is the emphasis on focusing only on yourself. No one notices the other folks "skill" level or lack thereof. It's accepted that if you are new, or even if you've been there for 3 years, that there are going to be things to work on and focus on.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Hum....I think I could for sure go on Monday. I'm always so stiff from soccer the day before. You can give me the 411 on the location and what I need to bring to class tonight :)

WARNING: I sweat a lot just workingout in a regular temp. room :nope:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
WARNING: I sweat a lot just workingout in a regular temp. room :nope:
Pffft - you thought you sweated alot before you went to this yoga class ;)....

Nexttime, I think I'm going to avoid cotton shorts....feeling like you wet your pants when you leave is just...odd. :eek: :o:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Jr_Bullit said:
Nexttime, I think I'm going to avoid cotton shorts....feeling like you wet your pants when you leave is just...odd. :eek: :o:

Hahaha....wet and warm :o: Ew...so are thinking more wicking items? I'll have to see what I have to wear.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
wet, moist, sweating what?????

ok after reading this thread I am obviously moving to the PNW and taking up Yoga, with Jr_B and Snacks!

The last 10 minute of my training on Tues & Thurs is pretty much dedicated to stretching, and most of the stuff is Yoga oriented. I need to increase my flexibility! I always kinda scoffed at Yoga, but just the basic stretching stuff is tough. If my male ego will let me, I am going to try a begginer class some time soon.


My wife is a big fan of Bikram's (heated) yoga and I'll occasionally go to a class with her. It is a killer workout and love how you can measure your progress by seeing how far and long you can take a stretch. One of the other nice things about Bikram's is that is the same class (26 positions - 13 standing and 13 sitting) everywhere it is taught so no matter where you are, if you can find a place that teaches it, it will be the same class. Since my wife's pregnancy, she hasn't been able to do Bikram's yoga (the heat is not recommended for the baby) but has been doing a prenatal yoga DVD. One of things my wife can't wait for after she delivers is to go back to yoga...the other being drinking lots of wine!

My wife also used to do pilates, but she never felt that it was nearly as good a workout as the Bikram's yoga.

Rob - If you secure enough with yourself, I would recommend trying out a class - the sites alone are typically worth the price of admission :)


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
reflux said:
A somewhat related question: does anyone do pilates?
I haven't tried pilates yet - though I had it recommended to me from a friend...for now I'm going to focus on this method for relaxing/stretching/building strength...then if it's not doing what I want, I'll try pilates. :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Okay...I'll go on Monday.

Yikkees! What did I just get myself into...thank goodness this is writing so you can hold me to it :devil: I'll make sure I don't have any beans or cabbage for lunch that day :o: :nope:

Jr_B - Do I need to get a mat?


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
Okay...I'll go on Monday.

Yikkees! What did I just get myself into...thank goodness this is writing so you can hold me to it :devil: I'll make sure I don't have any beans or cabbage for lunch that day :o: :nope:

Jr_B - Do I need to get a mat?
I don't own my own personal mat yet. They have cotton ones they provide to new students. A bath towel is mandatory, however. :) And a towel to wipe your face when the sweat starts to get in the eyes. And a biiig water bottle ...mostly for after.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Darn it! I forgot to get the name of the studio for Monday's class so I can get directions :mumble: tonight! Should we meet some place and I'll follow you out there or is it easy to find?

Sorry you and Steve(btw:he cracks me up!) had to wait so long after the ride...I can't believe I broke my chain :eek: I must have been riding harder than I thought :rolleyes: Thank good Johnny had an extra linky thing :help:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
Darn it! I forgot to get the name of the studio for Monday's class so I can get directions :mumble: tonight! Should we meet some place and I'll follow you out there or is it easy to find?

Sorry you and Steve(btw:he cracks me up!) had to wait so long after the ride...I can't believe I broke my chain :eek: I must have been riding harder than I thought :rolleyes: Thank good Johnny had an extra linky thing :help:
:D no worries - Steve was pushing me hard!!! I guess he's decided that since I'm good at climbing, I better be good enough to climb "with" him....When we made it back to the car we were both totally parched so ran over to QFC to find a drink and then back cuz I was getting worried about you.

The yoga place is called 'Postures Yoga'. SUPER easy to find.

Take 522 East to the 202 Exit to Woodinville/Redmond. Take a right on the exit ramp, then a left onto 175 (the main left everyone hits to go to the Woodinville movie theatre and all the other stuff over there).

Go a little ways up, and take a right into the business park that has Taco Bell, Thai Racha, and a bunch of other things. The Yoga place is right next to Thai Racha. You can also look them up online - though their website is pretty bad ;).

Oh, and be sure to drink a lot of water during the day on Monday.
NO food after 3pm - you'll get sick during class if you've got food in your belly.
You'll also want to be sure not to have to pee during class (they have a restroom), because the instructor does not allow anyone to leave during the 90 minute class...which after taking a class I can appreciate.


Sounds like you have a good yoga instructor. My wife has found a couple of places that call themselves Bikram yoga, but it is more of a Bikram-light - they don't heat the room enough, are not strict about the poses, etc. Our instructor won't let anyone late into the class, but she doesn't have a problem with someone getting up to go into the locker room area if they are feeling faint as long as it is between poses and you are silent about it. Doesn't it feel great at the end of the class when you are in savasa (sp?) and they open door and let some cool air in?


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
BillT said:
Sounds like you have a good yoga instructor. My wife has found a couple of places that call themselves Bikram yoga, but it is more of a Bikram-light - they don't heat the room enough, are not strict about the poses, etc. Our instructor won't let anyone late into the class, but she doesn't have a problem with someone getting up to go into the locker room area if they are feeling faint as long as it is between poses and you are silent about it. Doesn't it feel great at the end of the class when you are in savasa (sp?) and they open door and let some cool air in?
Yeah, it did feel great to walk out of the room. The teacher is quite strict, which is good. She doesn't want anyone to advance before they're ready, and studies each person carefully in each pose to make sure they're doing it right.

Her rule for folks who are tired is to simply lay down and work on breathing. If you're in the room when class begins, then you're there for 90 minutes. :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Jr_Bullit said:
Yeah, it did feel great to walk out of the room. The teacher is quite strict, which is good. She doesn't want anyone to advance before they're ready, and studies each person carefully in each pose to make sure they're doing it right.

Her rule for folks who are tired is to simply lay down and work on breathing. If you're in the room when class begins, then you're there for 90 minutes. :)
God, I'm going to get my ass handed to me on a plate Monday :dead:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Snacks said:
God, I'm going to get my ass handed to me on a plate Monday :dead:
So I'll be seeing you at 5 right? :D

(no worries - I thought the same thing, but I walked out grinning like a fool - even if my pants were dripping like i'd peed myself)


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Jr_Bullit said:
So I'll be seeing you at 5 right? :D

(no worries - I thought the same thing, but I walked out grinning like a fool - even if my pants were dripping like i'd peed myself)
You guys are taking pictures right? :confused: :blah: :confused:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
You guys are taking pictures right? :confused: :blah: :confused:
Dood - I know you guys "think" women are hot when coated in sweat, hair all frizzy, faces beet red, and clothes sopping wet...

But I hate to break it to ya - that's only attractive with your SO in the heat of the moment...otherwise - it's about as pretty as any hairy fat guy in the same situation -

it ain't pretty. ;)


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I want to do yoga. or something that will keep me limber, so when I fall down I don't get hurt as bad.

I looked into it awhile back but the few places I looked into were expensive or way to hippy for me.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
pnj said:
I want to do yoga. or something that will keep me limber, so when I fall down I don't get hurt as bad.

I looked into it awhile back but the few places I looked into were expensive or way to hippy for me.
I know that some local gyms offer yoga classes - 24hour fitness did...

I didn't like the "gym" atmosphere as much, and was paying more per month than I will doing Yoga once a week at this gym. :) Seattle City Search had a great search engine for finding different Yoga places that are local to you.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Jr_Bullit said:
Dood - I know you guys "think" women are hot when coated in sweat, hair all frizzy, faces beet red, and clothes sopping wet...

But I hate to break it to ya - that's only attractive with your SO in the heat of the moment...otherwise - it's about as pretty as any hairy fat guy in the same situation -

it ain't pretty. ;)

Why are you ruining the mental image? WHY?


pnj said:
I want to do yoga. or something that will keep me limber, so when I fall down I don't get hurt as bad.

I looked into it awhile back but the few places I looked into were expensive or way to hippy for me.
If you are interested in Bikram yoga (the heated yoga that they are talking about), check out:


It has a class finder for all the places that officially offer this type of yoga.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
BillT said:
If you are interested in Bikram yoga (the heated yoga that they are talking about), check out:


It has a class finder for all the places that officially offer this type of yoga.
Good link!

Tonight was "power" yoga - supposedly no harder than the main "bikram" yoga....but I felt more challenged by the poses and different modes - it's really hard to ask your muscles to really really hold still and not twitch in that kind of heat!!!
:D I'm fighting the headache right now from the massive amounts of sweat - I'm learning that proper hydration before and serious hydration after are musts.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Mtb_Rob_FL said:
Why are you ruining the mental image? WHY?
I do believe it's a woman's job to ruin any happiness or pleasure that we men experience in life...

Dont' know bout you, but I'm definitely looking forward to giving this "yoga" concept a try sometime.
the question is 'what do you guys think of yoga?'

I think it rocks. There are more then one aspect of yoga and why it rocks. The work out, the feeling afterwards of the whole body thing, the meditative piece you will at some point find aka mind clarity, the community etc

Get a mat. Girham (i think that ist he spelling.... to lazy to get mine off the shelf right now) has them at safeway and gereral stores like kingstupids have them too I believe.
Getting a good teacher is very important. very very.

Kudos to you Jr B .... so ... when are you going to come down to colorado for the yoga journal conference in rocky mountain national park? ... let me know, we will get coffee.

your old lost friend....


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
what makes the mat special? they don't look like much to me and my carpet feels fine...

Jr_B, how is the class now that you've been going for awhile?
your carpet would be fine. often, yoga studios have hard floors and the matt has a little cusion. the 'classic' use of the matt was/is that when you do yoga the ground may not be clean. You keep your matt clean and it has a little cusion. at home, if you have carpet... rock on.. also a matt, is yours ... so you are not getting someone elses germs or sweat or stuff... i randomly put aroma therapy spritzers on my matt....

damn I sound gay... scratching chin... oh well c'est la vie

what have you been up to Peanut buter and jelly man? (PNJ)


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
well, well, well....

I had back surgery 3 years ago and just started Bikram 4 weeks ago. I've gone every other day since starting.

I think it's depleting something from my body, big time. I'm fatigued ALL THE TIME now. Maybe it's potassium or something? I drink plenty of water all day. About 90 ounces or so.

I've noticed that this yoga makes my back worse by the end of the session. my foot is usually numb and tingly from the nerve in my back being pissed off during the 90 minutes.
I keep going though, hopefully it will work eventually... (or before I run out of money)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The biggest advantage I can see to yoga is there are usually a lot of hot chicks in the class. Also, never turn down the opportunity to bang a yoga instructor.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
well, well, well....

I had back surgery 3 years ago and just started Bikram 4 weeks ago. I've gone every other day since starting.

I think it's depleting something from my body, big time. I'm fatigued ALL THE TIME now. Maybe it's potassium or something? I drink plenty of water all day. About 90 ounces or so.

I've noticed that this yoga makes my back worse by the end of the session. my foot is usually numb and tingly from the nerve in my back being pissed off during the 90 minutes.
I keep going though, hopefully it will work eventually... (or before I run out of money)

I can't tell if you are being serious or not. I am going to pretend that you aren't.

I want to try Bikram yoga very badly. It is on my list of things that I will do when TN leaves for a month list. I have a studio right down the street from my house. And it is really cold out right now so it would be nice. I haven't taken a yoga class in a really long time and I miss it.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
what part did you think I was not serious about? fully serious.

I started making a fruit smoothie with 1 bananna, strawberries, blueberrys, mango and milk. I have had a 16 ounce glass of this mixture over the last 3 days. I also ate some turkey meat (I stopped eating meat in my house 3 or so years ago also) because I felt I needed to increase my potassium.

Monday nights yoga session went much better. I didn't feel fatigued like I had previously, so hopefully I figured this out.:thumb:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
what part did you think I was not serious about? fully serious.

I started making a fruit smoothie with 1 bananna, strawberries, blueberrys, mango and milk. I have had a 16 ounce glass of this mixture over the last 3 days. I also ate some turkey meat (I stopped eating meat in my house 3 or so years ago also) because I felt I needed to increase my potassium.

Monday nights yoga session went much better. I didn't feel fatigued like I had previously, so hopefully I figured this out.:thumb:
I was hoping that you were not being serious about the tingling in your feet and the fact that your back feels worse when you are done.

Have you spoken with your instructor about your back surgery yet? Have you thought about or tried Iyengar Yoga. Iyengar is a yoga that puts a major emphasis on postures, and allignment. I have found that in general their instructors are more aware of anatomy and nursing physical weaknesses and recovery through yoga techniques. I have never practiced with an instructor that would allow me to go on if they knew that I was feeling soreness and numbness after class, especially if I were recovering from back surgery.

Just be very careful and make sure that you are open with your instructor about any physical weakness you may be experiencing.

The fatigue could have easily been from hitting it hard and heavy in the beginning. I am glad that your last class went well. I have a close friend that uses yoga for a bad back and it has really helped her out a lot.