
Can Christains be Gay and MTB?

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
OK. There is no shortage of Christian viewpoint in this forum. The whole is Jesus gay thing seemed kind of strange but it brought this to my mind: There are over 3500 Ride Monkey users and, I suspect, the vast majority of these members would not hesitate to publicly identify themselves as Christian Mountain Biking Monkeys. How many of the 3500 members would actually identify themselves as Gay Mountain Biking Monkeys? So far I know of just one; I was both surprised and impressed. That chicks got balls! I am sure to be wrong but, statistically shouldn’t there be something like 2% gay cyclists posting on the monkey?

Now being gay has nothing to do mountain biking but neither does Jesus being gay… I read like 2 hours worth of Christian viewpoint. These viewpoints were pretty strong – to the point where only one actual gay person felt comfortable in rebuttal. What’s it all mean???

You Monkeys made the Midget’s head hurt.

My parents took me to see the nude production of Jesus Christ Superstar in the 1970's. It was in Hawaii and Jesus was driven to the stage in a white convertible Volkswagen Beetle. At the time naked people scared the crap out of me. Not anymore!


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
Christianity and homosexuality are "usually" mutually exclusive. There is no such relationship between mountain biking and homosexuality.

I suppose you could go out on a limb and surmise that homosexual men are less drawn to the testosterone based activities (whatever that may be). You might therefore arrive at the conclussion that homosexual men would be less drawn to mountain biking than heterosexual men and the statistics might turn out to be less than the national average.

That last part is pure theory. I have no opinion or belief on the subject. Merely a theory.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by mr_dove
Christianity and homosexuality are "usually" mutually exclusive. There is no such relationship between mountain biking and homosexuality.

I suppose you could go out on a limb and surmise that homosexual men are less drawn to the testosterone based activities (whatever that may be). You might therefore arrive at the conclussion that homosexual men would be less drawn to mountain biking than heterosexual men and the statistics might turn out to be less than the national average.

That last part is pure theory. I have no opinion or belief on the subject. Merely a theory.
Are you forgetting about all the TIGHTS!!

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by -BB-

Are you forgetting about all the TIGHTS!!
HA! I used to feel very 'gay' and exposed when I first started wearing cycling shorts. I used to pack some gym shorts on long rides so I could put them on if I had to enter a store... not that I am in better shape I don't mind showing a bit of leg!:D

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Christianity and homosexuality are "usually" mutually exclusive.

Dude, don't say that.
Homosexual activity is a sin. No different in Gods eyes than sins you and I are both commiting on a daily basis. There are Christians who have commited or continue to commit that, and countless other sins.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by LeatherFace

Who are you talking about? :confused: ;)

:eek: DON"T HURT ME! :eek:

I believe EVERYTHING I read.

"In this corner, we have the bleeding heart liberal lesbian known as LeatherFace...in the other corner, we have a person who equates homosexual movement marketing plans to Mein Kampf. Who will win and who will be damned to Hell? Stay tuned for the next episode of As the Monkey Turns..."

If this was written in jest then I totally got it wrong and might need a spanking.:o:
Originally posted by Serial Midget

:eek: DON"T HURT ME! :eek:

I believe EVERYTHING I read.

"In this corner, we have the bleeding heart liberal lesbian known as LeatherFace...in the other corner, we have a person who equates homosexual movement marketing plans to Mein Kampf. Who will win and who will be damned to Hell? Stay tuned for the next episode of As the Monkey Turns..."

If this was written in jest then I totally got it wrong and might need a spanking.:o:
Oh, right, I forgot about that one. No, it wasn't in jest ;)


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
Originally posted by Damn True

Dude, don't say that.
Homosexual activity is a sin. No different in Gods eyes than sins you and I are both commiting on a daily basis. There are Christians who have commited or continue to commit that, and countless other sins.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I said "usually" because, as we all know, homosexuality is not accepted by most christian religions because it's a sin. I think the only gays who would be christian are ones who actually accept that it's a sin and try to repent.

Nevertheless, many in our society try to tell us the homosexuality is ok and that would should embrace it (not literally). I think that a homosexual who does believes that his actions are ok will usually not go to a church where his actions are not accepted.

is that more clear?


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by mr_dove

I think the only gays who would be christian are ones who actually accept that it's a sin and try to repent.
I know a lot of Christian gay/lesbian/transgender people who are perfectly happy with whom they are and are by no means trying to repent for that. So does this make them a bad Christian? I don't think so.

After all, reading the bible that homosexuality is a sin is a matter of interpretation. Several mainstream protestant religions are quite accepting of a loving relationship between any couple---hetero or homosexual. If you study the bible from a historical perspective, many scholars have come to the conclusion that the bible "approves" of a committed relationship between man and woman. It condemns infidelity, or random sex, between men and women as well as random sex between those of the same sex. BUT, the text does not refer to a committed homosexual relationship---neither approving nor condemning. Historically speaking, the act of homosexuality that the bible was condemning was typically an abusive relationship between an older male and younger boy (probably not true all the time but this was a more accepted practice in Greek culture at the time).

For those that accept that homosexuality is a sin because the bible says so...do you also accept slavery because the bible says so? do you also follow the dietary laws written in the bible? do you believe women should wear head coverings? All I'm trying to point out is that the bible says a lot of things that we don't follow or we explain away. It's not enough to say homosexuality is a sin just because the "bible says so".

To answer the question initially posted, my uncle is gay, Christian and a mountain biker! :)


Jul 31, 2002
Originally posted by Serial Midget

All at once? :eek: MrDove isn't gonna like this one bit! :D
Yeah...and he really goes after those guys in tight lycra shorts...ooh-la-la :devil: :love: :evil:

Obviously sarcasm abounds in above---


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Originally posted by mr_dove
Christianity and homosexuality are "usually" mutually exclusive. There is no such relationship between mountain biking and homosexuality.
Unless you have a REAL bad saddle!!! could change yer whole perspective!!!!!:eek:



In dog years I'm dead
Aug 23, 2001
Salinas, CA
Originally posted by bikebabe

I know a lot of Christian gay/lesbian/transgender people who are perfectly happy with whom they are and are by no means trying to repent for that. So does this make them a bad Christian? I don't think so.

For those that accept that homosexuality is a sin because the bible says so...do you also accept slavery because the bible says so? do you also follow the dietary laws written in the bible? do you believe women should wear head coverings? All I'm trying to point out is that the bible says a lot of things that we don't follow or we explain away. It's not enough to say homosexuality is a sin just because the "bible says so".

Ahhh... finally a voice a reason out there. It has always amazed me how Christians will put their critical thinking skills on hold when using what the bible says as a stand-in for their own brains. Who are any of us to declare that some self-professing Christian is less of one because of sexual orientation. Most of us don't know what is holy in this life even if it came up and kicked us in the ass. Come on for cryingoutloud, there are asinine Christians and asinine Gays (some of both groups who ride mountainbikes). And the converse is true as well. I'll say one thing from my experience.... between the gays I've met in my life and the Chrisitians whom I met, the later have been far more judgemental and self-rightgeous to an odious degree than the former.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by cliffster5
I'll say one thing from my experience.... between the gays I've met in my life and the Chrisitians whom I met, the later have been far more judgemental and self-rightgeous to an odious degree than the former.
:thumb: Of those that are 'self professed' I would definately have to agree.

The most even-handed, tolerant cummunity oriented people I know may or my may not be Christian. I wouldn't know because they have never smacked me in the face with it. They do not go to church regulary and never preach. There are not too many gays in my small town but I do some and they seem perfectly fine to me. I now know what rainbow stickers mean!:D

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by cliffster5

Is this a typo or is this your coming out party Edward? :eek: :D
:p Too funny! If there was ever a time to proof read this was it! Now how will the mud hunnies ever take me seriously??? OK. I confess. I'm Christian, I mountain, I wear blue eyeshadow... add it up!


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by Serial Midget

:p Too funny! If there was ever a time to proof read this was it! Now how will the mud hunnies ever take me seriously??? OK. I confess. I'm Christian, I mountain, I wear blue eyeshadow... add it up!
Right....I thought your gaze was only towards my Marzocchi...:eek:

Now I realize it was my Manzocchi!

So, why would you want to go running Sunday, when you could do a #30 shuttle?:confused: (non-gay non-christian reference)

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by ummbikes

Right....I thought your gaze was only towards my Marzocchi...:eek:

Now I realize it was my Manzocchi!

So, why would you want to go running Sunday, when you could do a #30 shuttle?:confused: (non-gay non-christian reference)
Ummm. One fine fork!:D

Anyhow I am am training for my next big run but... I was looking for an epic ride ALL WEEK and no one bit.:angry: So I made plans to run instead.

Did you hear about the Gay Terrorist who tied to blow up a bus? He burnt his mouth on the exhaust pipe!:eek:


The Rev
Oct 8, 2001
okay, I'll stir the pot....

the bible says there is no degree of sin... thusly being "homosxual" is no worse than lying, stealing, adultery, etc... SO, why is it that people condemn it so? or are not taking up the fight against all the "other" sins in the world as aggressively as they are against the gay people of the world... if you think about it... out of all sins... homosexuality is probably the least committed crime against God? something to think about.

personally... if you want to be gay.. cool.. if not.. cool... I wasnt' put here to judge.. and neither were you. who you sleep with is only a SMALL SMALL part of who you are as a person... why should it matter to anyone else...

just my two cents.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by DHRacer
okay, I'll stir the pot....

the bible says there is no degree of sin... thusly being "homosxual" is no worse than lying, stealing, adultery, etc... SO, why is it that people condemn it so? or are not taking up the fight against all the "other" sins in the world as aggressively as they are against the gay people of the world... if you think about it... out of all sins... homosexuality is probably the least committed crime against God? something to think about.

personally... if you want to be gay.. cool.. if not.. cool... I wasnt' put here to judge.. and neither were you. who you sleep with is only a SMALL SMALL part of who you are as a person... why should it matter to anyone else...

just my two cents.
Which is why I don't go to a church that preaches hate and exclusion as some (not all) do.


Aug 22, 2001
Question: If you commit a sin then ask for forgiviness and then commit the sin again and ask for forgiveness again are you good to go in the eyes of the lord until you commit the sin again.

And would doing the be considered gambling? And is gambling a sin?

Just wondering
Originally posted by mikec918
Question: If you commit a sin then ask for forgiviness and then commit the sin again and ask for forgiveness again are you good to go in the eyes of the lord until you commit the sin again.
Nope, you're not good to go. Does that mean you're going straight to hell? I don't think so.

But....I will say this. There's a difference between committing a sin, being genuinely remorseful and repenting, and then being so weak that you can't help but do it again.....and asking forgiveness just so you can cover your butt.

I don't mean 'you.' I mean you in the general sense.

I will also say that a Christian that actually takes the Bible and its teachings to heart isn't going to use forgiveness as an excuse to sin some more. They'll genuinely make efforts NOT to sin any more.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I wish that Christians could be thought of as simply people who believe in Jesus Christ and aspire to live a "Christ-like" life. I can't think of a single other Christian I know who has reached that level of attainment yet...that is why we aspire. To quote a song we sing in church quite often, "...you will know we are Christians by our love." Exclusionism and exaggerated displays of piety are just as sinful as packing fudge or stepping out on your lady.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Wow, how did I miss this thread?

Anyway, I'm out the door to go teach tonight, but never fear the post regarding the Bible and it's context will be addressed............. :cool:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
I have a conspericy theory that gay people are starting to pop up eevrywhere as a result of world over population. Eventaully there will be enough gays that the worlds population will stop increasing and even decrease. It's a genetic flaw built into our DNA that kicks in when over popualtion arises. :rolleyes:


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
JMAC said:
I have a conspericy theory that gay people are starting to pop up eevrywhere as a result of world over population. Eventaully there will be enough gays that the worlds population will stop increasing and even decrease. It's a genetic flaw built into our DNA that kicks in when over popualtion arises. :rolleyes:
You're joking, right? :think: I think you're joking...


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
hey, wait!!
i´ve also wondered...

how many gay monkeys in da hooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuseeeee!!!! saaaaaaayyyyyyy hooooooo!!!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!

(seriously, just for "statistical" purposes), any regular pd poster?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
hey, wait!!
i´ve also wondered...

how many gay monkeys in da hooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuseeeee!!!! saaaaaaayyyyyyy hooooooo!!!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!

(seriously, just for "statistical" purposes), any regular pd poster?
I dunno if there would be many at all. I have some gay friends and from what I've seen and they tell me gay folk don;t tend to be into "extreme" sports. Who knows though, that was one guys opinion.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
JMAC said:
I have some gay friends and from what I've seen and they tell me gay folk don;t tend to be into "extreme" sports.
dude, you need to seriously update your gay pr0n collection.

sorry, been studying solomon lately, & he was one very "enlightened" king (not queen)


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
There is no need for gays to "announce" their sexuality. It is no one's business who you sleep with, and the only two reasons why anyone needs to know:

1. They hate/are afraid of gays.
2. They are gay themselves, and are looking to hook up.

Anyone who want to know how many RM's are gay, please tell me if you are No. 1 or No. 2?