
Advice on Training while injured


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Recently I ruptured my achilles tendon while playing raquetball. (What was I thinking doing anything but riding my bike!). Although I am still waiting to get a MRi I am pretty sure I will be off my bike and feet for that matter for at least 6 weeks. I am very prone to being FAT. If it wasn't for the ~60 mile of MTBng I do at least 3 times a week I would probably be back in my 38" pants.

Does anyone have any good ideas on how I can train to help keep my metabolism up during my down time? I have an adjustable weight bench and a few dumbbells that I do a set or 2 a day with. However I am thinking I am going to need a pretty regimented workout to compensate for not being able to ride.

I fought hard to change my body a few years ago, and MTB played a huge roll. (Part of why I love it so much). I was previously 5'10 225lbs with a 38" waist. Now I am ~ 175-180 with a 33" waist.

I have never been big on nutrition or regimented training because I was always having fun with it. However I am pretty sure I am going to need to suck it up and put forth way more effort to keep in shape while not being able to ride.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Feb 14, 2002
well, you could do upper body weight training, and train the uninjured leg, as strenth gains do actually transfer from one limb to another, as odd as that sounds, i would imagine an hour or so of weights 4 times a week, with short rest periods, 45 seconds or less, shoud get you heart rate up, and the additional muscle mass you put on should help burn more calories, you could also try adding in one legged riding, where you clip your uninjured leg in, and just ride like that, it is pretty hard, but teaches you a smooth pedal stroke, and will improve both the strength and endurance of your uninjured leg, which does transfer to the other limb, and do your best on nutrtion, it is my belief that nutrition makes up over 70% of the equation in losing weight


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by bbmj
well, you could do upper body weight training, and train the uninjured leg, as strenth gains do actually transfer from one limb to another, as odd as that sounds, i would imagine an hour or so of weights 4 times a week, with short rest periods, 45 seconds or less, shoud get you heart rate up, and the additional muscle mass you put on should help burn more calories, you could also try adding in one legged riding, where you clip your uninjured leg in, and just ride like that, it is pretty hard, but teaches you a smooth pedal stroke, and will improve both the strength and endurance of your uninjured leg, which does transfer to the other limb, and do your best on nutrtion, it is my belief that nutrition makes up over 70% of the equation in losing weight

Thanks for the advice... I really need some specifics. I really cant stand and work out so everything would have to be from the seated position. I know there are some people on here that maybe in the business of training or have gone through a similar experience.


Feb 14, 2002
well, bench press, incline presses, dumbell presses, dumbell extension, barbell extensions, leg raises, curls, shoulder presses, shoulder side laterals, abdominals, crunches, board presses, pullups check out www.elitefts.com and go to the Q&A and go to the exercise index, you should get lots of ideas from that, and well you could do some simple bodybuilding like thing, 3-6 sets of 6-15reps, do about an hour a workout, 3-4 times a week, should get you in decent shape


Nov 18, 2003
it sounds stupid.
But eat, a lot!
Make sure you are eating fresh stuff, and all around good stuff.
Try not to load up on any one thing too much.
IE carbs, fats, etc.

Certainly eat the fresh veggies, and protein.

You can always work out you upper body also.

Pullups, pushups. Something that will make your heart rate actually pump a little.

Most of all, Good Luck!


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
The single most important thing is to stay motivated. If you lose your motivation, you'll skip out on your diet and workouts. You'll skimp in working out, not doing that last couple reps or sets. Need to stay motivated.

I was injured a lot throughout High School, but I kept my motivation up and would always be in better shape coming back than when I got injured.

oh yeah, bbmj - Thank you so much for pointing me to the westside method. I'm at 275 now and rising. I'm not training only for power, but I've integrated it so that most of my workouts are westside based. You rock!


Feb 14, 2002
Hey Jorvick glad you finally saw the light(or lack of) and came to the dark side, youll never go back, and to anyone else who is looking for the best way to get strong, go to elitefts.com, and westside-barbell.com, read every article, you will be a smarter and better lifter, and athlete for it