
apparently, my neighbor lives in a cave


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
reflux said:
First: 20 min outside LA? What town? That could explain something.

Second: Big dork? That's cool imo. Like someone said, it could just be a ploy...

Third: In the same dorm? Doesn't matter, I did it, had some fun, didn't work out, but we still enjoyed the time spent together.

Fourth: Don't wanna mess up the friendship? Guys and girls are meant to be together. Watch "When Harry Met Sally" if you need further explanation.

Fif: Guts and instinct are the only true measure, analyzation doesn't do jack. If she's put herself in a position/situation for you to make a move, don't waste it because it's really a well-placed move on her part.

Sixth: Don't sweat it, contrary to popular belief, all things work out in the end.

Thanks for the advice. I am not sure what town she's from. Believe me, the big dork thing is no ploy. She is dork through and through. We can smell our own.

The real crux of the matter here is that I have no game. It's just a fact of life that I have come to accept. Worse, I think she has even less.

Also, I didn't mention the fact that I recently got out of a four year long relationship that I figured was going to last, well, forever. The terms were friendly, I suppose, but also, I admit, emotionally crushing for me. Long story really, really short: I do some service in Idaho this summer for 3 straight months. Get homesick, lovesick etc., race back across the US for a glorious reunion only to get dumped quickly.

Needless to say, I've been a little on edge since then, for lots of reasons....


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
Crashby said:
Really interesting topic...

Some people have very very small worlds... some of these worlds are just different than ours... I certainly understand that my dad (a physician) would not have a clue about Puff Daddy, or what 'spat-ball' is, or even what the word "Bling" means.
Crap, dude, I don't know what 'spat-ball' is, either.

As for not whistling, maybe it's a genetic thing. But not knowing Jodie Foster? That's just wrong.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
I can't whistle either :mad: but I am aware that it was common to be able to though.......one point for me!

JRogers said:
fair enough. But if you heard someone whistle would you react the same way as if they had just ridden into your house riding a unicycle, using a hula hoop and ordering a pizza at the same time?
Now this I can actually do........ :thumb:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If she gives you even the most remote sign that she's interested, make a move to see if she is. Even something as benign as putting your hand over hers can give you a good indication of what she's thinking.

Contrary to popular belief, showing romantic/sexual interest in a friend works out fine 99% of the time, one way or another. Either she's interested too, which solves the problem nicely, or she's not interested, and she'll likely get over the fact that you were pretty quickly - she may even find it flattering.

The only unclear part is the aftermath of any relationship you might have with her - but it's not like you've been friends for ten years and you'll be losing your lifelong companion.

At least that's my experience... Your mileage may vary :D