
(^•_•^) Sit-Turd-deh (^•_•^)


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Also, you've heard of tyvek house wrap, no?
Interestingly, the surfactants in soap reduce water tension, which can allow it to wet out tyvek. Not significantly, but some. Same thing with naturally occurring oils if you dont back prime cedar siding.

Probably not significant enough in either instance to result in damage, so long as there a mechanism for adequate drying.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Time to grab a shovel and plant another tree. And plants. Like 20 of them.

Had to acquire cedar clipboard siding this morning, what a pain. It's hard to find anywhere that has an abundance of bundles that aren't beat to hell.

Got some pretty gnarly trees to knock down today, 4 of them are 3’ diameter or bigger, rotten, leaning the wrong way and limb bound together and can’t get the excavator in the right spot for the most effectiveness of pushing them over. Going to be some sketchy saw work. I’ve fell some gnarly trees professionally over the last 30 years but this scenario may take the pucker factor to another level having so many obstructions and proximity to streets and machines
Good luck and stay safe!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Interestingly, the surfactants in soap reduce water tension, which can allow it to wet out tyvek. Not significantly, but some. Same thing with naturally occurring oils if you dont back prime cedar siding.

Probably not significant enough in either instance to result in damage, so long as there a mechanism for adequate drying.
Most residential pressure washers (at least the one I have) don't dispense soap in high pressure mode.

We have special surfactants in the lab to purposefully wet out tyvek to assess for barrier integrity


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Fukkin day 6 of Covid. Still feel like ass. Coughed up some bloody phlegm this morning. Still congested. Still feel flat. Diarrhea.

It's a beautiful day but I'm stuck lounging (moping?) around the house.



free wieners
Got my ass handed to me today,
ran through 5 gallons of saw gas in the 5hundy

Had to cut up all of the logs and limbs I had down in order to reposition the excavator to get to the trees that need to come down. Tomorrow I shall attempt to get the excavator uphill a ways so I can possibly get a bull rope on the trees with a change of direction and pull them to my will with some crafty cuts and wedges.

Had a faller buddy who owns a tree service show up and take a look just to have another head in the game, and he said fuck that. I guess I have to risk it for the biscuit

I am sore and tired, getting old sucks


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
DJ Gregarious was pretty terrible, but he played the jams. It was a lot of fun, but the wife gassed pretty early because she had an early morning.

By 9:30 it was up to about 60 people. The wife was just glad we weren't the oldest ones there.